Is Teamviewer blocked in China?


I need to know if teamviewer works in China, in my case I will need to remotely control computers located in China from Italy. Anyone has experience in this?

Thank You

Best Answer

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,028 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Mameo96,

    TeamViewer works in China 😊

    You can use our service there without any issue.

    Community Manager


  • HI , 

    Can Team viewer use in china Guangzhou ?

    Anyone use it recently ?

  • Hi, I wonder if you can help with an issue I have? I am currently in China and I can access my home PC with no problem if I use my UK phone and its mobile data plan as a mobile hot spot. However if I try and use any wifi here in China on my laptop the team viewer seems to try and connect to my home PC but then totally shuts down and reboots? I am not using a VPN and I am unsure how to set up the VPN within the Team Viewer software. I have read in other forums TV should work fine here in China using wifi. is there any setting I need changed for me to use TV with wifi while in China? Hope you can help? Thanks, Scott-L

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @Scott-L 

    Thanks for your post.

    I am not aware of any differences you need to keep in mind when connecting from China.

    Even if the wifi you are using blocks TeamViewer, the software itself should not shut down and reboot. I assume you are getting a TeamViewer ID when starting TeamViewer? So the handshake with our master server works.

    Maybe we have others available here, who experienced this when traveling to China and maybe know the solution. Otherwise, I would like to ask @Fiona_G our Chinese moderator, whether she has an idea. Fiona - could you help us here?.

    Thanks and I hope we find a resolution soon!


    Former Community Manager

  • Hi Esther,

    Ok, seems a strange issue then? TV can see my home PC online so there is some sort of connectivity there, and the software tries to connect but then drops out and reboots.

    If I use my UK phone as a hotspot then I have no issue.... Obviously using my UK phone with mobile data is costing me hence wishing to get TV to work on Wifi....



  • Fiona_G
    Fiona_G Posts: 689 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Scott-L,

    Thank you for your post. I'm happy to share some thoughts from our Chinese support team.

    They have to admit that some connectivity issues may happen in China due to internet restrictions in different locations or from various telecom service providers. They agree with @Esther that the connection failure shouldn't result in the situation you described above.

    If you have an active license, please create a ticket and they will analyze your logs to find the specific error. If you are a free user, the best advice they can provide is using another Wifi.

    I'm sorry that I can't offer any other help regarding this issue. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Kind regards,


  • Mameo96
    Mameo96 Posts: 1
    edited August 2021


    In 2021, still work Teamviewer in China or its blocked?

    I will need to remote control computer located in China from Italy.

    Thank You in Advance

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,028 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Mameo96,

    TeamViewer works in China 😊

    You can use our service there without any issue.

    Community Manager

    QDIGZ Posts: 1

    Does teamviewer work in China? In my case, I'd like to work in China with a hotel internet and access my work computer in US. I am not sure the great firewll will block the access. Thank you for the hep.

  • Hi, I’m also interested in knowing whether teamviewer would work in China nowadays. In my case, I have business license and will need to access my laptop located in Switzerland from standard home Wi-Fi in China. Thanks in advance!

  • I will travel to China this month, and want to access my computer in US using TeamViewer. Does TeamViewer work in China now?

  • abn2609
    abn2609 Posts: 1

    In China right now, it is asking for validation using a Chinese phone number which I don't have and cannot get without Chinese ID. What other options are there?


  • Today when I tried to connect to my computer back at home (I am currently travelling), there was a message "Please validate your account to continue". However, on the page where you enter the mobile number, it said +86 only number from China is allowed. Is this a bug?

  • JohnAtPheasantVille
    edited June 5

    TeamViewer access in China (Personal account) as at May 2024

    This post is designed for information as I could not identify a previous post that would confirm one way or another that was recent. As of writing, China restricts access to many sites, specifically Google where my email is hosted (.gmail)

    I had previously setup a 'Remote Control' through 'Managed Access' and using the Android app on a Samsung S9+ and the TeamViewer software on another Windows 10 laptop. I checked that, while in the UK, either through Wi-Fi or the Mobile network, I could remotely access my laptop. Both devices had been added to my 'Trusted devices' list. So far so good.

    Of course, there is no way of checking whether TeamViewer access would work in China until I got there.

    Attempting to access TeamViewer using the Android App resulted in TeamViewer sending me a 'Device Authorisation' email, which I could not accept as I had no access to my email until I could get my 'Remote Session' working. Chicken & Egg. I therefore can't confirm whether TeamViewer would have worked if I could have accessed the email through another provider that China does not block.

    Attempting to access TeamViewer though MS Windows 10 on the laptop was more restrictive as TeamViewer wanted to send me an SMS message but only allowed me to enter a number that was hard coded to +86, i.e. the country code for China. Therefore access to TeamViewer through Windows isn't possible as far as I can see without having a China number. This dialog looked as though it was part of the TeamViewer program as hovering over the country code presented a tooltip that indicated that SMS messages could only be sent to a number registered in China. I assume that you could purchase a local SIM card to get around this but I didn't have one.

    I would be interested if anyone else has recently managed to connect to an active TeamViewer session hosted outside China whilst in the country, and if so, how they went about getting the device to be a trusted device.