TeamViewer 9 & 10 End-of-Life

Over the years, we improved your TeamViewer connection in many aspects: stability, performance, features, integrations, protocols, and security.
It is against this backdrop, that we decided to phase out a range of legacy TeamViewer versions in 2021. Pursuing the goal of delivering the best quality, highest security, and fastest connections possible, server services for legacy TeamViewer versions 9 and 10 will be discontinued effective
UPDATE: Read the latest information about this here.
How does this affect me?
As of June 1st, 2021, TeamViewer 9 and 10 will have reached their end of life.
Connections outside your network with corresponding versions will not be possible any longer.
As we’re committed to providing the best service possible and to ensuring a smooth transition to the most modern TeamViewer version, we’re offering affected users a complimentary trial of TeamViewer 15, valid from January 19, 2021, through May 31, 2021.
What should I do next?
To get started with your free trial, please manually update your client to TeamViewer version 15 after January 19, 2021.
Get step-by-step instructions for the process in this Knowledge Hub article.
Stay connected,
Former Community Manager
Best Answer
Hi all - I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
As promised before I posted an update to this topic now in a new thread as it applies both to this announcement as well as for the announcement for the TeamViewer 8 End-of-life.
Thanks for your patience and best,
Former Community Manager
When I purchased my license I was told that it was perpetual, as in "forever". I purchased my license in 2015 and you only created your so called "Lifecycle Policy" in 2018. Is this even legal? I am prepared to take legal action against Teamviewer if they cut my service. Absolutely ridiculous and in bad faith! If anyone else is interested in coming together to create a Class Action Lawsuit, please post below. If there is enough of a response I will reach out to a Class Action Attorney.
21 -
I too purchased a perpetual licence, but the greed of TeamViewer wishing to put people into a subscription model, has made the smaller support organisations now facing either having to pay a rediculously high yearly fee, or looking elsewhere for another more affordable product. When you read the licence, as being, PERPETUAL, and then you sneak in a time limit, then that is not PERPETUAL is it?
Larger organisations with a lot of end users can afford to pay the amount requested by TeamViewer, but us smaller organisations who have spent their thousands of pounds through the years doing incremental updates when they seemed worthwhile, are now no longer even considered.
[**Information removed as per Community Guidelines**] seems to do a very similar job and vastly cheaper prices, so if I have no option but to go to a subscription model, I may as well go to one that is more affordable, and I am entering into a subscription model at the start.
10 -
yes i'm interested i'm furious. I just want to use my purchased product 10 I don't want your new version !!
Write me **Do Not Post Email Addresses**
6 -
I love when big companies play this game, please include me on the lawsuit!
Its one thing to end service but to make us pay for you lies, that won't happen!
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This is disgraceful, and even worse pretending it's about security when it's all about trying to force me into a subscription. I have paid you a lot of money for my perpetual licence for Teamviewer 10. Will you be refunding this now that you are stealing back what I bought from you. I am totally up for joining a class action lawsuit.
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What really makes this worse is the attempt to say it is all about security and speed and in fact it is all about greed and money. I have been bombared with offers to convert to TV15 for years ,,, they are so so desparate to get someone off tv 10.
i bought a perpetual license tx 10 in 2015 and was told it was for a lifetime. well a lifetime isn't 6 years
we have strong consumer laws in Australia. Can easily lodge complaint with tribunal ,,, can only appeal their decision to teh supreme court. only $70 to lodge. will seek full refund or if they can not offer contined used of tv 10 then they will need to replace with tv 15
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When I purchased my license I was told that it was perpetual, as in "forever". Is this even legal? lest file for a class action.
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add me in, lest file for a Class Action law suit
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Please also include me! 6 years is not a lifetime!
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I buy licence year by year from 2010 (if I remember well it was TV 6)
In my opinion it is very inproper behavior of IT specialist which use TV at they work, to use such old TV version as TV 9 and TV 10 This are almost 6 years old version of product related to SECURITY.
When you buy yours TV 9 and TV 10 licence it was obvious that you should buy newer version as soon as your licence will end, and this was a very long time ago.
Talking about greedy and money in this regard (by all those complaining about ending support) is that you just do not want to pay for good product update.
It is all what I want to say.
If you are offended by my statement, please make a complaint to your end customers, maybe they will support you in this and allow you to continue to use old TV versions to provide your service (complainning TV customer) to your own customer/clients (not TV customer/client) .
Dear IT specialists are just not serious on your part ?
mLipok , AutoIt MVP1 -
You want to say that this will work forever and according to the contract, its support will be at least 10 years, deceive everyone, is this correct on the part of the company?
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Comments are deleted ... Include me on the list
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Look at the feedback within less than 24 hours. Please post here if you want to be part of the class action. Keep in mind that I am in the USA and I'm not sure if a US class action can have applicants in other countries. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. When there are enough people listed here I will contact a Class Action Attorney and post the info here for people to join the lawsuit.
2 -
I understand that a product has to have a lifetime, and I knew going in that Teamviewer 10 would not be around forever. However, 5/6 years is ridiculous, especially considering the cost of the perpetual license. Aside from the product itself, I don't appreciate the sales tactics of Teamviewer as a company. They could've been more up front about the actual lifecycle of the product. They didn't even CREATE the LIFECYCLE POLICY until 2018 which was 3 years after I purchased my product. When I purchased Teamviewer, I entered in a good faith agreement with them that is binding to both of us.... you can't just decide to retroactively change the terms of an agreement for any reason, and when you are trying to force people into a subscription, which is really their ultimate goal, it is even more egregious. This has absolutely nothing to do with security at all. It's very much in bad faith.
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I want to be part of this Class Action lawsuit.
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I agree that TeamViewer is violating the terms under which we purchased our licenses. Feel free to contact me to be part of a class action lawsuit.
It isn't fair to change the rules retroactively after the item was purchased. It is the same as not honoring the warranty on an item because after it was purchased you changed the warranty rules.
I have another piece of software that when I purchased was a lifetime license. They later switched to yearly licenses for new people who purchase. They still honor my lifetime license.
I based my purchase on the lifetime/perpetual license. If they are not willing to honor that license they should refund all monies paid to persons/companies whose licenses they are are no longer honoring.
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i am not sure about all the other people who use team viewer since 2015, but i bought this team viewer because it was good deal, especially if you are small business struggling to survive.
if you are big corporation / organization, then buying TeamViewer subscription wont effect your business or cash flow. but if you are tiny / small business trying to survive, then it can be devastating every expense that you make or add.
Moreover, when you try to “ play fair “ (according to team viewer philosophy) and buy a lifetime license / perpetual (as in "forever"), you expect to receive product what it was promised.
I know many businesses with IT support who use the free version and charge clients for the support, is this how teamviwer rewards their clients who “play Fair”, and buy legitimate license ?
I hope teamviewer will try to help us, no need to take legal action yet, and try to resolve this peacefully as possible.
if this all fails, we need to organize a group to challenge this matter. Working together might have a chance.
I call all people effected with this matter, to organize petition with signatures to ask that TV will help us to resolve this matter.
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I was outraged at this announcement. We spent a lot of money to play fair and buy a multi-user Teamviewer commecial licence in 2015, only to have Teamviewer start nagging us and our customers to pay for an expensive update within months. Now this? Canceling our perpetual licence? Shockingly bad behavior by Teamviewer, and I hope to see it corrected quickly with an apology to customers.
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its TeamViewer problem, not customers problem, they must solve it without affecting the customers.
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Agreed, if they want to end the perpetual licenses for older versions then a perpetual subscription is the only proper solution.
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I cannot believe this is happening... Perpetual means forever, not 6 years, in the license agreement for TV 10, it does not say that the product will stop working after 6 years, therefore this termination of service is invalid and unlawful, approach local consumer council, here is a link for Norwegian customers How to complain - Forbrukerrådet : Forbrukerrådet (
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In the middle of the covid19 pandemic, we are being harmed by the company Team Viewer 10
It is not possible that the Team Viewer company will disappoint me, forcing me to pay subscription for the remote program, being that I bought at the time (23.04.2015) the plan of perpetual life license, in the amount of R $ 1,079.00. (Euro 332.40)
- I CANNOT PAY MONTHLY, I HAVE NO CONDITIONS FOR THIS - I am a worker who has difficulties keeping the company open, due to high taxes in Brazil, I do not want to believe that this is true! I will have to seek Brazilian justice, as it totally violates my CONSTITUTIONAL right, as I will acquire a perpetual license / forever and not a license valid for 6 years.
I have been a customer for over 6 years and this is how the Team viewer company will treat all users of the perpetual license? Do we all believe in the product seller and buy the lifetime license (perpetual)?
How will I do to serve my clients throughout Brazil and also in other countries?
I would very much like the company to be aware of the users who trusted and helped the company in the beginning and that we were led to buy this license, which at the time cost me R $ 1,079.00 (EUR 332.40) and the seller convinced me that the my license would never expire and I would have a perpetual license.
I hope I won't be forced to sign up, because I bought the Perpetual license, I can't afford to pay a subscription, since my use is very simple and I don't need many functions.
I look forward to the company's position and hope that all users of Perpetual licenses can spread this indignation, because if the license is perpetual and lifelong, we cannot be forced to obtain the implemented Team viewer subscription system, since the company still exists and the program is the same one used. (I am completely outraged and discredited by the integrity of the Team Viewer company.)
Tradução para Português Brasil:
Em plena pandemia de covid19, estamos sendo lesados pela empresa Team Viewer 10
Não é possível que a empresa Team Viewer vai me decepcionar, me forçando a pagar assinatura do programa remoto, sendo que comprei na época (23.04.2015) o plano de licença perpétua vitalícia, no valor de R$ 1.079,00. (Euro 332,40)
- NÃO POSSO PAGAR MENSALIDADE, NÃO TENHO CONDIÇÕES PARA ISTO - Sou um trabalhador que tem dificuldades de manter a empresa aberta, por impostos altos no Brasil, não quero acreditar que isto é verdade! Vou ter de buscar a justiça Brasileira, pois lesa totalmente o meu direito CONSTITUCIONAL, pois adiquiri uma licença perpétua/para sempre e não uma licença válida por 6 anos.
Sou cliente a mais de 6 anos e é assim que a empresa Team viewer tratará a todos usuários da licença perpétua? Todos nós acreditamos no vendedor do produto e compramos a licença vitalícia (perpétua) ?
Como vou fazer para atender meus clientes em todo Brasil e também em outros Países ?
Gostaria muito que a empresa se sensibilizasse para com os usuários que confiaram e ajudaram a empresa no início e que fomos levado a comprar esta licença que na época me custou 1.079,00 R$ (332,40 EUROS) e o vendedor me convenceu que a minha licença nunca iria vencer e eu teria uma licença perpétua.
Espero não ser forçado a assinar, pois comprei a licença Perpétua, não posso ficar pagando uma assinatura, sendo que o meu uso é bem simples e não preciso de muitas funções.
Aguardo a posição da empresa e espero que todos os usuários das licenças Perpétuas possam espalhar esta indignação, pois se a licença é perpétua e vitalícia, não podemos ser forçados a obtermos o sistema implementado de assinatura do Team viewer, sendo que a empresa ainda existe e o programa é o mesmo usado. (Estou completamente indignado e desacreditado com a idoneidade da empresa Team Viewer.)
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As a UK educational customer, we made a long term strategic decision to invest in the perpetual licence model. A significant up front investment based on what now appear to be false promises. During the sales process in 2015 there was no mention that the service would be withdrawn within 6 years.
I'd welcome any comment from other UK users, but my thinking is that this would count as mis-selling under the Trade Description Act 1968
@Esther - can you please feedback to the powers that be how utterly let down and disappointed many of your long term customers are by this decision. I suspect that if you continue to press ahead, the legal damage, and damage to your reputation will be significant and long lasting.
Teamviewer works really well for us and allows us to assist many teachers and pupils on a daily basis. Unfortunately, our trust in Teamviewer has been severely dented. Put it right quickly, while you still can.
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Yes, I'd be interested in a class action lawsuiit. I have a number of law firms as clients which I reached out to a few. They all agree this is clearly a breach of cotract and not legal should anyone choose the enforce their rights.
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I have the same problem on version 8 (strangely no comments on that version of this page?), am based in the UK and would be interested in joining any class action.
However, as any personally identifiable information is redacted, I'm not sure how we can communicate away from this forum? Any suggestions?
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I look forward to the position of some moderator of the forum, because I believe that we will have hundreds of complaints here, I hope that all users can revolt and come here in this topic and talk about their indignation. Has anyone called the Team viewer company to see what will be done? or that's right. :( will we have to be injured without going to court? is the Team Viewer justice stronger? Team Viewer is thinking that it is above the law, because the company must have more than 50 lawyers, I think we will lose this fight. :( Has anyone got a position at Team Viewer?
radução para Português do Brasil:
Aguardo a posição de algum moderador do forum, pois creio que vamos ter aqui centenas de reclamações, espero que todos usuários possam se revoltar e vir até aqui neste tópico e falar sobre a sua indignação. Alguém já ligou para a empresa Team viewer, para ver o que vai ser feito? ou é isso mesmo. :( vamos ter de ser lesados sem entrar na justiça? a justiça do Team viewer é mais forte ? O Team Viewer esta pensando que esta acima da Lei, pois a empresa deve ter mais de 50 advogados, eu acho que vamos perder esta luta. :( Alguém já conseguiu alguma posição da empresa Team viewer ?
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Please, everyone who reads here, go to the official Facebook fanpage to complain in the comments too, with the unity of all, we can make the company rethink, in this irresponsible attitude towards us, holders of the perpetual license.
Access the official fanpage of the company to comment on the posts and thus make the company manifest itself to all of us, we do not want a mandatory monthly fee, as we have a lifetime / perpetual license.
Tradução para o Português Brasil:
Por favor, todos que lerem aqui, vamos na fanpage do facebook oficial reclamar também nos comentários, com a união de todos, poderemos fazer com que a empresa possa repensar, nesta atitude irresponsável para conosco, detentores da licença perpétua.
Acessem a fanpage oficial da empresa para comentarmos nas postagens e assim fazermos que a empresa se manifeste para com todos nós, não queremos obrigatoriedade de mensalidade, pois temos a licença vitalícia/perpétua.
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I totally agree with all that is said here. I personally feel DOUBLY swindled. I started using Team Viewer many years ago with version 4. I fully paid for a version 4 license and then was forced to pay AGAIN for a so called "upgrade" to version 10. And now they gonna' kill version 10 and start chagrin again.
I sunk thousands of Euros into this company, but they keep milking ...
And do not even start me on the forward incompatibly where our version 10 support host can not communicate with the client's version 11, 12 or higher even for the simplest task of remote control. This, I am pretty sure, is a deliberate pressure to keep upgrading and upgrading endlessly.
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You can add me on the list. After few months, version unavailable for last version. And now, double problem... lifetime licence is not several years.
I will follow these legal pursuit too.
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Keep the comments coming. Maybe if Teamviewer sees how many users post and how serious the users are about taking legal action they will change their course of action.