The new UI is horrible...



  • Lewis_KestrelIT
    Lewis_KestrelIT Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    Startup MSP here, just me at the moment supporting 200+ users across multiple clients.

    I agree, the new interface is absolutely dire. I'm usually all for updates and refreshes to UI, I'm not one of these people who always likes to mention how windows 2000 was the best Windows ever and 10 / 11 looks horrid.

    But this isn't just a refresh, every single option has moved.

    Functionality that has been in a particular place for years has not just moved but been hidden away.

    And the ammount of clients that are confused around having to create an account and setup encryption keys on their own end is a joke.

    If I can get a mid term refund I'll be leaving. If I can't, I wont be reneweing.

  • glenvee
    glenvee Posts: 3

    The new Teamviewer UI uses Microsoft Edge WebView2, which comes as part of Edge, although it can be installed separately without Edge as far as I know. In Teamviewer Options> Advanced, all the way at the bottom is a heading "IoT Options" which has a checkbox for "Use Microsoft Edge WebView2 for Remote AppControl"

    Try unchecking that and see if it changes anything.


  • C2H0
    C2H0 Posts: 1
    edited May 2023

    What an absolute garbage UI!! Who ever designed this needs to look for a new job. It is so bad it is nearly non functional, what the bleep are these UI designers even thinking, sure, we care a little about appearance but not by sacrificing usability. TV, you need to fire these UI designers and revert as fast as possible.

    FYI I had to install a new PC and I literally cannot figure out how to add the new PC to my list, I had to download the Hosted version just to connect and get my job done.

    Not sure what to do next..

    [removed per Community Guidelines] I don't want to switch since I have a lot of PC's connected but if this is the future I am jumping off.

  • CaveDog
    CaveDog Posts: 2
    edited October 22

    The UI is so convoluted and cluttered. Locking the ID/password behind an account creation was a galaxy brain idea. This looks the kind of UI design that an executive thought up because they had to justify their salary, but had no idea what they were doing.

  • christst
    christst Posts: 4
    edited October 22

    Agreed, I am here cause of it also. Very confusing interface.

  • JustSumGuy
    JustSumGuy Posts: 20
    edited October 22

    How can they not include a way to go back??

    I really hate this new setup, much harder to deploy a new system with unattended access.

    it feels like they are abandoning users like us where all we do is a tech that remotely helps employee.

    Now my end users must click extra steps, deploying stations and laptops takes longer, end users are annoyed...

    Help desk operators are annoyed with the interface, slows them down finding the end user device they need to attend to..


  • LakeShore
    LakeShore Posts: 16
    edited October 22

    Thank god for this post.

    TeamViewer, at least put a toggle to the old interface on the opening screens so we don't have to resort to reg hacks to get full functionality back.

    The new interface is not for IT pros, it is for home users and that is not your base, TV!

  • AndreB85
    AndreB85 Posts: 18

    You are right. For receiving connections it's not a minor thing to create a teamviewer account. But unfortunately you didn't read my entire post, since I also said, that for usecases like yours, you can use either the Host client (if you want to install a service) or the Quick Support tool (for one time use). The FullClient is meant to be used to connect to someone else - in which case do understand to make an account a requirement (though, I'm not a fan of it either).

  • achridhan
    achridhan Posts: 1

    True.. 1st need sign in.. while old one still can get remote even without login, can setting new password, and remote localy by ip.. now what.. not everyone have tv users.. and not pratical to enter support account to user pc..

    Is there any way to access old UI without login 1st? like create shortcut teamviewer -old or something

  • Gyula
    Gyula Posts: 5
    edited October 22

    Silence is golden...

    At least that's what Teamviewer thinks. Ever since this "great" new version was introduced without any prior notice, everything has been turned upside down. The well-functioning, easy-to-use and tuneable software, understandable even for non-IT-specialist end users, turned into a practically inoperable monstrosity. Many hundreds of IT professional users - including me - who have been using the system for years, flooded the community interface with complaints.

    But the TV is as silent as the grave. This is even more incomprehensible than the "development" that turned out to be a total dead end.

    My subscription expires in July. If there is no substantial change by then, I will leave here.

    TTTTTTTT Posts: 2
    edited October 22

    What the heck were they thinking when they designed this version? They have totally destroyed a great product and made it impossible to use. I can’t figure out how to use it. Way to complicate. I’m looking for an alternative.

  • DailyUserUS
    DailyUserUS Posts: 2
    edited October 22


    This new way has taken an easy "Lets get you fixed up quickly" to "I am so sorry this used to be easy" 20+ minutes later.

    I have had to revert to **Third Party Product** to connect to help users. If this does not change I will NOT be renewing my subscription nor recommending to anyone.

    TTTTTTTT Posts: 2
    edited May 2023

    This new version is absolute garbage and a complete mess. I can’t figure this **bleep** out and have had to resort to using a competitor’s product instead. I won’t be renewing my license. This is seriously the stupidest **bleep** I’ve ever seen in an update. You’ve lost my business!!!!

  • ChadRT
    ChadRT Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    The new UI has left our entire company wondering what on earth they were thinking. This is one of the most unfriendly UI experiences we have ever had.

    I can say one thing for certain. TV has lost our account! We have started exploring the other products out there and we have found a few that will meet out needs nicely. While we are not the biggest company out there if every 100m corporation were to do that same thing they would be loosing a lot of money. It is a shame this update killed a long history of being able to support internal users and external users alike.

  • AlanJones
    AlanJones Posts: 1
    edited May 2023

    Agreeing here with all the other comments. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There was nothing wrong with the old interface. It was logical and easy to use.

    The grouping worked well as did everything else. I persevered with the new interface for a few days but the final straw was the number of clicks trying to connect to a new clients computer by the TeamViewer ID. Switched back to the old UI and peace & calm ensued.

  • The person I'm working with and I spent half an hour trying to create a connection and couldn't figure it out. Can we go back to the old version? I just need help with typing sometimes. Let me suggest that TeamViewer give an hour a day for the free version or have a reasonable priced one for lay people. It's sometimes bans me for no reason and then I have to wait weeks.

  • deejinoz
    deejinoz Posts: 35
    edited October 22

    It is simple enough, once you jumped through their hoops of creating a TeamViewer account, to switch the new UI back to the old one. Just go to the cog on the bottom left had side of the new UI, select "Your Device" then switch off "Use new TeamViewer interface".

    You can even log the UI out of the account you were just coerced into creating (still not convinced this is about end user security as it is about getting people info) and it'll still run OK.

    The new UI changes seem to be more about using the app more like Teams/Zoom/GoTo for meetings than it does about being a remote support tool. Perhaps the TV people think there is a bit of an existential threat from the other meeting/remote products and this is their response to that. I use TV as a paying support tech and I tried the new UI but quickly went back to the old UI as I struggled to see how the new one benefitted me in any way.

  • Wallydb
    Wallydb Posts: 1

    I have been complaining about the chat feature being covered by adds for a long time and chat has gone backwards. Now in the new version - they redesigned chat so that a user have to have an account with teamviewer in order to chat. Then when you do that you can talk to the user but the user cannot type back. Even the chat is a little popup or a side bar which the users will never see. Useless.

    Teamviewer was used to support customers who are not technically savy and the simplisity of TV two years ago - perfect. Now this monster has many heads and it does not do this right.

    I cannot create for each machine supported an account. It will take weeks. You are missing the mark TeamViewer.

    Seperate your products. Give us Remote support separate. Leave what made you great alone. Nobody asked for the rest. Put that in other products for those who want it.

    As a long time user now I have to manage Teamviewer before I can manage my customers. Thanks for adding complexity to everything. It is just terrible.

    So glad I don't have stocks in TeamViewer - it is a sinking ship. There is still time to save this ship but Teamviewer is so big - why do they need to listen.

  • Cihelka
    Cihelka Posts: 1

    absolutely horrible / terrible / demotivating

  • This is a complete disaster. 'Groups' are totally screwed up, PCs are 'Bookmarked and not available'.

    The only consolation is I can at least still find the PCs I support.

    reverting to the old platform is also a complete dogs dinner

    Why would you release such a poor upgrade?🤦

  • Andre, It does not work. Plain and simple. I

    t seems someone stood at the window and threw a grenade into the room. What was a tight, simple interface is now a complete quagmire of new and duplicated groups, bookmarked, read 'crippled' devices, glitches connecting to Easy Access PCs. Computers/Devices stuck between the new group and old group.

    I chose the update link to upgrade the Devices and boy that was a mistake.. Devices are doing their own thing and I have to fix that mess manually on remote devices!

    The app now freezes on my Mac and I have to force quit. It will, if it feels like it, list the Devices I manage when restarted, but you must hunt them down now.

    Click to connect to a device and you're taken to a screen with such high resolution you cannot see anything.

    How do you move a device to another group?

    What does Bookmarked mean???? my own device is bookmarked and the support links offer nothing useful.

    How do I delete a group... there are absolutely no menu options other then to add a comment!!

    The edit option on a device allows only a comment to be added.

    Nothing about "New' is working the way it should. Rather like TeamViewer went Windows 8 and messed us all up.

    The New interface when it does work is not particularly attractive either.

    Go back to the old interface and..... yeah that is now a mess too.

    Now do you see? the catalogue is long.

  • sergiu
    sergiu Posts: 2

    Changing an interface is one thing. Fundamentally changing the way a software works without a LOOOOOONG period of adjustment for end-users is just stupid.

    The simple fact is this: I've personally talked through and gave the usual speech with go to, download, install, send me the user/pass to so many people that now most of the people I support already know what to do. Guess what, someone needs to now help them through a completely different and less intuitive way of doing things. If I'm going to go through this trouble I might as well just change the software, it's not as if there are no alternatives. This was the simplest to use not by the person giving support, but by the supported person. Not the case anymore.

    Plus, as it's been stated before, the sessions concept just doesn't fill all the functionality gaps - the supported user MUST be present at the other end and have a way of receiving the session data. For example, I support remotely the introduction of new machines in a network, usually for people that are yet to enter through the office doors, but need to have ready to work workstations.. Last month I had to do 25. I prepare the user's credentials, and I have one guy at the other end that will just start the new machine, sign in windows, start tmw, send me a picture with id and password and **bleep** off, cause this is not his job. You've now added a lot of steps to achieve what was simple to do - we now have to find a way for him to receive the session - remember, this is not his machine, he should not be connecting to his own email, etc., but the new user has no email configured yet, this is why I'm connecting to it.

    Until this is recalled or addressed properly, I'll go the extra mile and connect my users on an older tmw version, that offers the known steps. Once this can't be done anymore, I'll talk them through the migration process. Migration to another solution that is, cause guess what? I'm not paid to educate users on whatever TeamViewer decides to change just because, I'm the one that pays the bill. This update means I'll more likely pay other software.

    Wake up and realize you're not a regular software company that just needs to educate their paying customers. You rely on those people to talk and educate the regular users into how it all works. Changing things so drastically just makes all that work and good will you had in the market go the way of the dodo. When a company I pay creates extra work for me it won't get paid any more, simple as that.

  • cheese62
    cheese62 Posts: 10

    I am a self employed support person and the previous version was great. At best the new version is poor.

    Biggest issue I have had is that the assign easy access on a first session on a new computer. Just a tick box - that is all we need. Why make a good product less usable.

    I think this is the usual thing of designers being let loose on a product tht they don't actually use in the wild. Spend a few days doing real TV support and you will see why we like the old system. Quick, simple and easy to use.

  • P3_WJ
    P3_WJ Posts: 3
    edited October 22

    Couldnt agree more.

    The new UI is total **bleep**.

    Everything is harder, more complicated and annoying. End users are useless for the most part and it adds a whole new level of annoyance to both sides of the process.

    Also, why does the end user have to login to get to options??

  • P3_WJ
    P3_WJ Posts: 3

    This is by far the worst version of this software.

    If it doesnt get sorted and reverted back to a usable format we will be looking at replacing it with a different product.

  • I agree, The new UI is awful. It doesn't easily allow me to find computers like before as it only shows 13 devices at a time where before it would show 2 or three times that. It is more difficult to find the connect button. Moving to a web style interface for the program is a big mistake in my opinion. Also it doesn't seem to have the same resolution as the old version. Who thought up this rubbish in TeamViewer needs to be fired.

    I will be looking for alternatives

  • All the latest changes to the new TeamViewer are completely useless.

    Not a single issue that I have raised for the last few years have been addressed, and now have more issues to deal with.

    Could not even get access to the my account today after an auto update ran on my system.

    No support was available either to assist with this.

    Lucky I fond an old installer, and got that to work.

    Been thinking to change to an alternate solution recently, and due to problems today, this has just pushed me over the line to make efforts to start looking to change from the TeamViewer product.

  • JaseK
    JaseK Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    I have used Teamviewer for 10+ and its only now I will look at alternatives. I cannot even change what Group a device goes in on the app anymore, its horrible, slower and all moving towards using their other services (video and coms) which I have NO interest in whatsoever. As much as a massive pain it will be to move, they have never been the cheapest, but now they are far from the best either. Geeeee let me think, the worst software is almost the most expensive? no thanks, Bye Teamviewer!

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @B123, and all below, who took the time to share their thoughts.

    I understand where you're coming from, the habits you developed throughout the years on using TeamViewer, and that this is a paradigm change for everyone.

    However, please give me a chance to convince you guys that the new interface is just a change and a real upgrade in terms of simplicity and security.

    Indeed, IDs and passwords are no longer needed/used, and now, we use session links to connect to remote computers. It is true that, in the beginning, things might look more complex than they used to be. However, if you look at how attended (user physically in front of the remote computer) and unattended (no one in front of the remote computer) remote support works now, you can objectively see a quicker and more secure user journey.

    I truly believe that the main issue is changing habits, which is hard; I 100% agree.

    Please find the step-by-step process on how to provide attended and unattended remote support with TeamViewer Remote here:

    Based on this new workflow, please let me know which parts are unclear or which you are still struggling with.

    The goal here is to understand your pain points and address them so that we can deliver the best remote support journey.

    Thank you all for your loyalty and your time to provide feedback.

    Let's keep the conversation going; it helps us a lot.


    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @bguptill,

    Thanks a million for taking your time and providing proper feedback. We highly appreciate it.

    Let me tackle the points you mentioned:

    • First of all, we are sorry to hear that you couldn't reach support when you needed it. Right after the release, we received many calls, and perhaps the line was already full at the time you called. We hope that next time, you will have a better experience.
    • This is 100% correct: if you want to connect to a computer with no one on the remote side (unattended), then the Host is the ideal solution. There must be a technical explanation for why you couldn't assign some devices to your account. I tried it with 4 different test devices; I could assign them to my account without any issues. I am sure our support team can help investigate this issue. Based on our experience, the Host assignment is very reliable, especially if you deploy it via command line (or other deployment methods). Please find the complete user guide on deploying TeamViewer Host here: Mass deployment - Overview.
    • About not being able to drag & drop devices from one group to another. I've noted the feedback and passed it on to our dedicated team. This is very good input that our team will consider going forward.
    • About the simplicity, as I wrote in another thread, the core issue is getting used to the new system, breaking the habits of using IDs and passwords, getting used to the use of session links, the new UI, etc. You can find easy step-by-step guides on how to use TeamViewer Remote via attended and unattended remote support here:

    Thanks a lot for your attention, your support, and looking forward to your reply.


    Community Manager