Trying to cancel subscription

I am being chased by your debt collection team, who did not have the correct contact details, did not send the reminders to the correct contacts and therefore we did not request the cancellation of our subscription. They gave me an address to write to, which is not longer valid.  I know have had to log in here, just to cancel the subscription. Clearly your communication channels need some work if your own debt collection team don't know who to refer people to.

Below is my email to them

Please cancel the subscription as mentioned and confirm that there is no debt to pay as the confusion has been caused by poor communication on your part


Dear Team Viewer

Longshot Cherkley Court does not wish to continue with the 2nd of our Team Viewer licences.

For the avoidance of doubt we wish to keep the licence ref **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** paid for a couple of months ago

We do not wish to keep the other licence – which is being chased by the attached letter.

Your contact details have not been updated – you have not been sending the invoices and Team Viewer debt chase.JPGreminders to the correct email address and therefore your reminders have gone unanswered and we did not therefore inform you of our intentions in time.

You will have received out of office messages from Richard Tee and Daniela Tanneberger – if you did not respond to those out of office messages, then I do not think we should be liable for this annual licence.




  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @DaleKeaney,

    Thank you for your message.

    We are sorry to hear that you had this bad experience here.

    Nevertheless, let me explain the following points:

    If person A with the email (e.g.) orders a license at TeamViewer, the license renews after a year and the invoice is sent to this exact address. This is exactly what happened. If you want to cancel a license, you need to send us a ticket 28 days prior the renewal date. Unfortunately, you have not send any ticket regarding the termination of one of your licenses. Regarding subscriptions, you will find all the information you need in our Knowledge Base article here: Subscription renewal

    Moreover, we also send 3 reminders before blocking the license.

    There is, unfortunately, nothing we can do here but kindly to ask you to pay for the license you have ordered. You will of course able to cancel the renewal for the next year.

    We recommend you to contact our support by phone, in order to discuss about the debt collection fees. Maybe there is a possibility to come to an arrangment here.

    Best regards,


    Community Manager