TeamViewer 8 End-of-Life

Over the years, we improved your TeamViewer connection in many aspects: stability, performance, features, transmission protocol, security.
It is against this backdrop, that we decided to phase out a range of legacy TeamViewer versions in 2021. Pursuing the goal of delivering the best quality, highest security, and fastest connections possible, server services for legacy TeamViewer version 8 will be discontinued effective
UPDATE: Read the latest information about this here.
How does this affect me?
As of June 1st, 2021, TeamViewer 8 will have reached its end of life. Connections outside your network with this version will not be possible any longer.
Because we’re committed to providing the best TeamViewer service possible, we’re excited to offer you a special complimentary trial of TeamViewer version 15, valid from January 19, 2021, through December 31, 2023.
On January 19th, TeamViewer 8 licenses will automatically be upgraded to a TeamViewer 13 license, valid through December 31, 2023. As we want to offer you the most modern TeamViewer experience possible, you can also choose to use TeamViewer 15 instead for the same time period, as a long-term trial.
What should I do next?
To continue enjoying TeamViewer with versions 13 or 15, please manually update your client after January 19th. Get step-by-step instructions for the process in this Community Knowledge Hub article (English).
Stay connected,
Former Community Manager
Best Answer
Hi all - I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
As promised before I posted an update to this topic now in a new thread as it applies both to this announcement as well as for the announcement for the TeamViewer 9-10 End-of-life.
Thanks for your patience and best,
Former Community Manager
Wait @Esther Why TV8 perpetual licences can upgrade to TV13 and the TV10 perpetual licences don't have that option? I am ready to start a Lawsuit action if TV company continue on the decision of broke the perpetual licence contract and i gonna promote a gobal class action! THIS IS TOTALLY UNNACEPTABLE!
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Hello @Esther ,
Years ago we made a deal and purchased TV8 perpetual license. Indeed we are satisfied with the features and do not need more.
Under any circumstances, you are obliged to keep your words on legal and moral grounds.
A sincere request: Kindly give-up using statements like ".. committed to provide best.." and ".. want to offer most modern". We are not kids.
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All who read this post - there is a very similar page for those on versions 9 & 10 that can be found here - it has lots more comments than this page but is related to the same issue:
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scam everywhere...
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Hi all - I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
As promised before I posted an update to this topic now in a new thread as it applies both to this announcement as well as for the announcement for the TeamViewer 9-10 End-of-life.
Thanks for your patience and best,
Former Community Manager
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Dear Esther,
I bought a TV 8 Corporate Perpetual licence (I also have 5 and 6 Corporate). There's just one thing that isn't clear at me: after Jan 19, what's the difference between upgrading to version 13 or 15? As we were perpetual customers, are we entitled to a new perpetual license?
Ciao and thanks
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I have 2 questions:
1. Please explain again ... did not understand at all. We have license 8 (corporate 2 channel). To use it under the LIFETIME LICENSE, we just need to install version 13 and use it as before without time limits? And if we install version 15, then we are provided with the 15th fully functional version until 2023? Did I understand correctly?
2. Let's say that we switched from version 8 to version 13 as part of a free migration. Now we need to create a branded host and quick support for version 13. Please tell me how to do this? The control panel does not allow you to select a version for generating new modules ...
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Please explain:
How does a recommendation to upgrade to a version which will not run on the operating system of our remote machines, help us?
We run remote machines using windows 2000. These are secured, in a data center, and do work vital to our company. The proprietary software they run will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and many months to replace, which is why we haven't done it yet. Worse, with Covid, there are now reduced revenues and people resources, and reduced travel. We have no access to our data center, for example, due to Covid lockdowns.
We are looking for a practical, useful solution to the problem you have created. We have no option but to continue using Windows 2000, which has worked fine for us since 2005. The process works, and more "up do date solutions" actually don't work, for this critical task. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars and many hundred hours to learn this.
So how is Teamviewer helping, by attempting to bankrupt us, its customer?
Other than hardware remote control solutions which rely on Java (not possible from iPhone / iPad) we don't have many choices. One "engineer" suggested connecting a more modern machine with Java to the hardware solution, then using Teamviewer 15 on that more modern machine ... to connect to a connection. Two more things to go wrong, how could that be a bad idea?
Your "upgrade to version 15" is very much like Marie Antionette, when told the peasants were angry because they had no bread to eat. She replied, "Let them eat cake". Is this Teamviewer's "Let them eat cake" moment?
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And thank you for this post December 2020, we JUST started getting messages that our version 8 would be discontinued, so investigation revealed that we will have nothing, according to your post, in less than a week. That's LOTS of notice. I don't look on these forums unless I have a problem, and we were not told anything about this until just this week. 3 channel commercial subscriber.
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What's with only giving me 24 hours notice on the Version 8, 9 & 10 licenses being phased out?
This isn't the first licensing issue I've had to dispute with Teamviewer.
I don't have a perpetual license, my complaint isn't about that.
But I checked and Teamviewer never sent me an email bout phasing out these licenses, I log in a regular basis to machines which have V8, 9 & 10 and yet they only throw a dialogue onto the login screen one day before the versions become EOL.
Maybe their management think 24 hours is ewnough notice to go and upgrade the remote versions on
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Hi @314fingers
I am not sure whether you saw the update to the above post. In any case, I am sharing the link directly:
In a nutshell: TeamViewer has decided to extend the migration period to September 15, 2021
Former Community Manager
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Hi, for me time-life license is unlimited in time.
Why does TV change the rules while the game is playing?
Such treatment of customers is unacceptable!
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i have 8 version which was purchased for life time. Now you say it is withdrawn. Thank google they have introduced "Third Party Product" which is more flexible and better. They will beat you in sometime. Dont be greedy