Comment Window: RemoteID instead ContactName - ISSUE ?

TV 12.0.75126 Preview
As you can see on this following screenshot
I have very often comment window without Contact Name.
Instead that I see RemoteID.
Could some body confirm the same Issue ?
mLipok , AutoIt MVP
Dear @mLipok
Thank your post and your great help in the community :smileyhappy:
I have tried different scenarios of remote connections to reproduce your request.
Starting position: Sign in with TeamViewer Account
1. Connection to unknown machine (TeamViewer ID)
- Comment Window shows RemoteID2. Connection to a Computer via Computer & Contact list
- Comment Window shows computer name3. Connection to TeamViewer ID which is added in your Computer & Contact list
- Comment Window shows again computer name4. Connection to Contact via Computer & Contact list
- Comment Window shows contact name5. Connection via using comand line parameters
- Comment Window shows RemoteID, even when this computer is added to your
Computer & Contact listI hope this bringt clarity!
Wish you a nice friday.
Did my reply answer your question? Please accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
Reyhan1 -
I was connecting to several Devices at one time.
All this devices are on my contact list.Regards,
mLipok , AutoIt MVP0 -
One time equal to same TV channel... it can't discriminate perhaps?
Domenico Langone
1 -
I'll try.
You have said "I was connecting to several Devices at one time." In this case, as TeamViewer Support Team confirm, "using more than one session from the same machine... will use only one channel"
Perhaps, in this case, it is not possible to derive exactly that the information requested, given that the same channel are transiting different sessions.
Anyway, as Reyhan explained, that value happen when:
- connect to unknown computer (not your case);
- connect via command line (AutoIt automate connection?);
I hope it is more understandable
Domenico Langone
1 -
Sorry for my poor English skills.
It looks like this could be problem with CommandLine (yes I use AutoIt to opening connections).I was thinking that using CMD I'm still using my license so In this case mean also that TV APP also have access to my ContactList, and most important Stores CoonectionsReports to the TV API / Cloud.
I must do test and confirm if using TV APP via CMD is storing ConnectionReports.
This will mean that the problem with CMD and the lack of ContactName in comment window should be considered as an issue/bug, because if TV APP using via CMD can save connection reports, this mean that the same TV APP should get ContactName based on RemoteID.Regards,
mLipok , AutoIt MVP0 -
So now I'm sure.
This is an issue.
I'm using CMD to open TV connection.
After connection ends, the comment dialog appear, and the connection report is properly saved to my account/cloud.This mean that TV APP when is run via CMD has access to my TV Account, so it mean it is possible to fix information in comment window.
What is your's opinion ?
mLipok , AutoIt MVP0