The new UI is horrible...



  • njtaz76
    njtaz76 Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    We have some licenses for support and have spent a few days trying to figure out how this all works. We are now using our time to find another solution to replace TV - obviously all we keep hearing from TV staff is how great this is and just need to get used to things... changes should have been made in a much different, slower way. **Third Party Product** works great and there are definitely many other - easier - options available to use.

  • MatusCechvala
    MatusCechvala Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    Why in the New interface, when I double-click on the name of a computer from my list on the LEFT SIDE of the screen, the Overview panel opens with information that is 99% of the time uninteresting to me, instead of connecting directly to the computer I clicked on and then I have to scroll across the full width to the RIGHT SIDE of the screen to press the "Connect" button at the other end... ?????

    It worked perfectly intuitively in the old interface - when I double-clicked, I was immediately connected! If I need another option, right-click and Properties work.

  • joaofrgomes
    joaofrgomes Posts: 1
    edited June 2023

    This thing is absolutely horrendous. The classic interface on macOS looks like a fine, decent application that adheres to Apple's HIG, makes use of translucency when the app is inactive, uses the default system font SF Pro, respects the user's system-wide Light/Dark Mode setting, is very compact and has the most important interface elements right on the landing screen.

    The new version, howeverโ€ฆ yikes! It's the exact opposite in all regards, and whoever designed or otherwise requested this abomination should go back to design school to study UX โ€“ if they ever attended one in the first place. Also, did you actually sit a few users down and observed them using the app? It bet you didn't, because if you did, you'd immediately see how disastrous it is in real world usage.

    About the only saving grace for this new UI (nay, it's probably not even a UI thing, but just better coding underneath, weird as it may sound just going by how horrendous and out of place it otherwise looks on the surface and how misguided its priorities in feature prominency are) is the somewhat improved VoiceOver support, which was actually lacking in the old one; then again, the only interface elements which VoiceOver can't address in that version are those found on the side bar (that is, indeed, a big issue!), and I'm guessing adding support for them shouldn't be too difficult and, actually, less trouble than fixing that *bleep* of a web-app-in-a-wrapper that your lazy, undignified designers/project managers (I seriously want to believe this wasn't the designers' fault, but some stupid manager's decision to save a few bucks, users be damned) foisted upon us.

    Ever heard of the expression โ€œif it ain't broke, don't fix itโ€? Yeah, it was created for precisely these occasions, and guess what, now you broke it. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • RogerC70
    RogerC70 Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    We use TeamViewer for ad-hoc support of both staff and customers. Suddenly facing the new interface when I had someone waiting for support was atrocious. I couldn't quickly figure it out and had to phone them instead.

    We pay TeamViewer thousands of dollars a year just to have it effectively disabled. It's brilliant that they want to develop their product, but such a big change to the interface and workflow all at once is not good.

    TeamViewer is an incredibly useful tool just like a hammer is. I don't expect that the next time I pick up a hammer that I'll suddenly have to watch videos and rework my workflow so that I can nail something together... I'd give up and use an alternative like glue. I don't want to be an expert in TeamViewer, I just need to use it. I'm looking for an alternative to TeamViewer, it's a pity I have only now renewed our annual subscription.

    Setting the UIVersion to 2 is the only way forward for us.

  • ParaskeviGK
    ParaskeviGK Posts: 2
    edited October 22

    I totally agree with all the previous posters.

    The Team-Viewer company needs to understand that half of users who operating the program are proficient, and the other half are low tech-knowledge. The new interface doubles the work of 50% of users and excludes the other 50% from use.

  • biancrj
    biancrj Posts: 1

    Please give some suggestions of good alternatives. The Devs at TeamViewer destroyed this and made it unusable.

  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40
    edited June 2023

    I get it - when there are no new features, designers kick-in with new design. This is disaster! Why changing fully functional things? Beside, I cannot change remote computer name anymore with new TV...I am seriously considering switching over to

    [Removed as Community Guidelines] despite of all the drama and hussle with migration process. But ironically, TV did half of the jobe here - empowering new "Groups" organisation, all my compters went chaotic anyways, so [Removed as Community Guidelines] is cheaper, works, and I must reorganize my computers anyways.

    Huge dissapointment, TV team, really shame!

  • Support_Sean
    Support_Sean Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    I can appreciate all the efforts of the moderator in this conversation, as they're doing their best given the circumstances.

    That said, it is simply maddening that so much of the workflow changed so drastically with this update. The "change is hard" mantra does not absolve TeamViewer from responsibility since they are the ones that decided to introduce several major changes at once with this update. Some features are literally gone, regular features are in new locations, and there are multiple versions of the software (Host, QS) when a single program used to work fine.

    One major change with proper notice and documentation would have been an inconvenience, but I could deal with that. A change that effects my customers would have been a big deal, because we're talking about hundreds of people who have been doing the same thing for many years having to re-learn. But this much change in one version? Not only do we have have to retrain our clients on the new processes, we have to retrain ourselves and our technicians.

    A technician with years of experience using the previous UI will have no idea how to use TeamViewer the minute they see the new one. There are plenty of people saying it over and over here: as soon as I saw this UI I was unable to use it. I personally could not connect to my scheduled customer after this update. In searching for the answers I needed, I find the endless threads on this forum, Reddit, Twitter and elsewhere. These are not people resisting change, they're people who suddenly can't use your software finding each other, some of which are creating forum accounts for the first time ever to say this loud and clear:

    Don't change the basic workflow of your software if you want to keep your paying customers. UI updates should not require across the board training. Never force an update that means I have re-train hundreds of clients.

    I've used the new version and figured out how to do all the things I need. I still rolled back to the classic interface as it is more efficient, organized and reliable. The fact that TeamViewer would roll this out without understanding what a disruption it would cause has shaken my trust in this software.

    The only thing that is keeps me a paid customer is the ability to use the classic UI. I want to hear a clear announcement that the classic UI is here to stay or I'll be changing services before my renewal date.

  • FxDB
    FxDB Posts: 6
    edited October 22

    Its pathetic, the changes being made have had me looking elsewhere and I'm now frequently using **third-party product**ย  over my commercial licenced (ยฃ1k+ per year ) Teamviewer, because its actually simple to use like Teamviewer used to be, for my clients. Instead of this absolute nightmare they are pushing. Go figure!

  • daviddgz
    daviddgz Posts: 8

    There are a few things of the new UI that are good and a good step but it complicates the most basic and recurrent actions.

    The other day I was on one of our servers using RDP and I needed someone external to access that same server so I wanted to use TV as we always do.

    I couldn't find any option to allow that person to access the PC, he would connect and a new windows would open and I was seeing HIS PC!, I've spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to do this becuase the password was not visible.

    I finally had to switch to the old UI, Activate the One Time password, pass him the ID and password and voila, he was in. How it's possible that such a basic thing it's so complex with the new UI?

    How do you do this on the new UI? This PC doesn't generate a password on startup but we generate one for each session, which has been working well for years.

  • jgarayua
    jgarayua Posts: 3

    Teamviewer has always made changes without taking users feedback! We were the ones who helped them to be where they are, and they forget about it. I've been using Teamviewer from the beginning! And I've always been able to see the fault in their decisions. But this new version will definitely sink the company. They don't focus their efforts on making the experience quick and easy, they complicate it disastrously. I only want an application that connects me quickly and efficiently to support my clients, nothing more! If they want to make a social platform, come up with another name, but don't damage the basic functionality of Teamviewer! All the changes have been imposed and not intelligently measured. They only make one thing clear, their developers ARE NOT Teamviewer users, so they don't know what it takes to give fast remote support! We are already evaluating other alternatives to make the change!

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ
    edited October 22

    Hi all,

    With the release of [Windows] v15.43.6, we implemented the following accessibility improvements based on your feedback and the pain points you raised.

    The ID and password are now visible directly without any extra click when signed in.

    Therefore, the ID and password are nowย directly visibleย for both - users who areย signed in and signed out.

    The settings are now available from the sign-in screen โ€“ via the gear icon.

    Connecting directly from the search bar is now possible by typing the remote participant's ID.

    Of course, not all the feedback has been implemented, but it doesn't mean it's not taken into consideration.

    Please keep raising your voice. All the posts are being reviewed and shared with the respective development and product teams.

    Your feedback is vital for understanding how we can improve the product and provide you with the best remote connectivity experience.

    Thanks a lot for all the feedback you provided so far, and thank you for all the great discussions we will have in the future.


    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ
    edited October 22

    Hi all,

    With the release ofย [Windows] v15.43.6, we implemented the following accessibility improvements based on your feedback and the pain points you raised.

    The ID and password are now visible directly without any extra click when signed in.

    Therefore, the ID and password are nowย directly visibleย for both - users who areย signed in and signed out.

    The settings are now available from the sign-in screen โ€“ via the gear icon.

    Connecting directly from the search bar is now possible by typing the remote participant's ID.

    Of course, not all the feedback has been implemented, but it doesn't mean it's not taken into consideration.

    Please keep raising your voice.ย All the posts are being reviewed and shared with the respective development and product teams.

    Your feedback is vital for understanding how we can improve the product and provide you with the best remote connectivity experience.

    Thanks a lot for all the feedback you provided so far, and thank you for all the great discussions we will have in the future.


    Community Manager

  • LakeShore
    LakeShore Posts: 16
    edited October 22

    On the right path.

    64-bit version of host, please.

    and a "tight spacing " view in the full app for us admins please.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ

    Hi all,

    With the release ofย [Windows] v15.43.6, we implemented the following accessibility improvements based on your feedback and the pain points you raised.

    The ID and password are now visible directly without any extra click when signed in.

    Therefore, the ID and password are now directly visible for both - users who are signed in and signed out.

    The settings are now available from the sign-in screen โ€“ via the gear icon.

    Connecting directly from the search bar is now possible by typing the remote participant's ID.

    Of course, not all the feedback has been implemented, but it doesn't mean it's not taken into consideration.

    Please keep raising your voice.ย All the posts are being reviewed and shared with the respective development and product teams.

    Your feedback is vital for understanding how we can improve the product and provide you with the best remote connectivity experience.

    Thanks a lot for all the feedback you provided so far, and thank you for all the great discussions we will have in the future.


    Community Manager

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19
    edited October 22

    And don't make us download multiple different programs to do what we do just fine today with one program.

    Edit: Wait, they just made it look like the old version except a whole bunch more wasted space? Hahaha

  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40
    edited October 22

    [removed per Community Guidelines] Leaving TeamViewer after 13 years, sad to go, but this new redesign was now drop over the edge. So to sum up:

    • non-user-friendly redesign, harder for my eyes, annoying to work with, juvenile design with lack of practicality
    • Client HOST module sometimes works, sometimes not. Sometimes device is added to my account, sometimes not. Frustrating and getting worse by time.
    • Easy Access is getting turned ON by itself. I never turned it ON anywhere, but with recent updates and changes more and more computers just do not ask me for remote password anymore, I just fall into remote screen, which is - if you ask me- security flaw. TV support says to turn it OFF, I say I never turned it ON at the first place, so TV did it, so let TV turn it back OFF! Geez...
    • Sporadic mess with remote computer I must rename it on remote PC, then on my central PC, then in Management Console...then AGAIN on my PC, but with new GUI turned ON (Gez...), but yet when I connect to it, it has old name in remote tab. Disaster!
    • After all those years, still a problem with resolving some stale computers in my account. Say, a PC pops up on list of my computers with a name "DESKTOP-6H3D1IU". Cannot see any usefull details, like it's LAN or WAN IP or computer details to get a clue, who it belongs to. Not a deal breaker, but till now it was tolerable, now it just adds to a pile of annoyances.

    So, sorry TV, I am leaving, too.

  • LakeShore
    LakeShore Posts: 16
    edited October 22

    I'm trying to work through these issues myself. The most reduction in productivity is the lack of detail on each client's status in the Full app that I use for admin. I manage almost 100 PCs and I need to see them all at a glance in a sortable list and as much detail as possible so I can see which need attention.

    Please make a "Detailed" view in the Full client for us that allows us to see any column of detail we want and sort by that column. Seems like you let us "Add Filters", but let us add columns of client details like number of missing patches and sort by them please.

    The ability to create Dynamic groups would also be appreciated. Like "name = 123** " and "module = Host" and "offline 30 days"

    Also please make a "tight" spacing view and let us resize the window to any size we want.

    In the old version, you could also click on a client's name to connect immediately, now you have to hover over the client's name, then click "Connect" on the far right.

  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40
    edited October 22

    Especially this hovering effect when you mouse over the list of clients is irritating to me. But I guess design is following Microsoft trends, which also retired good old yellow folder view and went with anemic, flat and dead design, where sliders and options pop up everywhere as you mouseover them, and sections are not clearly fenced, all is blended into a corps-like design, as vampires would **bleep** blood out of it. As per my oppinion :)

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ
    edited October 22

    @LakeShore, thanks a lot for your constructive feedback.

    Currently, we have the columns Name, Status, Device type, Module, Group, and Service.

    Could you name the exact column parameters you want to see in the future and explain the use case behind them? That would be a great help for our product team to prioritize the feature requests.

    Thanks in advance for your support!


    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ
    edited October 22

    @Labsy thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts and what is irritating you on the interface.

    To just make sure I understand what you mean by "hovering effect" - do you mean this grey area that appears when hovering over a device?

    If yes, could you tell us why it is irritating you? Is it because you are doing a specific task? Trying to understand so that I can give proper feedback to the product team.

    Or do you mean something else?

    Thanks a lot in advance for your help.


    Community Manager

  • LakeShore
    LakeShore Posts: 16
    edited October 22

    I do not like the hovering behavior either. It creates blank space on the screen and prevents you from resizing the window so you have blank screen space for no reason. Please show the double arrows at all times and when the double arrows are clicked, immediately connect to the client. Remove the word "Connect" and just show the word "Connect" when hovering over the double arrows. Also, move the double arrows closer to the PC name, either on the right or left of the PC name.

    When looking for a PC to connect to, why mouse all the way over to the right, while hovering exactly, to connect to a PC? We came here to connect to a PC so make that as easy and obvious as possible.

  • LakeShore
    LakeShore Posts: 16
    edited October 22

    The column names could be any machine property. If we have your asset management, which I do, that should open up more properties to see and sort by.

    CPU, Ram, % free space, OS version, last OS login, all are useful.

  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40
    edited October 22

    @JeanK , thank you for asking about irritating hover mouseover effect.

    Yes, this is on the list of computers, where checkbox on the left and Connect with 3 dots on the right pop up in blank space when you go over with mouse. I have been in a team of software developers in the past and we've had some psychologysts and brain specialists as advisers for software development. They pointed out some facts, which we should keep in mind when designing user interfaces, among those:

    • Brain likes to bring things in balanced order, so to have predictive paths to future. So developers should make GUI predictible and clear to human brains, so it can distinguish where which section begins, where are the borders, and what is what.
    • In same manner, all blinking effects, pop-ups and changes are irritating to eyes for the simmilar reason: brain needs to analyze what popped up, what's there blinking and adopt to new situation. So if list is changing when hovering with mouse ofer list items, eyes constantly send new signals to brain, which needs to re-think new situation again and again.
    • As my experinece is from times when Windows first introduced that anemic, flat design, which lacks colours and borders between sections, our instructors explicitly told us to try to avoid that blended-in, flat design, without distinctions between sections. Brain wants to hook up on borders and have it fixed in predictive area, so it can ignotre this area. If we ommit borders and visible distinctions, brain has nothing to adhere to and it constantly works, analyzing and rethingking the interface.

    So, from my experince and my personal point of view, list of computers is much, much more readable if it is stable, has less space inbetween, and nothing changes with mouse over.

    I hope this makes sense.

  • Metalfan331
    Metalfan331 Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    How I felt after the update. Hi, long time user here. I have elderly parents/remote users that require a lot of computer help as well as family overseas and teamviewer was instrumental in keeping things going. Now it's a nightmare. Instead of "Just enter a code and click OK" teamviewer wants me to have 70+ year old's create an account, login, log into email to verify, then go back and authenticate, then add browser to the BS management console, then read the tiny print on the UI that's so small we spend another half hour reading the letters back and forth on the phone...and I'm going to do this for every single one? Yeah ok.

    This program is junk now. I'll relay my experience to my colleagues in the IT field as well, as a warning and to go find something else.

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19
    edited October 22

    I've talked with upper management and I can't get rid of teamviewer completely. I need to keep one channel (down from 5) to support a dozen users.

    Is there a way to do a "bulk update" of my computers? They are all set with a username/password now, and I have 10 users under my account that have 10 or 20 devices they connect to.

    I need a way to automate this to allow easy-access or whatever is replacing passwords. I am not creating an account for all of the devices, there's just no way I can do that. Do I just hit MIGRATE on this guide?

    I have begun migrating the bulk of my 200 computers to a web based Connecting tool which is phenomenal so far.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ
    edited October 22

    Hi @FakeName,

    If your devices are assigned to your account (like explained here: Assign a device to your account), then yes, you can migrate them by following the guide Update your devices.

    Devices that have been bookmarked, in other words, devices that have been manually added like this:ย Add computers in TeamViewer (Classic) cannot be migrated.

    You'll have to link them again to your company by following this guide: How to set up remote access and manage a remote device. Alternatively, you can also deploy TeamViewer via .msi via this guide: Mass deployment on Windows - Overview (Corporate license required).

    Let me know if you have any further questions! I'll be happy to assist.


    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager ๐ŸŒ
    edited October 22

    Hi @Labsy,

    Thank you so much for sharing this input. We'll pass this on to our UX/UI team! ๐Ÿ™


    Community Manager

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19
    edited October 22

    Alright, so I have to go in to every single device and assign it to an account.

    Then verify the email, add to trusted devices.

    Then retype my username/password a second time in order to add it to my devices.

    Thats... That's really more work than just installing a **Third Party Product** installer. If I have to log into every single device anyway and type my ID/password twice, then it's just easier to install a new program.

    Are there plans to allow migrating computers using an ID and Password to connect?

  • joloriquelme
    joloriquelme Posts: 13
    edited October 22

    I really tried to like or use the new interface.

    But no. It's almost impossible.

    Today I've tried to connect to a client that was appearing "Sleeping" on the new UI, but "On" on the older one. I had to switch to older interface to connect.

    TeamViewer have until december to fix this mess. Otherwise, I will have to switch to another solution after 11 years.