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I renewed my licenses today. I received mail about order confirmation but I cannot have access to use features. When I log in, the program do not show my subscrition. It says upgrade your plan. How can I solve this problem?
Hi I just paid for 1 year subscription but entered wrong email and I wish to cancel + refund. I can't access the license nor did I receive any order confirmation from teamviewer because of the wrong email entered. I can't also create a ticket. Please help. Order number: [Removed as per Community Guidelines] Paid through…
I just purchased a new TeamViewer Business Plan (Single User) that I need to use urgently. I did receive the TeamViewer order confirmation email. However, I did not receive a separate email with my invoice. When I try to sign in to customer portal, it says I have not activated my customer portal account and gives me a link…
Hello, I bought a Teamviewer 6 licence in 2011 and did some upgrades with the passing of time, but today it's showing that I don't have licence anymore. I've tried to re-activate my old license number but got a message error. TeamViewer is critical for our business and I really need your help here.
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Why do i have exactly the same problem every time i change a pc or laptop, it is impossible to get the new one setup. It ALWAYS makes me download first but then says i am using a free license - even though i am logged in and it must know that i have a valid paid for license! I really despair, i have wasted at least 2 hours…
May I know how long does it takes to have the license activation email sent to me? Would my license count as of the payment date? If it takes like 2 days, will my license dated count also 2 days later?
I get Emails to activate my licence purchased on September 23, 2024. When I click on the link it allways says: The license could not be activated because there is another License on this account. But I used to have one, which I cancelled. Then I worked with the free one but I need a paid one so I got the remote acces abo.…
Hi There I have a business subscription to Teamviewer, and I used to have 200 licenses for Asset Management and monitoring as well as Malwarebytes Endpoint protection. Because the old sales rep provided me with different license I have got multiple license with different PAC id on same account. Now I requested support to…
which plan or subscription should be purchased to get unlimited time access to remote control of mobile devices from a computer?
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