We are runing Host version 14.6.2452 on our computers. And we are deplying it with the new script way like this msiexec.exe /i "\\server\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CUSTOMCONFIG_ID> APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access" IMPORTREGFILE=1. This works perfekt for the installation on new machines. And the computer will end up in our folder "Nya Anslutningar" as the Customconfig is set to do (se picture).
We then move the computer to an other folder. Lets say "Servers".
The problem is when we try to update the Host to version 14.6.4835 the update works perfekt but the computer is moved back to the "Nya anslutningar" from the group "Servers". How should I do so the computers will not be moved?