How to rename remote computer?

Labsy Posts: 40
edited June 2023 in General questions


since I am using the newly redesigned ('s horrible design!) TW, I cannot rename remote computer anymore. I renamed it right after installation, changed PC name under Computer properties and also within TV client, rebooted couple of times...

...but on my host list it still appears with initial name. If I click on PROPERTIES, only a box with Description pops up. No Properties anymore. What am I missing?


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hello @Labsy,

    Thank you for visiting the Community for help and sharing the feedback.

    I would like to take this opportunity to show you how to rename a remote device.

    1) bookmark the remote device under the Group - Add a new device to your account

    2) Go to the targeted device and look for the Three dot option, then choose Edit

    3) With the new window opens, you may edit the Alias and Save for your own record.

    Can you kindly try it out and let me know if that would be helpful on your side please?



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40


    thank you. Actually it can only be done via NEW user interface. If I switch to OLD interface, there is no option to edit computer name anymore.

    Seems like a bug to me:

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @Labsy,

    Thank you for getting back to me and sharing the 2 different screenshots too!

    It might have something to do with the device managing administration. Can you kindly login it to TeamViewer Management Console and check on the group to which the device belongs to. More information can be found in the Community article - Device Groups.

    Additionally, can you kindly check on the group and see if there is any cloud next to the group name please?

    I am able to edit Alias from Properties on the Classic interface on a Windows PC. This device is saved under my own group, which means that I have the full rights to edit and delete the device.

    • If the group name has no cloud, it indicates that you are the group owner and also have full rights;
    • If there is a white cloud, the group has been shared by someone and you may check Properties for the group owner and permissions
    • If there is a dark could, you are the group owner and the group has been shared with someone. You may check the Properties

    Let me know if the information would be helpful to you again. Hope to hear from you!



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40

    Hi @Ying_Q,

    thank you for getting back to me.

    Now as you mention, I am 100% sure this anomaly happened when I accepted TV to automatically upgrade to new GROUPS and sort all my computers accordingly. This messed everything up, but this is different story.

    Now, I can see that those NEWER computers, which were sucessfuly migrated to GROUPS, suffer from described "bug", meaning cannot edit their properties under OLD interface. While those older computers with maybe slightly older TV version, which were not migrated to groups, are deitable in new or old interface.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @Labsy,

    Happy to see you posting again! I might miss this part in my previous reply, I am so sorry for my mistake.

    Since you have mentioned that you upgrade the devices to new Groups. Have you tried to check on Device groups on TeamViewer Management Console? Look for the Device Groups, then choose Edit on Device Properties.

    If you are unable to edit, kindly check on the Manager and ask the respective manager for the group to add your account as a Manager, and please ensure to have the setting applied for editing the device name.

    Just in case the information can't help you still, I would ask you to kindly send me the related contact information via PM, I will help to forward the case to TeamViewer Support Team for a closer look.

    I appreciate your understanding!



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40
    edited June 2023

    Thank you for keeping up with me, @Ying_Q.

    Now, here we come to the part, which I earlier refferet to as "messy":

    • I am the top Admin
    • Mess #1: After migration I have GROUPS and DEVICE GROUPS
    • Mess #2: Both have all my *groups NAMES, so they are all duplicated. And so are (most, if not all) computers
    • Mess #3: There atre HUNDREDS of computers there and I would need days to repair what auto migration process did to my perfectly organized groups. Actually, probably weeks, as I would need to connect to each and every computer in OLD GROUPS (hundreds), upgrade, migrate to NEW GROUPS, remove duplicate... practically not doable.
    • I guess I will probably rather move to [removed per Community Guidelines] if the momemnt came, when we need to start from stratch.

    So I guess here our debate ends, as this begins skidding out of initial issue. Thank you very much.

  • kornflex
    kornflex Posts: 2


    Same problem here...

    I'm in Company Administrator role.

    The device groups has me as Managers ( with full rights) and the computer has me as me as managers too.

    I have only the description option, renaming is blocked...

    I try to remove my username as manager on the computer permission, same

    Only the first administrator account can rename...

  • This is the answer of the support :

    Les permissions du groupe ne sont pas applicable sur les appareils directement, elles correspondent au partage du groupe ou l'ajout/suppression d'appareils et managers dans celui-ci.


    Cependant pour avoir toutes les permissions sur un appareil, vous devez les appliquer directement sur l'appareil géré voulu.

    A shame ! We are manager with full rights on the group, but you have to add the permission for all the devices in it, one by one !

    Group Permissions are only for the group, not the devices in it !

  • Can you advise why group based administration doesn't have the role "description administration" assignable to it? This is only available if you make yourself a manager directly on the device itself. 1000 devices x 30 admins, that's a hard pass for me.