Why Can't I Control my Android Device?



  • Not for Android 9 (Pie) :-( It just instruct to install and then trying, but quietly didn't nothing.
  • Hello,
    I installed the 'Host' on two devices (1-Sony [D2403] and 1-Multilaser [M10A lite]) on device 1 just rebooted, after that, I got remotely at any time. However, on device 2, when I connect, I receive the following dialog box: "ADD-ON AVAILABLE: THAT DEVICE SUPPORTS OUR RESOURCE REMOTE CONTROL." TO USE THAT RESOURCE, DOWNLOAD OUR ADD-ON FREE OF CHARGE. " (cancel option - nothing happens, I can not access remote | download option - opens the Google Play Store with the saying "The item could not be found."). how to proceed

    Using Google Translate (PT-BR / ING):

    Instalei o 'Host' em dois dispositivo (1-Sony[D2403] e 1-Multilaser [M10A lite]) no dispositivo 1 apenas reiniciei, apos isso, tenho cencatdo remotamente a qualquer momento. Porem, no dispositivo 2, ao conectar recebo a seguinte caixa de dialogo: "ADD-ON DISPONIVEL: ESSE DISPOSITIVO SUPORTE NOSSO RECURSO CONTROLE REMOTO. PARA USAR ESSE RECURSO, BAIXE NOSSO ADD-ON GRATUITAMENTE." (opção cancelar - não acontece nada, não consigo o acesso remoto | opção download - abre a Google Play Store com o o dizer "O item não foi encontrado."). como proceder?


  • Wii
    Wii Posts: 2


    Sorry, I really couldn't understand "This is a legal issue" I had thought always it was definetely technical issue so the users also gave the the technical requirements. That's why I wrote this.

    I think maybe too simple. I don't know, what did you mean by legal, for example, the problem is in the application title? Is it prohibited to use a registered trademark "Add-on for Xiaomi"? If so then you can publish nameless Addons.

    Is it possible to provide very experimental very generic Add-ons for all unsupported devices?

    Actually, I do not want to bore you, I respect your policy. I also love legal stuff. But I really need remote access support. And I try every way to solve this problem. If there are 100 add-ons here, I'll install/uninstall one by one. Please give some experimental support, thank you.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    We require the manufacturers permission to control the devices they manufacture.

    I understand that it can be a difficult concept, but the manufacturer has a lot of control over their environment and the services provided on it.

    On a technical front, we can make remote control work, it is not that hard. But we cannot support the devices without the manufacturers co-operation. It has nothing to do with trademarks, it is the action of remote control itself that permission is required for which is why we don't offer "Experimental" builds.

    I cannot go into more details than that.

    I apologise for being blunt, but if your device is not supported then there is no workaround. No side-step. No alternative option with TeamViewer. The answer must remain as a solid "We cannot control this device" no matter how many times the question is asked sorry.

    I hope this has clarified this for you.


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?
  • Currently, the kids four young ones watch TV upstairs in their loft with their toys.

    Fire TV + ADB + TVQSFire TV + ADB + TVQS

    So, of course, I have to get up and down to change what they watch or put in a password to get onto Netflix or Hulu.


    That's what I'm working with now. My question is can Quicksupport program on the FIre TV be modified to auto accept incoming connection from a specified user unattended like the full Teamviewer program?

    The aim is so I don't have to leave my office every 5 - 30 min to check/change what the kids are watching upstairs.


  • This setup works for full control. Most premium apps block the video stream which is fine as I still retain control through ADB. Netflix is only app that running this messes up the video out to the TV to a quarter of the screen. No sound is transfered over this. Only hick up is having QS auto run and allow connection without input from the firetv. I know this is somehow possible especially in this day and age of everything being controlled from remote devices.
  • lila
    lila Posts: 1


    Panasonic is a listed supported manufacturer at https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Supported-manufacturers-for-remotely-controlling-Android-devices/ta-p/4730

    I bought a Panasonic P95 specifically due to this reason. However it still says only screen share is supported.

    Please advise how can I do remote control of this device?

  • Deleted my post since the answer was already found in the thread.

    Ok, I git it that to officially support Xiaomi you need an allowance from them. But i'm sure that among millions of Xiaomi users there are many TV users which want this support.

    So my question now is: what we, as MiUI users, can do for making Xiaomi allow TV on thier devices?

    Maybe through Mi community? Is there a reason to make some petition to the company to allow TV?



  • I am trying to control a MXQ Android TV box by MTEK running Android 4.0.4. I installed QS on it and ran it. It says the device supports remote control. But when I try to connect from other smartphone it says the device does not support screen sharing. Is it right? What can I do?
  • Irrer
    Irrer Posts: 1
    HMD Global - Nokia
  • Why not reach out to Nokia to get TV control enabled on android devices? What as a consumer to Nokia can we do to help this process getting escalated?

  • ebeighe
    ebeighe Posts: 11

    I posted this here but got no reply:


    My Moto X4 used to work just fine (mid last year);

    now (is this an android pie thing?) can no longer do anything -- the quicksupport app requests elevated access. But there is no way to grant it.

    Touching "Open Setting" in the quicksupport dialog popup causes nothing to happen.

    Touching "tap below to review whether to grant access -- quicksupport" causes nothing to happen.


  • Hello. I haven't possibility to navigate remote devices on Android. I receiving screen from devices, and everything I do locally, but when I try do something remotely, device don't anwers for any gests x64 Win10Home. On second computer x64 Win10Pro everything works fine: I can remotely navigate this device. Do You may help me this please?

  • On my device, TeamViewer Host says an add-on is available for remote control and asks me to install it, but the Play Store says "item not found". I took the advice from this post to install TeamViewer Host directly from the APK, but this seems to have made no difference. I still get redirected to the play store for the add-on, which still doesn't have it.
  • Remote control does not work with the LG G7 one, just screen sharing. Does anyone know if remote control works with the LG G7 thinq?

  • Ashgeeky
    Ashgeeky Posts: 1

    Maybe it will work after rooting your Android Phone. i have found a working method:-



  • Remote control isn't working on Motorola z3 Android 9 pie. A pop-up saying it needs privileged access to work but there's no button to allow.
    In Android 8 there was a button to allow but now the button says "open settings" and when you click on it it takes you to permission settings of all apps. But I searched for the option to allow quicksupport privileged access and There's no option nowhere to allow such thing, thus every time I try to remote control the device the client says the server rejected the connection.

    PS same issue happens with "TeamViewer Host"
  • AlenaC
    AlenaC Posts: 949 Senior Moderator

    Hi @heyfernand ,

    thanks for your post. Have you tried this?

    1) Menu --> settings 

    2) then security and if you scroll down, you will find apps with special access.

    There you can add the apps, authorise/deny the remote control (e.g. Quicksupport)

    I hope this helps to solve the problem.

    Please let me know if we can do anything else.

    Happy Monday ;)


    Spanish Community Moderator :)

  • ebeighe
    ebeighe Posts: 11

    There is no way to grant the access on my Moto X4, since Pi.

    This has been mentioned several times, it appears something changed (broke) going from Oreo to Pi.

    Everything worked fine before Pi on my moto x4.

    please fix.

    It would be a first step for one or the other (motorola or Teamviewer) to admit they broke something. As it is, both are ignoring an obvious problem

    see thread about this on motorola forum:




  • ebeighe
    ebeighe Posts: 11

    touching this alert causes NOTHING TO HAPPEN on moto x4 (since Pi, everything worked with oreo and quicksupport)...


  • ebeighe
    ebeighe Posts: 11

    i have same problem as @heyfernand on my moto x4 w/Pi....

    "1) Menu --> settings" 

    i'm lost right on step one; the only choice in my quicksupport menu is "advanced"

  • @ebeighe wrote:

    i have same problem as @heyfernand on my moto x4 w/Pi....

    "1) Menu --> settings" 

    i'm lost right on step one; the only choice in my quicksupport menu is "advanced"

    pretty sure they mean the phones general settings, not inside the app

  • ebeighe
    ebeighe Posts: 11

    @cmkeddy88 wrote:

    @ebeighe wrote:

    i have same problem as @heyfernand on my moto x4 w/Pi....

    "1) Menu --> settings" 

    i'm lost right on step one; the only choice in my quicksupport menu is "advanced"

    pretty sure they mean the phones general settings, not inside the app

    well then what would "Menu" mean in her instructions?, @AlenaC should answer.

    Assuming it does mean the phone's settings: the closest thing to security is "security and Location"... going into that menu looking for "apps with special access" per step 2; the closest thing might be "device admin apps" which does not contain an entry for quicksupport, so nothing to do.

  • AlenaC
    AlenaC Posts: 949 Senior Moderator

    Hello @ebeighe ,

    thank you and the others for your posts.

    Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I meant the phone settings, outside any TV app, but I talked to my colleagues and there seems to be an issue with android 9.

    We are recording the cases and forwarding them to our developer team. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more Information.

    Sorry for the caused inconvenience.

    I wish you a nice day,



    Spanish Community Moderator :)

  • ebeighe
    ebeighe Posts: 11

    @AlenaC wrote:

    We are recording the cases and forwarding them to our developer team. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more Information.

    awesome; thanks!

  • Same problem.  Moto X4 on Android P.  Thank you.

  • Any idea on when such a problem is fixed as an indication? Is this more days, weeks or months?

  • Tectonic
    Tectonic Posts: 1

    Hi, any word on if this was fixed?

    We have several Moto Z3s that can not be remote controlled.

  • Whitedavidp
    Whitedavidp Posts: 19

    I am getting "device only supports screen sharing" message on an Asus X00TD/ZB602KL using either Q/S or Host apps. I see a blue hand icon and can see the screen behavior just fine. But cannot remote control the device. Asus is shown on the list of makers where remote control is supported. This device is rooted. I have not been prompted to download an addon but since there is one for Asus on Play Store I installed it hoping it would make a difference. It did not. Any suggestions? Thanks

  • dece
    dece Posts: 1

    Same issue - Moto X4 running Android 9