Cannot assign machines to policy

KLewandowski Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited November 2022 in General questions

After creating new policy I'm trying to assign test machine to it.

Regardless of personal password being set or not I'm receiving an errors showed on screenshot at random.

I have created a group and assign this new policy there but test machine doesn't pick it up

Can you please help fix the issue ?

Kind regards.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,006 Community Manager 🌍

    Hi @KLewandowski,

    Welcome to the TeamViewer Community! 🚀

    We could reproduce the error message on our end. The issue is that your device is not yet assigned to your account.

    You need to:

    1. assign the device to your account.
      • We recommend using a custom module that you can create in the Design & Deploy menu.

    Let me know if you have any further questions! I'll be happy to assist.


    Community Manager

  • KLewandowski
    KLewandowski Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Hi @JeanK

    Device is assign to my account but I can see that we overreached managed devices count as showed below

    Can this be an issue ? If so can you please advise on a solution.

    Kind regards

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,006 Community Manager 🌍

    @KLewandowski I can confirm that overreaching the managed devices count does not affect the policy assignment.

    The error message clearly says that the issue is the assignment.

    Could you please try to unassign the device, assign it again, and test if it works?


    Community Manager

  • KLewandowski
    KLewandowski Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Dear @JeanK

    I think i may made a mistake when trying to explain.

    When writing device I had in mind teamviewer ID and yes I tryied to delete and add again couple time.

    Kind regards

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,006 Community Manager 🌍

    When you say that you "tried to delete and add again", do you mean delete the device from your Computers & Contacts list?

    Or unassigning the device and assigning it, following this procedure?


    Community Manager