Hi there!!
When I try to connect to TeamViewer from my Smartphone or even to open it on my PC, I'm receiving messages that says: "Magnification.dll was not projected to run on Windows or it has an error". Then, it ask me to reinstall, etc. In the end of message it says: "Error Status 0xc0000020".
If I only test to connect, using the smartphone, but I'm in front of the PC, I just click "ok" in the message and it connects. But if I'm away from PC, I can't access, cause I can't ignore the Error message!
Hope some one can help me. I've already deep uninstall (using Revo Uninstaller) Teamviewer and reinstalled. But the error keeps the same.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards.
PS. I don't know how to insert a screenshot with the error message, If you need, just ask me.
PS2. That's the Screenshot
Sorry, Its in Portuguese, but I mentioned on my explanation.