Commercial use - Connection time out
A few days. As you can see, the two computers are very, very, very apart
Very distant computers...
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My account is literally my PCs and they marked me as a business trial and I have no way to contact them... this is crazy...4
Same, I don’t know how to get in contact as their phone hangs up and tells you to submit a ticket. Guess imma have to call sales to try to reach someone2
another update: I can not start a TV session, however, I can log on to a TV another computer starts and it works fine. So the problem is just with this computer starting a TV Session.
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Go to to put in a ticket.3
ive put 2 in.. now it says i am limited to 5 mins.. i get 28 seconds and then it times me out for 11 mins.. What the serious **bleep** is wrong with TV
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this does not work i have filled in a lot of forms over the course of 6 monts and the only 2 responses i got where basicly **bleep** you and pay
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I am having the same issue today, but I think might have started yesterday. I am the tech support person for my friends and family, so I have 14 computers in my connections list. I am NOT using TeamViewer for commercial purposes.
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I had the block removed last October, about 1 month after submitting one form for my main computer out of 4 using TV.
BUT... ever since, each time I start TV, it pops up a nag screen basically telling me it doesn't trust that I'm only using it for personal use, and why don't I pony up. Then it allows me to use it without any restriction. It's not nice using software that tells me it suspects me of cheating every time I use it.
And no, I don't use it commercially, just to save me running from room to room, and to give me access to home computers when I'm on vacation.
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If you want to mention an alternative product (which they wouldn't be afraid of if they felt their product was truly competitive), just obscure it a little, like "Third party product".
Also, you people are doing it wrong when you threaten to stop using the product because of the bogus Commercial Usage detection. Don't you get it? They are trying to get rid of their free tier users. They _want_ you to quit using the product.
Instead, threaten to post in every possible location on the web about how bad their product is, how poor their business practices are, how they are liars and cheaters and scumbags, rate their product down on all app stores, and competitors up, post to twitter, facebook, EVERYWHERE until the world knows the truth about Teamviewer.
Maybe that threat (promise) will get their attention. It's not good business practice to bait and switch and lie to humble masses, they should know this by now. If they keep going like this, they will go out of business.
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+++ for AD mentioned above. Faster connect than TV. Just swapped to it today. No ragrets.
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A really good way of **bleep**ing off your users is by destroying their faith in your product. Super well done. Kudo's for your amazing work at losing 50% of your users due to a bug in the software, and your unwillingness to fix it in a timely manner. Whatever shall we do... Oh, I know, there are several
Good luck finding a new product
if you're smart...
Very Nice ...
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I am getting sick of this commercial use **bleep**.
I have six of my PCs at home on TeamViewer. They are at home, all run Windows 10 Home or Pro, and connect to my router on FiOS. I have only used Teamviewer for personal use. Yet I keep getting this **bleep** about commercial use. Why the heck do they keep saying that when I have always used it for personal use. What **bleep** thinks I'm using it for commercial use?
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Yeah - I also just switched to “third party product “.
Very poor decision by Teamviewer to start this fake detecttion of commercial use.
Thanks. I'll need to look at “third party product “. At this point almost anything would be better than TeamViewer. Since they have no clue how to properly identify commercial use.
All my use has been personal use, from my personal PCs. Nothing they have in their FAQ about commercial use applies to me. Yet they keep erroneously saying I'm using Teamviewer commercially. Hopefully “third party product “ has people programming their software that actually know what they are doing.1 -
A friend of mine found this link, I just filled out the form so we will see if it works.. -
I've been using TeamViewer for years to check my personal emails when I'm on holidays and away from my desktop.
But for whatever reason today my TeamViewer keeps disconnecting after a little bit and tells me that this session was sponsored by Then it won't let me connect again for a few minutes. I think that it thinks I am using it commercially?
But I have a personal license already. I really don't know what to do?
Can you please help?
Thank you!
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Same problem here...1
Terrible rollout of this commercial use police state. Too bad you did not see how **bleep** this would turn out for your personal use support base. **Third Party Product** at [removed per Community Guidelines] is looking pretty good to me right now.
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Posted here a few days ago saying I had been falsely accussed of commercial use. Have now switched to another solution and delted my TeamViewer account.
I can't understand why people try to stick with them when it takes days or weeks to get your accounts reinstated. Life is too short - move on -:)
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There are plenty, forum rules prevents from explicitly name them, just use your favorite search engine, looking for Teamviewer plus alternative(s)1
Tried to post this a moment ago and got an error, so am repeating...
A lot of folks here are talking about *third party product * I just tried that one and two immediate negatives: 1. Using a tablet to access a PC in another room in my house, which was my main TV use, there seems to be no way to set the PC to automatically accept the connection request from the tablet. I have to go into the PC room and accept the connection, which defeats the purpose of having remote access. 2. I have to move the PC's cursor on the tablet's screen, as if I were at the PC using the mouse. I can't, on either input setting on the tablet side, directly click on the PC's windows and buttons from the tablet. There doesn't seem to be any setting addressing this on the PC side at all. Both these issues are deal breakers. Won't be using the software mentioned above.0 -
hey, i only use teamviewer to access a old laptop that i use to control a 3d printer because the screen is broken, and i installed win server on it, i though that will help because even new its already an underpower machine, after ~1 month using without problems now i recived commercial use detected mensage and an 5 min limit usage, there is anyway to solve it or, i will need to pay?
[EDIT]: i though reinstalling windows 7 or linux, but without a screen i cant access the boot menu.
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I'm in the same boat, not sure why this is happening... ugh!
somebody needs to revist their code to make sure things are checked!
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No, my problem has not been solved yet.
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@GromitD90 In my case it was because my mother's PC is 8,500 miles from my PC. I can't remember if they were promising seven days or 30 days back when I filed the form. After 33 days and a reminder I got unlocked and that was before I was able to visit my mom and install something else. Now, I still use TV but I have a backup installed in case I lose access again. I am starting to be flagged again but I've narrowed to down to the PC attached to my television (I would have writen TV but for the chance of confusion.)
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I have 2 PC with setted up unattended access, all added to my account, and 2 or 3 portable clients (notebook, work and mobile). I always login to account and connect throught computers and contacts tab. I do this about 5 years. About a year ago TV start annoing me with commertial using. And now any second connection it says me about commersial usage and breaks connection. Version 14 have no a dialog to report false positive commersial usage.
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got same mail from them, guess they massivly enforcing any use to buy their license. TV is dead for me, looking to delete all my account and reaching support or submitting support ticket ends in a circle by leading to this community. cheers up TV this is how you satisfy your free usage customer.
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Thanks god I am not the only person with this mess. I believe TV enforces their license models heavily. So pursuing customers to pay for the "free of charge" service is great in perspective to the ROI of their sale departments.
for me, TV is dead and deleted on all my "potential" customers i support in my leisure time as business pro *jokeoff* thanks for being 5 years with TV and a usage of 12 times a year, which indicates me as professional user while i randomly connect to a mobile phone support my family in certain android related tasks!!!! But yes you hang off on me. All people around me I highly recommend to avoid using you. this literally **bleep** me off.
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Same here! I use to connect to the same room desktop from my tablet and now it says commercial use detected and states it gives me only 5 minutes but disconnects in less than 2! im actually using non commercial teamviewer for almost 10 years!!! but now im also dissapointed and i cant record the session when im using teamviewer...
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So what is the fix? It keeps timing out each time I log in and won't let me fix it.Help!