Meeting audio problems

RobinKMullins Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

I'm using TV12 to steam audio and video of some seminars. Some of the remote viewers are reporting poor or non-existent audio. The video doesn't seem to be a problem. I know my settings are correct because most of the viewers are receiving both video and audio. What would cause the audio to fail for some people at the other end? I know one of the participants to have this problem was on a Linux machine and I suspect that was the problem in that specific case. What about people running Macs or older versions of Windows. I'm running Windows 10 at this end.


  • Reyhan
    Reyhan Posts: 269 Staff member 🤠

    Dear Robin,

    Thank you for your post. We are currently working on this issue :smileyhappy:

    Did my reply answer your question? Please accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • Any progress?

  • How to reproduce:

    1. Install Teamviewer 12 on a Mac.
    2. Call your friend on Skype.
    3. Turn up the volume all the way to max, so that you'll hear your friend very loud and clear.
    4. Start a Meeting (Presentation) or join one.

    Expected behaviour:
    You still hear your friend on Skype loud and clear.

    What happens instead:
    You barely hear your friend and your friend complains that s/he barely hears you.

    Background information:
    This issue has existed at least from v10 but previously if was possible to fix the audio by clicking the "mute speaker" icon in the meeting panel after the meeting started. Not in v12.

    Current workaround:
    Uninstall v12, install v10 and after the meeting starts, click mute speaker icon. Use a virtual machine with TV12 to remote to v12 machines.

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi hennot,

    Thank you for your contribution.

    TeamViewer uses so called „audio units” on Mac Systems – these have a better quality.
    Audio units are based on an Apple development architecture and are managing the audio streams.
    While they are doing that, they automatically change the sound of other audio software which are installed on the device, to get a better audio quality and to reduce echoes.
    This feature is also known as “audio ducking” and is also used by other programs like Skype or Facetime.

    As you already said, in previous versions a workaround to avoid that was to set the microphones on mute, but we changed that in version 12.

    If you want the workaround back, I can send a feature request to our product management or you can post this in our ideas board:

    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • @hennot wrote:

    How to reproduce:

    1. Install Teamviewer 12 on a Mac.
    2. Call your friend on Skype.
    3. Turn up the volume all the way to max, so that you'll hear your friend very loud and clear.
    4. Start a Meeting (Presentation) or join one.

    Expected behaviour:
    You still hear your friend on Skype loud and clear.

    What happens instead:
    You barely hear your friend and your friend complains that s/he barely hears you.

    Background information:
    This issue has existed at least from v10 but previously if was possible to fix the audio by clicking the "mute speaker" icon in the meeting panel after the meeting started. Not in v12.

    Current workaround:
    Uninstall v12, install v10 and after the meeting starts, click mute speaker icon. Use a virtual machine with TV12 to remote to v12 machines.

    @hennot wrote:

    How to reproduce:

    1. Install Teamviewer 12 on a Mac.
    2. Call your friend on Skype.
    3. Turn up the volume all the way to max, so that you'll hear your friend very loud and clear.
    4. Start a Meeting (Presentation) or join one.

    Expected behaviour:
    You still hear your friend on Skype loud and clear.

    What happens instead:
    You barely hear your friend and your friend complains that s/he barely hears you.

    Background information:
    This issue has existed at least from v10 but previously if was possible to fix the audio by clicking the "mute speaker" icon in the meeting panel after the meeting started. Not in v12.

    Current workaround:
    Uninstall v12, install v10 and after the meeting starts, click mute speaker icon. Use a virtual machine with TV12 to remote to v12 machines.