Business plan not working right

I purchased the business plan because I have about 150 computer on my network and 10 TV's so 200 installs was plenty. I started installing teamviewer on the TV's and started getting the following message. I have only installed on maybe 5 devices. I need to install on said computers and TV so I can connect at any time incase of an issue(TV's are high up and dont have many ports for usb inputs) so this was a solution, at least I thought. Please let me know if there is something further I need to apporve/accept for the business plan to work correctly or this is completly useless for what I thought it would do FYI it works how I want it to on the current devices but then got this message this morning when I was gonna connect to a TV.




  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @codyto1999

    Thank you for your message.

    The Business license allows to you have 3 master devices, as it is indicated on our website:


    With master devices, we mean that you can make unlimited outgoing connections from max. 3 devices (one connection at a time, because you have only one channel with the Business license). When you log into your TeamViewer account with a device X, this device X is automatically added to your master devices list. Therefore, you only need to login into your TeamViewer account on the device you make outgoing connections with.

    You can manage these activations within your Management Console by following this procedure:

    1. Log into your TeamViewer account via your Management Console
    2. Click on your name on the top right corner and go to Edit profile
    3. Go to the License tab. In this menu, you will be able to deactivate devices you do not use as master devices.

    The procedure is also explained in our article here: How to deactivate (remove) device from the Business license.

    Note: You have in total only 10 moves available to change the master device list. If somehow you used all your moves, please contact our customer support. They will be able to exceptionally reset your moves.

    Open ticket.png

    The 200 managed devices you are mentioning are related to the number of devices you can assign to your TeamViewer account. With the Business license, you can assign 200 devices to your account. You will find all the information you need regarding this in our Knowledge Base article here: How do I assign a device to my TeamViewer account? 

    I hope this could help.



    Community Manager