Wrong password to access partner

I am using the free version to help my mom. I have been able to access, including yesterday (1-18), but today when putting in the random password in is telling me I have an invalid password. We have both rebooted our computers twice. Caps lock is off. She has refreshed the password multiple times. Verified connected to network. Computer is connecting just not accepting password.

Best Answer


  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,429 Moderator

    Hi @TickledDog,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community✨✨

    Could you try restarting TeamViewer services on both the local and remote devices, please? Sometimes it can help in this case. On Windows, completely close the remote TeamViewer including restarting the TeamViewer service. (Start --> run --> services.msc -> find TeamViewer and restart it).

    After which, please try the connection to your mum with the newly generated random password.

    If the issue remains after trying the above method, kindly ask you to reply to this comment with a screenshot of the error message.

    Hope this would be helpful.

    Look forward to hearing from you🍀

    Best regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • The stop and restart didn't work. Both machines. Verified my status by signing into my other mom's computer and it popped right up.

  • Thank you for your quick assistance. If I have any more issues I will reply back.