Shortcut to connection does not work - You need to be logged in to connect automatically


I have dragged and dropped a connection from my computers and contacts tab to desktop to

create a shortcut. However, the shortcut tells me that I need to be logged in to connect automatically, which I am...

Not sure how I can fix this?



  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,762 Moderator

    Hi @Wahoo,

    Welcome to TeamViewer Community!

    We are sorry that Shortcut to Connection did not work as expected with TeamViewer. The issue will be escalated to support engineer team for further investigation.

    At the meanwhile, Command line parameters is the workaround we suggest at the moment. You may use the command line for ID.

    Hope it helps and works on your side.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Wahoo
    Wahoo Posts: 2

    Unfortunately, that does not work either...

    When I try commandline option, it tells me to enter the password shown on the client. The client is TV Host on android on unattended mode, and does not show a password.

    Does this have to do with me using the free version by any chance?