Sunsetting active support of the Microsoft Outlook Add-In

Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager
edited May 2023 in Announcements

Hi all, 

We want to announce that, as of now, TeamViewer will no longer be actively supporting the Microsoft Outlook Add-In.   

Stopping the active support means that we will not implement updates or fixes specific to this feature and will stop providing support for the Microsoft Office Integration. 

However, we are happy to inform all TeamViewer Meeting customers -who are currently using the feature successfully- that the service remains available for you. 

While there won´t be any further development or support on the feature, we want to highlight the available online forum for peer-to-peer support that can help you in case of questions: TeamViewer forum, TeamViewer Meeting forum and Servicecamp forum.

Thanks for using TeamViewer! 

All the best, 


Former Community Manager