Authentication Rejected on Connection using Quick Support


Hi All,

We're having an issue with a couple of our clients (I firmly believe it is an issue with their environment and not an issue with teamviewer itself) however i need a pointer as to which part of the environment is causing this.

Many thanks



  • MikeArran
    MikeArran Posts: 2 ✭✭

    From the log files on connection:

    2021/09/24 10:14:51.708 24096 15060 G1  LoginOutgoing: starting authentication

    2021/09/24 10:14:57.702 24096 18704 G1  LoginOutgoing: authentication denied

    2021/09/24 10:14:57.703 3700 20900 S0  SessionControl::TerminateSession: Session termination reason LoginFailed

    2021/09/24 10:14:57.709 3700 20900 S0  Carrier[3]::CmdEndSession(): Received CMD_ENDSESSION with reason: LoginFailed

    2021/09/24 10:14:57.713 24096 7244 G1!! CLogin::AuthenticateClient() Connection to 37558xxxx denied, because remote TeamViewer is not visible

    2021/09/24 10:14:57.714 3700 20900 S0  SessionStatistics[3] Session to 37558xxxx ended. Estimated capacity=45870kBit/s, Latency=17ms