License isn't showing

Mark_1317 Posts: 1
edited December 2023 in Licensing


I have a TeamViewer Business Yearly Subscription valid until 9th September 2024, however this morning I've logged in and it states I've only got a free license.

I can't seem to do anything else due to the system thinking I've only got a free license, I can't initiate a support ticket, so am stuck at how to get this resolved.

If anyone has any ideas/suggestions/advice, I'd be very grateful.

Best wishes



Best Answer

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,156 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mark_1317 ,

    Welcome, and thanks for reaching out to our Community!

    The Business license will register 3 IDs in the Management Console as the 3 devices you can log in with your account. If you formatted the device or changed any component of hardware that could have triggered an ID change, you will need to log in to the Management Console and change the IDs.

    The steps for this process can be found in the chapter: Add device to your Business license

    If these steps didn't help you, please consider reaching out to our support team via phone.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,156 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mark_1317 ,

    Welcome, and thanks for reaching out to our Community!

    The Business license will register 3 IDs in the Management Console as the 3 devices you can log in with your account. If you formatted the device or changed any component of hardware that could have triggered an ID change, you will need to log in to the Management Console and change the IDs.

    The steps for this process can be found in the chapter: Add device to your Business license

    If these steps didn't help you, please consider reaching out to our support team via phone.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator