Commercial use - Connection time out



  • wbroeren
    wbroeren Posts: 1

    Same problem here...

  • fliptop
    fliptop Posts: 1

    Same thing for me, did you find any help?

  • Cyryl
    Cyryl Posts: 2
    edited March 2024


    I have a problem with your teamviewer program.

    I use it privately to help my Grandfather (90 years old) who lives on the other side of the world. Most often, I fix bugs, install programs or updates on his phone.

    its ID [removed per Community Guidelines]

    Unfortunately, for several days now, the session has been disconnected after 1-2 seconds, indicating that it lasted too long. I had such a problem once and after explanations, the program was unlocked.

    I am a private person, I only use the program privately on my home PC. Please help me solve the problem.

    Thank you


  • Violla
    Violla Posts: 5
    edited March 2024

    Hello everyone!

    I'm curious about whether the free version of TeamViewer allows access to meetings. If it does I'd like to know what limitations if any apply.

    Thank you in advance!

  • I'm using a free version of TeamViewer for private use but lately I'm getting kicked off after 60 sec

  • WreckZ
    WreckZ Posts: 2


    This problem is affecting me too.

    Have you updated to the latest version? I think this may be something to do with it, I keep getting messages that it thinks I am using the software for commercial use, and I am only using it to connect and contol 4 personal and private PC's in my own home.

    I also wonder if there are particular features that we should avoid to not start to get this message each time I log on?

    If so can I disable them to ensure I do not fall foul of this issue?

    My first act is to down grade my version of Teamviewer, because I did not previously have this issue.

  • WreckZ
    WreckZ Posts: 2
    edited March 2024

    Ok, so just found this and requested reactivation of my free account:-

    if using the android app, you need to switch to using a browser to access this link.

    I cannot paste links yet, so after teamviewer dot com, type /en/reset-management

    Hope this is helpful. 🙂

  • grazer75
    grazer75 Posts: 2
    edited March 2024


    i have an old digit ID 1** *** **7 which is 6 digits long.

    Long time not used but now after 1 minute i am kicked,

    when i try to reset it says my id is not valid.

    How can i get the new ID form with 10 digits instead of 9 i have?

    When i am kicked it says i have to buy a license, but i rarely used it

    and only for privat issues.

  • I filled out the reset form yesterday, and the devices I put on the form got reset this morning, but almost instantly I got flagged again when I tried to connect, even though I'm not using it commercially. I tried to go and fill out the reset form again, but it isn't giving me the option to even fill out a new form.

    Is teamviewer just not usable anymore for free use?

  • Jay125266
    Jay125266 Posts: 3
    Answer ✓

    Answered and Fixed. Thanks for the support. Not sure why I was warned for this post though.

  • midas617
    midas617 Posts: 2
    edited March 2024

    As the title states. I'm getting a notification that I'm using TeamViewer in a commercial setting.

    It happened right after I switched out my modem to a new one by calling the cable Co.

    Shortly afterward my father was having issues on his laptop and when I tried to connect to it. I got that message.

    When I was able to connect I was kicked off and have not been able to get back on.

    maybe because of the new IP address that I got after changing modem? It's the only thing I noticed that was different. 🤔

    Please Help.


    Never mind, I found a link to request to have the license reset.

  • croooowe
    croooowe Posts: 1
    edited March 2024

    Did it work?

    This has worked for me in the past, but I just got kicked out while controlling my home system to edit some personal files. Digging around I found the new rules that appear to now consider any connection to/from a commercial setting (my work place) is no longer be accepted as "personal use". I have often said I would like to pay something and asked them if I could pay something for the use of the program, but the personal license they are selling is [removed per Community Guidelines] bucks a month and no way I can justify that.

  • i have 3 issues.

    1 teamviewer won't close after finished connecting to any of my trusted remote computers i have to log off my computer to get TV closed for each time i connect.

    2 teamviewer says i am suspected of commercial use which i have used teamviewer for more than a year and ALL computers connected are mine and only one for a friend i am retired i DO NOT connect from anywhere but from home. i get paid NOTHING. this is the 3rd time TV suspects commercial use, this is incorrect.

    3 TeamViewer wants me to "add" all remote id's for each computer but all of them are unattended access. where is the id if i NEED that. if its there somewhere i can't find it. all computers connected to my account are trusted devices.

  • Tosha
    Tosha Posts: 3

    I need to add additional IDs and for some reason the old form that I completed keeps

    showing. How can I fill out a new reset form?

  • JohnY1
    JohnY1 Posts: 2
    edited March 2024

    One of my two PCs that I primarily use to help my sister with her computing is all of a sudden tagged as "commercial". My other PC, a laptop, has no problem... at least not yet.

    Note that other than my sister, there is only one other friend I help maybe two or three times a year.

    I am definitely NOT commercial!

  • waqs80
    waqs80 Posts: 1

    Same issue, just happened to me, I have 3 device for different locations, all personal use

  • Same here. I've spent last 6 days going around in circles, filled in form about 50x, struggled to write a signature using a mouse, added devices, signed in, signed in, signed in again, only to be told that I can now sign-in??? then when you do click the 'Generate PDF' button, it only returns you to the very same page???.

    Ive been using teamviewer for many years now (over 10), and this seems to happen once a year, however its getting to be more often now (I bet making it so difficult they hoping you get fed up and buy an annual sub). Normally I send in a copy of the Statement of Use, and within a few days all is sorted, but for some reason this time I seem to be banging my head against the wall...

  • I completed the form to re-activate my free licence and the button to generate a .pdf file did /does not function. How do I re-activate my free licence?

  • Djbigd01
    Djbigd01 Posts: 1

    When using the TeamViewer app on my phone which I used to do all the time and never caused me a problem now recently every time I sign in with my phone I'm only allowed 2 minutes on any machine and I get kicked off with a warning saying that I'm using it commercially and I'm locked out I have never used this commercially just to help friends and family with their computers as well as access my servers that I have in my home I can use TeamViewer and I've accidentally left it on a few times on my desktop computer and it stayed connected for almost 2 days but as soon as I sign in with my phone I'm only allowed 2 minutes on any machine and it kicks me off for 5 minutes

  • lacalama
    lacalama Posts: 2
    edited March 2024


    Unfortunately, I don't really speak English, so I use a translation program.

    For a few days now, I have not been able to use Teamviewer because it classified the management of my own computers as business use. 1 pc is always on. In addition to my own computers, I have 2 family PCs, and I help a friend.

    I would like to continue using the free license. What should I add?

    Thank you!

  • cmjr86
    cmjr86 Posts: 1
    edited March 2024


    In my free account (in this account) I started to receive error that I'm using for commercial purposes:

    This is wrong message since I'm using it to help my parents time to time but sometimes - due lack of knowledge - they terminate several times the session in short periods and seems I'm using it for commercial purposes.

    Please fix my account in order to continue to use it without issues. These days I have issues to connect to my parents devices to help them - errors of time out or I can only use for a minute.


    Thanks in advance.

  • Pantersen
    Pantersen Posts: 1
    edited March 2024

    Hi there,

    I've been occasionally using TeamViewer Desktop for ages now but just for personal use - i.e. helping out my parents and a friend of mine with their computer stuff. A few days ago, I've been kicked off a remote session and this happened again today. How on earth did you decide I use TeamViewer for commercial purposes? I ain't using it even regularly ... probably once a week on an average and for short periods of time. Can this issue be resolved quickly and easily or should I get to a competitive software which is free to use for non-commercial use and don't decide to switch their user policy the way they like it and whenever they decide?!

    Thank you!

  • I'm having the same issue. That is, I am not able to fill out form again. Instead I get the message, "Thank you, your request was submitted successfully." When I view the PDF, it is one that I submitted several months ago. I can't tell if the old form was actually submitted. Is there a way to fill out the form again?

  • sabinsn25
    sabinsn25 Posts: 2
    edited March 2024


    I have been using TeamView for many years now in a non-commercial capacity to get remote acces to my elderly parents' desktop pc (Windows 10), whenever they need help using it.

    Since the latest update TeamView now thinks it is being used in a commercial environment, which I have never done and keeps timing out the remote connection and then not allowing me to reconnect.

    I am reluctant to move to another remote access application because I like the TeamView interface and up until now, it has always just worked.

    Does anyone have any suggestions, or should I just give up on TeamView and move on to another application?



  • YvonH
    YvonH Posts: 3

    I'm having the same issue and I have a free license (personal use only).

  • Are you kidding? Whenever I try to connect my PC via my Android device, it says "Commercial use detected, we limited your usage etc.". I'm just using my PERSONAL computer and my PERSONAL smartphone. Where is the commercial usage here?

    I tried to chat but AI couldn't help me + didn't connect me to live agent.

    I tried to reset my ID (whatever it is) and it accepted, but when I connected my PC via my Android device, the system detected Commercial Use, again.

    And I can't create a ticket with a free license.

    I just missed the old TeamViewer so much.

  • Morning all, been using TeamViewer for years for personal use, basically to help my mother and brother. I have two managed devices, but now teamviewer is blocking me either 1) saying COMMERICAL USE DETECTED and limits me to 5 minutes or 2) prohibits connections and makes me wait a specific amount of time. Anyone have a direct link to get help from TeamViewer, I don't want to upgrade to buisness just to have two devices that i connect to, maybe once or twice a month. Thoughts?

  • OyseinB
    OyseinB Posts: 2
    edited March 2024

    I am a private user., not commercial.

    Now TV blocks me claiming they have detected I am using it for commercial use. After inactivate account for a month, its a strange claim.

    trying to reclaim my private license here

    being told they dont support google account credentials on this client, and I should upgade.

    This is to their webclient, but I indeed downloaded latest TW app and logged in with my google account, but still I cannot reactivate my license due to the message claiming I dont have the latest client.

    My private laptop is running in another country, which I need to connect to for limitations entering certain website, so not an option for me to create new user account without google connected now.

    How to get around this issue from the provider?

  • Pedroso
    Pedroso Posts: 1


    I'm using the free version of TeamViewer and lately my session times out and ends after (I guess) a minute of using and connecting to the other computer. TeamViewer just displays the message "Your TeamViewer session has expired and will be terminated". I only connect from private PC to private PC with private issues. I do not get any message about suspected commercial use. What to do? Does the TeamViewer ID reset procedure also apply to me? And if so, does this need to be done for each PC separately (all the PCs I connect to are bound under my account and most of them are with unattended access)? 

    Thank you in advance for your advice on how to proceed.


  • tscq
    tscq Posts: 2

    This happens within seconds of connecting to my home computer from laptop at my dads house. What can I do?