Hi, when I tried to apply or change a policy on machines TV popups the following error.
Doing this from Design & Deploy the error didn't appear but the policy isn't applied either.
Hello @DanteG
Thank you for your post, and welcome to the TeamViewer community!
Could you please let me know if this device is in a group associated with your account, or in a group that was shared to you?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @JoshP sorry for the delay.
I don't know how to associate a group to my account and although I'm not in its Share user list I have access to all computer under it.
I created a new group, moved a computer to it and tried to change its assigned policy and agai received the same error.
Thank you for the clarification! No worries on the delay, and I hope the holidays were good for you 😁
For my original question, if the group was shared to you there would be a cloud icon ( ☁ ) next to it. This would indicate if the group was your own.
Since you created a new group and the errors persisted, we can move forward from that one; I still believe we are on the right track!
In order to apply a policy to a device, the device must be assigned to your account. Could you please verify that the device is assigned to you? This is found in the General settings of TeamViewer on the remote device: