iPadOS 13.1.2 - Can't screenshare outside of QuickSupport app

DaveR Posts: 2

I can't figure out how to screenshare outside of the QuickSupport app. The moment I leave the app I get the following center notification on the iPad: "Live broadcast to teamviewer has stopped due to: attempted to start an invalid broadcast session". Once I hit OK on that notification the session ends and I stop receiving the screenshare on the client (Mac app).







  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator

    Hi @DaveR,

    Thank you for your post.

    Can you kindly check the steps about How can I share the screen on my iPad/iPhone with TeamViewer? please. If you have broadcasting via TeamViewer, there should be a red recoding icon shows on your top right screen, and screenshot should be fine to proceed.

    Hope this information helps.




    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • DaveR
    DaveR Posts: 2

    Thanks, I did follow the steps on that site. I still see the same problem.

    I can start broadcasting just fine when I am in the QuickSupport app. At that point I see the red recording icon.

    But after I go to the home scree I see the message I shared in my first post- "Live broadcast to teamviewer has stopped due to: attempted to start an invalid broadcast session" error. And the red recording icon dissapears.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator

    Hi @DaveR,

    Thank you for your message.

    Can you kindly check the version of TeamViewer QuickSupport please, the latest version is 14.6.1. The test device I have tried to do screenshot was iPadOS 13.1.2 with TeamViewer QuickSupport 14.6.1. It is totally fine to share screen and do screnshot when shows home screen. Kindly check again the settings and follow the steps to initiate the remote session please.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • I've got the exact same problem. I tested with a variety of different iPhones and iPads, all with iOS 13 or iPadOS 13. In MOST, but not all cases, the moment I enter an app other than "quick support, the connection gets interrupted you too and "invalid broadcast station". I am unable to predict the behavior at this point, though.

  • I have the same problem.  I start the teamviewer recording session,

    start the QS app, and press ‘allow’ when the remote teamviewer session starts.  Initially it works fine with the remote ipad viewing my session. BUT... when I start an app on my ipad, I get the message:

    Screen Broadcasting Live Broadcast to Teamviewer has stopped due to: Attempted to start an invalid broadcast session.

    I am running QS version 14.7.2 QS.

    Please fix this bug. Thanks!! 


    Please fix this bug.

  • Hey!  I think i found a work around to the problem!!

    First I started the recording as noted in my previous post. Then I stopped the recording. Now I started QS as normal and clicked on 'allow' when the remote  team viewer started.  At this point the remote machine sees a message saying it is waiting for my recording to start.  Now I start the recording again from the control center and the remote ipad can see my session.  BUT now when I start various apps on my ipad the QS session does not crash!

    Can the QS app be fixed so you can start the recording FIRST with it crashing?


  • RSY
    RSY Posts: 1

    We've just upgraded to paid version for the very reason of this mobile access and this is happening. Is there a solution as we will be asking for a refund if can't get sorted as it makes the software pointless to us.

  • dkaan
    dkaan Posts: 1

    I have this problem too when viewing an iPad from a Mac.  Mac OS v11.1, TeamView on Mac v15.13.7, TeamViewer QuickSupport 15.3.1QS on iPad iOS 14.3

    It works correctly within the QS app on the iPad and switching to the Home Screen and some apps. But it always crashes (Screen Broadcasting Live Broadcast to Teamviewer has stopped due to: Attempted to start an invalid broadcast session.) if I attempt to go into Settings on the iPad. I haven't checked many apps, but Maps crashes it as well.

  • +1 to this - this hasn't worked for us since last year, when iOS 14 came out. I can confirm that the above message appears, and the session freezes if the user of the iPad opens any other app. In QuickSupport it remains stable, and it does so even on the desktop. As soon as they click to open an app - that's it, session over.

    Is there any news about a fix for this problem?