How do I export the list of users and information I see in my screen when I click: Groups -> All
I want to see a list of all Teamviewer ID's / Name(Alias) / Group
Hello @AlainMoreau,
Please find the corresponding thread regarding this topic here:
Let me know if this is what you were looking for! 🌻
The below powershell script works for exporting Users:
$jsonFile = "C:\TeamViewer\User_export.json"
$csvFile = "C:\TeamViewer\User_export.csv"
$tvAccessToken = read-host "Please type your token "​
$usersResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -Headers @{authorization = "Bearer $tvAccessToken"}
$usersResponse.users | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $jsonFile
$usersResponse.users | Export-Csv -Path $csvFile -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation
You answered with a response on how to export "Computers". The question is how to export "Users" please.
Thank you so much, @JackKaylor, for sharing this script with us!
I am sure this will help lots of users! 🙌
All the best,
API has a lot of features, very handy. kind of strange these aren't basic features in the UI... I ended writing a powershell script that leverages the API. Thanks for the discussion and responses, glad people are getting something from it!
That's very good feedback... thank you @AlainMoreau.
It would be fantastic if you could share the scripts you have written!
(But only if you want to...😊)
Have a great day!
Hello @JackKaylor and @AlainMoreau,
I am just updating the discussion here as it is now possible to export all users into a CSV file from the Management Console.
This will download the export in .csv format automatically.
I hope this will help your future exports!