I installed teamviewer 15 from aur using yay. Everthing worked fine. Then i executed systemctl enable teamviewerd and systemctl start teamviewerd.
Launching teamviewer gives me this messages:
CheckCPU: SSE2 support: yes
Checking setup...
Launching TeamViewer ...
Launching TeamViewer GUI ...
But nothing happens.
I downgraded libtype and reboted as suggested here:
pacman -Ss lib32-freetype2
multilib/lib32-freetype2 2.10.1-1 [installed: 2.8-2]
TrueType font rendering library (32-bit)
I followed the hint by buzo here and changed the permissions.
No idea what i can still do.
Logs (/var/log/teamviewer15):
[logs removed per Community Guidelines]