1 user getting waitforconnectfailed but only on some remote clients

I have a user who is getting waitforconnectfailed while trying to connect to some remote clients. Other clients connect without issues. I and other users can connect to the remote clients that the user gets the error on.

What could be causing this and how do we correct it?


  • Valeria2
    Valeria2 Posts: 649 Moderator

    Hi @SAI_Patrick,

    Welcome to our Community, we´re happy to have you here!

    Our first recommendation would be to verify that the latest version of TeamViewer is installed on both sides of the connection.

    Please check with your user the version installed on his computer and if it is an older version, proceed to uninstall the program and perform a new installation from our website.

    If the user is in the old interface, follow the instructions below:

    👉️Uninstall TeamViewer (Classic) on Windows

    If the user is in the new interface but old version, proceed with the guidelines of the other link:

    👉️Uninstall TeamViewer Remote on Windows

    Please keep us posted if this works, we would like to extend our help.



    Moderadora de la Comunidad en Español/ Spanish Community Moderator