TeamViewer 15 (15.0.8397) installs on Linux, Windows still on version 14?


Why does TeamViewer 15.0.8397 exits on Ubuntu Linux as the latest version while on Windows 10 the latest version is 14.7.1965? These 2 versions dont talk. Windows complains that the host (Linux) is running a newer version and Windows should be upgrade. Choosing to upgrade results in a message that the latest has already been installed.

Host platform:$ uname -vors
Linux 4.15.0-70-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 10:36:11 UTC 2019 GNU/Linux

This I find interesting:

$ apt-cache policy teamviewer
Installed: 14.7.1965
Candidate: 15.0.8397
Version table:
15.0.8397 500
500 preview/main amd64 Packages
15.0.7494 500
500 preview/main amd64 Packages
*** 14.7.1965 500
500 stable/main amd64 Packages
500 preview/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
14.7.751 500
500 preview/main amd64 Packages

The version with the three *** is the version that is now installed. If readers are interested in removing the newer version and installing a previous version to get them on the same level, here is the receipe. Uninstall the existing version first and then install a "back-dated" version:

$ sudo apt remove teamviewer
$ sudo apt install teamviewer=14.7.1965

Not the end of the world, but creates a bit of frustration. 


