buggy connections

Hi all -

I'm getting super frustrated with TV. Frequently these days I connect to a client machine (Mac or PC) from my PC, and what will happen is after a minute or two my screen will stop updating but I am continuing to control their machine. They will see me moving the cursor, and selecting items or pushing menus and buttons, but those updates don't make it back to my screen. I am forced to disconnect and reconnect, or sometimes exit and restart team viewer completely on both machines. I'm on the latest version, and as much as possible they are too - I check for updates at the beginning of the session and install. Anyone else having similar issues? Any thoughts? Help!

Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @solmssen,

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    Next time it happens, could you try to Refresh the remote screen within the remote control session?

     You will find how to proceed here:

    Refresh remote screen.gif

    I hope this could help. ?

    Stay safe and sane! ?


    Community Manager

  • Refresh didn't solve it. Some notes from today's incident:

    Client downloads and runs my custom QuickSupport client on Windows 10. Case is sent to me, I open a connection and we work normally for a few minutes. At some point about 5 minutes in, I stop seeing updates on my screen, but he can see me moving his mouse. Refresh didn't help. I tried closing the connection and reconnecting, and then I restarted TV on my end, and both times I connected but I could see only a black screen on my end but he saw me moving cursor, etc. He rebooted, essentially restarting the QS client, and I was able to reconnect at that point.

    I'm opening a ticket, but I'd love to know if other users are experiencing this issue...