We already purchased additional license but we were not able to add it on.
See error message below.
Thank you for your response.
Please check your community account email inbox, as we've created support ticket for further communication.
Best Regards,
up, :help: still we cannot add our newly purchased license.
Please ensure you have company admin rights to conduct this process. If you don't have the right, please contact company admin of the license.
Regarding company profile, feel free to check the information from here.
Hope this could help.
Thank you @Akiho_S
Actually our admin is conducting the process, but he was stuck at activation of the license,
as it says
"Another TeamViewer Assist AR plan is already Activated on the company assigned to"
See image image we attached on the original post.
We are worried that our 10 license might be overwritten by 3 new purchased licensed.
Pleased do advice on what action we could do.
HI @KMCDagus,
Thank you for contacting TeamViewer Community.
Please kindly to check the knowledge article - How to activate your Pilot License.
Best Regard,
Thank you Miss @Akiho_S .
We did follow the steps but when activating via link given, an error message pops out about another license with the our company plan was activated.
what we are trying to do is to add more license, example from 10 by purchasing additional 3 will make our company have 13 licenses.
we cannot add the additonal 3.
Thank you.