Have Teamviewer on 3 PCs to control. I want to control them from a 4th pc.

dorlow Posts: 6
edited June 2023 in General questions

So, I just bought the business license. I have teamviewer installed on 3 PCs for me to control. I was trying to install Teamviewer on a 4th pc... not to control it, but to manage one of the 3 PCs. I contacted support earlier and they told me my license can only handle 3 PCs. I cannot manage it on a 4th PC. I just looked up the license. It says my license allows me to control up to 3 PCs from up to 200 PCs. So, sales support is wrong or the web link is wrong. But, how do I control the PC? If I install the software and tie it to my login, it uses a license and errors out because it's trying to take a 4th license.


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,763 Moderator

    Hi @dorlow,

    Thank you for posting in TeamViewer Community!

    For the features of TeamViewer Business license usage, you are able to

    • start the outgoing remote connections from 3 fixed devices
    • setup up to 200 managed devices with the license
    • with 1 licensed user
    • connections to unlimited devices

    We have prepared this knowledge article for explaining the features on the core license options here 👇

    Back to the key question you have from post, if you would like to move the license from one of the 3 fixed devices, you are able to change it on TeamViewer Management Console. Check out the knowledge article below 👇

    To sum up, you may activate the license and start the remote connections on devices A, B, C to unlimited endpoints. To move the license to device D, you will need to delete either device A/B/C first then add device D to ensure only have 3 devices link with license activation at the same time.

    I really hope my answer here helps you to understand the license. Let me know if you have any more questions about TeamViewer.

    Wish you a pleansant day! 😊



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