Quick Support old version Connection Could not Be Established. Reason Unknown.

GrigoreB Posts: 4


Today i tried to connect on my Android device from desktop to mobile and i got message: A connection could not be established Reason unknown

On desktop i have install all verson of teamviewer 10 11 14 .... on android i have quicksupport 10 and 11, i got same error message.

Did you made some changes?

From now i will can't use old version off quicksupport?
Thank you


Best Answer


  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,585 Moderator

    Hi @GrigoreB 

    Thank you for your message. 

    Can you please try to install the latest version on both sides and try again?

    Please let me know, if it worked.

    All the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • GrigoreB
    GrigoreB Posts: 4

    I installed the latest version and its work.

    My question is old version of quicksupport will stop work?

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,585 Moderator

    Hi @GrigoreB 

    Perfect to hear, that it worked with the latest version.

    We kindly recommend all our users to update to the latest version of TeamViewer

    Please let us know, if you have any further questions. 

    All the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • GrigoreB
    GrigoreB Posts: 4
    Sorry for bothering you, but you didn't answer at my question .....
    1. Old verion of quicksuport android will not work from now?
    2. If i will have payed version of teamvewer with addon android, it will work to connect on old version of quick support?
    Thank you.
  • GrigoreB
    GrigoreB Posts: 4


    Thank you for answerd.

    Today is working connetion between QS10, 11 and computer.


  • CrazyDef
    CrazyDef Posts: 1

    Hi Natascha

    I don't mind having to upgrade to a newer version, but how do you expect me to do that when I can't connect to the machine that needs upgrading because TV refuses to connect?  Last time I checked, it's not the 18th of June yet.  Forcing me to upgrade with no prior warning will just encourage me to find a different solution.  (If I have to travel to where the remote PC is located, I'm not going to just upgrade TV, I'll find a more reliable solution and install that instead.)

  • saikob
    saikob Posts: 1

    after i uninstall old version then 

    try to install with version 14 but not working

    "Not ready, Please check your connection"

    i try to reset all my network (TCP/IP, socket, reset dns, uninstall driver network and etc. not work)
    but teamviewer v.10 that status is green , but now Connection Could not Be Established

    this error log of v.14

    2019/06/17 21:41:15.062 12176 18600 0 Logger started.
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.103 12176 19216 0!! LocalIPAddresses: getaddrinfo failed with socket error 11001, Errorcode=1008
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.103 12176 19216 0! AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.104 12176 19216 0 InitializeRemoteAccessAPI
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.106 12176 19216 0 UpdateOnlineState alwaysOnline=0 modifiedOnline=0 otherProcess=0 restart=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.107 12176 19216 0!! LocalIPAddresses: getaddrinfo failed with socket error 11001, Errorcode=1008
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.107 12176 19216 0! AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.109 12176 19216 0 Generating new RSA private/public key pair
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.129 12176 19216 0 QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Configuration' (24) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.129 12176 19216 0 QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Properties' (25) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.130 12176 18600 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 32787
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.130 12176 18600 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 32787
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.179 12176 19216 S0 DesiredServices: waiting for service winmgmt
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.198 12176 19216 S0!! GetNICInfosExtended: error 111 occurred, buffer needed 43900
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.318 12176 19216 S0 Resource-Language: en
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.319 12176 19216 S0!! LocalIPVector: getaddrinfo failed with socket error 11001, Errorcode=11001


    Start: 2019/06/17 21:41:15.318 (UTC+7:00)
    Version: 14.0.13880
    ID: 0
    Loglevel: Info (100)
    License: 0
    Server: master2.teamviewer.com
    IC: -**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**
    CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel
    CPU extensions: h9
    OS: Win_10.0.17134_W (64-bit)
    MID: 0x00090faa0001_1d3d1ee2cdc07fa_**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**
    MIDv: 0
    Proxy-Settings: Type=1 IP= User=
    IE: 11.829.17134.0
    AppPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe
    UserAccount: SYSTEM



    2019/06/17 21:41:15.328 12176 19336 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.328 12176 19128 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.328 12176 19216 S0 RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsStore: Cleanup all policies.
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 19216 S0 RemoteSettingsStoreListener: Establish connection.
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_TVClientSetting_Policy empty
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Antivirus_Policy empty
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Backup_Policy empty
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_RemoteManagement_Policy empty
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_ActiveDirectory_Policy empty
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.329 12176 14720 S0 RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.330 12176 19216 S0 Using IPC-Port 5939
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.330 12176 19216 S0 SHMR: Initializing shared memory.
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.332 12176 19216 S0 ApiServer::IsApiInstalled: The API is not registered with Windows.
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.334 12176 19128 S0 OSSessionEventTranslator::GenerateEventsForSession: SessionID = 0, username = , primarySession = 0, unusable = 1, locked = 0, connected = 0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.334 12176 19128 S0 OSSessionEventTranslator::GenerateEventsForSession: SessionID = 1, username = taoraong-dell-2\user, primarySession = 1, unusable = 0, locked = 0, connected = 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.334 12176 19128 S0 SingleUserSessionDesignator: New active session: 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.334 12176 19128 S0 Force Autostart GUI for session ID 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.495 12176 19128 S0 ProcessControlBase[2]: Start GUI process in session 1, pid 18472
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.495 12176 19128 S0 UpdateOnlineState alwaysOnline=0 modifiedOnline=0 otherProcess=0 restart=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.831 12176 19128 S0 CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.838 12176 19128 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 67, RegistrationID: 77b1fc9a-c85f-470e-8fbd-f1fee82d1681, DyngateID: 0, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.526 18472 9320 G1 Logger started.
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.530 18472 9320 G1 StringCompare locale:
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.774 18472 9320 G1 Monitors: DELL P2217, \\.\DISPLAY1, 1680x1050 (0,0), flags=3, dpi=96
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.774 18472 9320 G1 Monitors: Generic PnP Monitor, \\.\DISPLAY2, 1280x1024 (1680,5), flags=3, dpi=96
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.822 18472 9320 G1 CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.822 18472 9320 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetwork created
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.824 18472 9320 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 77b1fc9a-c85f-470e-8fbd-f1fee82d1681)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.825 18472 9320 G1 AutoLogin::Login: enabled: 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.825 18472 9320 G1 AccountLoginStateMachine::Reset
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.826 18472 9320 G1 tvshared::WindowsSessionStateManager::SetUserLoggedIn(0861EF60): changed to: 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.826 18472 9320 G1 VoIP: VoIPCentral: Constructor
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.826 18472 9320 G1!! ApplicationLookOfflineState::ApplicationAppearanceOfflineState: state not loaded
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.827 18472 9320 G1!! ApplicationLookOfflineState::ApplicationAppearanceOfflineState: state not loaded
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.831 18472 9320 G1 InterProcessBase::StartTcpCommunicationInternal(): setting m_NetworkConnector to new TCP connector
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 12176 11856 S0 ProcessControlBase[2]::ProcessConnected: Process pid 18472 in session 1 connected
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.831 18472 9320 G1 Opening local TCP connection to
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.831 18472 11824 G1 Local TCP connection established
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 12176 11856 S0 UpdateOnlineState alwaysOnline=0 modifiedOnline=0 otherProcess=1 restart=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.838 18472 18664 G1 SettingsIPCReception receive a SYNCHRONISE Settings command : UserSettings
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.838 18472 18664 G1 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.838 18472 18664 G1 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.838 18472 18664 G1 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 12176 16040 S0 TeamViewer is going online!
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 18472 9320 G1 TAF::Handler::ctor: TAF initialized. MM=40
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 12176 19128 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::DoReconnectInternal: doing nothing, state = 0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 18472 9320 G1!! ApplicationLookOfflineState::ApplicationAppearanceOfflineState: state not loaded
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.839 12176 16040 S0 CAntiMalwareController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.840 12176 16040 S0 CBackupController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.840 12176 19128 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 8 proxy --
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.840 12176 19128 S0 Activating Router carrier
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.840 12176 19128 S0!!!CTcpConnectionBase[1]::HandleResolve(): Resolve failed, router3.teamviewer.com, Error: system:11001
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.841 12176 19128 S0! KeepAliveSessionOutgoing[router3.teamviewer.com]::ConnectEndedHandler(): State is 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.841 12176 11196 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[1]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.841 12176 11196 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router3.teamviewer.com failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.841 12176 19128 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 4 proxy --
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.841 12176 19128 S0 Activating Router carrier
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.845 18472 9320 G1 MsHtmlVersionInfo: 11.0.17134.829
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.845 18472 9320 G1 ManagerHolderStateMachine: Switching from None to NotReady
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.845 18472 18664 G1 ChatManager::ChatManager: created
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.845 18472 18664 G1 ChatManager::Factory: ChatManager created
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.845 18472 18664 G1 IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: created
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.845 18472 18664 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::Start: registering for ready state properties
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.851 18472 9320 G1 PredefinedSessionPassword (reset) ForceId(1) CurrentId(1) ConsoleId(1)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.855 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.855 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.855 18472 9320 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::TeamViewerOnlineStateChanged: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to offline
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.856 18472 9320 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::TeamViewerOnlineStateChanged: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to offline
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.856 18472 9320 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::TeamViewerOnlineStateChanged: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to offline
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.858 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.859 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.859 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.860 18472 18484 G1 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.860 18472 18484 G1 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.862 18472 9320 G1 UpdateBase::StartUpdate(): Start minor update... (UpdateType=4) (TargetModule=1)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 18708 S0!! HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Couldn't resolve host name (6), Could not resolve host: router7.teamviewer.com
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 18708 S0!! Port443Connection::RequestFinishedCallback: failed with HTTP status code = 0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 11196 S0! KeepAliveSessionOutgoing[router7.teamviewer.com]::ConnectEndedHandler(): State is 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 19128 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[2]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 19128 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router7.teamviewer.com failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 11856 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 2 proxy --
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.863 12176 11856 S0 Activating Router carrier
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.869 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.870 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 19128 S0!! HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Couldn't resolve host name (6), Could not resolve host: router5.teamviewer.com
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 19128 S0!! CHttpConnectionOutgoing::ResolveDNSName: resolving DNS name failed, status = Failed, HTTP response code = 0, URL = 'http://router5.teamviewer.com/cname.aspx'
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 19128 S0!! CHttpConnectionOutgoing::HandleResolveDNS: empty address, m_ConnectionState=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 11856 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[3]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 11856 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router5.teamviewer.com failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 11196 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 1 proxy --
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.877 12176 11196 S0 Activating Router carrier
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 G1 MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 G1 MachineHooks: refcount = 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 G1 MachineHooks: x64 Machine detected
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 G1 MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 G1 MachineHooks: x64 Loader is starting
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.892 12176 19128 S0 CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.892 12176 11856 S0!! HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Couldn't resolve host name (6), Could not resolve host: router7.teamviewer.com
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.892 12176 11856 S0!! CHttpConnectionOutgoing::ResolveDNSName: resolving DNS name failed, status = Failed, HTTP response code = 0, URL = 'http://router7.teamviewer.com/cname.aspx'
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.892 12176 11856 S0!! CHttpConnectionOutgoing::HandleResolveDNS: empty address, m_ConnectionState=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.892 12176 11196 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[4]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.893 12176 11196 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router7.teamviewer.com failed
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.896 12176 11196 S0 Waiting 1 seconds to connect to KeepAlive again
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.903 12176 19128 S0 IpcLoaderProcessHandlerWin: Loader process started, pid = 19072
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.907 19072 16588 L32 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer14_Logfile.log
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.907 12176 19128 S0 CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.914 12176 19128 S0 IpcLoaderProcessHandlerWin: Loader process started, pid = 16552
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.918 16552 18500 L64 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_x64.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer14_Logfile.log
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.924 19072 16588 L32 Starting Loader
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0xa260000, refcnt = 1)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.888 18472 9320 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0xa260000, refcnt = 2)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.925 19072 16588 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0xc60000, refcnt = 1)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.925 19072 16588 H32 tv_w32.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0xc60000, refcnt = 2)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.929 16552 18500 L64 Starting Loader
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.931 16552 18500 H64 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x85d30000, refcnt = 1)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.931 16552 18500 H64 tv_x64.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x85d30000, refcnt = 2)
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.938 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.940 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.940 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.940 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.940 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.940 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:15.941 18472 9320 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.432 18472 9320 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem_SetLogLevel: 0 -> 200
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.443 18472 9320 G1 Tray created!
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.444 18472 9320 G1 MainWindowFull2::ShowIntroScreenOnStartup()::Show Intro Screen
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.444 18472 3332 G1 tvshared::WindowsSessionStateManager::SetUserLoggedIn(0861EF60): changed to: 1
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.444 18472 3332 G1 tvshared::WindowsSessionStateManager::SetSessionLocked: 0861EF60 : Unlocked
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.444 18472 3332 G1 UpdateBase::StartVersionFileDownload(): Start download of version file...(Version : 3.0, Channel: 1 )
    2019/06/17 21:41:16.445 18472 12216 G1 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful