Commercial use - Connection time out



  • robgrim
    robgrim Posts: 1

    TV says that i am not a private user!?


    Only use to help friends and family.


  • So I am using teamviewer to support my non-technical wife and play games remotely that I can't on my laptop (like when I am in a hotel and can't carry my desktop across the US). You can't play a game like BDO on a non-gaming laptop.

    I have put in 3 requests now to get it removed. I have waited over 14 days to get a response and its only getting worse. In less than a minute my teamviewer cuts out saying I can't connect for another 26 minutes or something similar its never consistent. 

    If teamviewer doesn't support non-commercial use anymore, that's fine, I will find another program that does the job properly instead of a software that constantly tries to nickel and dime people supporting their SO's or playing games remotely. I just want to know why I can't get a response from teamviewer and their software is turning into a hot piece of garbage while I wait. 

    I have been using teamviewer personally and professionally (not using my personal account) for over 5 years now. I worked to buy the commercial version for remotely supporting individuals overseas. I have read the usage agreements and I am well within my right with personal use to NOT need any commercial license. My goal is to just get this resolved by posting about it, so hopefully I can at least get a response.

  • Many of us have faced the same problem, filled out their form MULTIPLE times but there doesn't appear to be any incentive for TeamViewer to resolve the problem that so many are having with this.

    It seems TeamViewer doesn't care so the **bleep** with 'em.. I'm going to find another product for my  NON COMMERCIAL, hobby use, even if I have to pay THEM to use it.


    Great job TeamViewer. Your product support **bleep**! Do you ignore users after they've paid too?

  • gabet
    gabet Posts: 6

    Fingers crossed. If only the people who bleep and remove pricing and links to 3rd party products were as dedicated to fixing this issue. I've also used it for years to help out friends and family. I *just* got this *bleeping* message when connecting to my wife's computer on the same lan. Because that is clearly commercial usage...

  • I've been having trouble with my home machines, too, and I wonder if connection speed is part of how TeamViewer detects "commercial use"

    This is a terrible idea, as home connections are routinely getting faster and faster. My home connection is leaps and bounds faster than the commercial connection that I have at work. I also do use my personal laptop from work to connect to home. My home machines get flagged, but my laptop at work seems not to.

    I'm starting to feel that it's time to start looking for an alternate solution.

  • I've spent nearly 40 minutes running around in circles to find the proper channel to get support. The ticket button seems to endlessly loop back to the forums, and calling in for technical support tells you to go to the forums and hangs up on you. I use Teamviewer to help support my non-technical mother with my free account, and I have been extremely disappointed with this disrespectful run-around.

    I was actually about to recommend that my company purchase a set of about 10 seats for remote diagnostic with our customers right before this happened, but this experience ensures that I'll be looking elsewhere.

  • Alex221
    Alex221 Posts: 1

    Hi there, I'm having the same issue where my account is being restricted. Here's the problem, I'm only using my personal laptop to connect to my home PC, no work computer involved (using corporate account for that). But in order to connect I have to connect to my companies free wifi network (the same as we use for customers in the shop (no encryption even)). I work in the basement, so no cell reception, can't hotspot. There must be a way for me to connect my personal laptop to home on our customer wifi cause I've got no other option.


  • trying to send a message to support

    directed to this site ?


  • I totally understand seems like almost every time they do an update I get the samething so I try to leave it until I absolutely have to update so hopefully you get it fixed 

  • I totally agree with you seems like almost everytime I update to a new version I get flagged commercial use expected If you find an alternative please post it here getting tired of it 

  • Hey I do the same things help elderly family and friends and they have reset mine in the past and it seems almost everytime they update the program I have to go through this to have the reset it

  • I hate doing updates seems like almost everytime I update I have to go through this if I could find something else I would quit using teamviewer

  • I submitted my request for reconsideration when my TeamViewer was flagged for commercial use. It has been nearly 2 weeks and no reply. Is that normal? I didn't receive a copy of my submission by email. Should I re-submit?

    I only use TeamViewer to login to my personal, home desktop PC while traveling or at work. I have no business or anything. Zero commercial activity.


  • Thank you for this link.  I hope my voice will add to this protest.  I have brought many clients to this company.  I hate to see when a good company goes down the tubes by alienating the promoters of their product.

  • Good luck with that.

    MANY of us have fillled out that form (some of us REPEATEDLY) with no results. Teamviewer is a joke

  • how to ask them change it for us ?
    I really need to help my uncle with the computer stuff

  • I had the same thing happen with my old account and never received a response and it's been a few years. Submitted multiple requests even. So I created a new account and have been using it fine, now I'm getting this again. I use it solely for personal use. Hopefully one of us will hear back some day, but my hopes aren't very high. May have to look for a different solution sadly.
  • I sent in my non-commercial use request form and received an email saying the request was granted and all my PCs would be reset so they would not display the message again. I have waited over a week and I am still getting the commercial use message on my PCs. I sent the name of my group, my email address, and a list of the PCs TeamViewer IDs when I sent in my signed request form. My group name is 'KQRR4449'

    What else do I need to do to get rid of this message? I really do want to use TeamViewer again if possible.


    Kenneth West

  • Fingers crossed. If only the people who bleep and remove pricing and links to 3rd party products were as dedicated to fixing this issue.

    True dat.

    It's interesting how the company is diligent to not allow their User community to talk about alternatives. Are they afraid to compete? 

    Seems to me they have opened pandora's box. [removed per Community Guidelines]



  • Oh my. After reading this:

    I think the ethics of this company are junk and worthless.

    The company has a severe problem with honesty and customer empathy. 



  • jamiem
    jamiem Posts: 1

    I got the same Garbage about using teamviewer commercially and I never have I just play a  game with it on 2 of my computers not in the same room. The Joke's Over. It is just an excuse for them to get rid of free users even if they are legit. I started using **Third Party Product** and I must admit works just as good without being cut off all the time and This has been a FREE session popping up I do not miss. Thanks TEAMVIEWER but I am moving on just like you wanted anyway :)


  • gabet
    gabet Posts: 6
    edited March 2021


  • jde
    jde Posts: 12

    I just tried to use TeamViewer to help a friend with a simple task. When I tried to log on to his computer, TeamViewer told me it had detected use in a commercial environment (which was not the case), and that my session would be restricted to five minutes. I only needed to get on for a minute or two, to clear cache and cookies from Chrome, so I logged on, and within about 20 seconds, TeamViewer logged me out. I tried to reconnect, but it told me I was locked out for 15 minutes.

    I've never had this happen before. I was using one of the Version 14 iterations (I don't know which one, as I immediately checked for updates, and updated to version 14.5.1691), and I haven't tried it since.

    Is this a known bug?

  • Komarek
    Komarek Posts: 1

    Hi! What I have to do if I use non-commercial version to priv activity, but I need Teamviewer so often, that administrator thinks, that it is commercial activity. So what could I do now? :(

  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112

    @duderonomy So it seems. It used to be they censored mentions of specific alternatives. Now I seen twice that they censor just the mention that alternatives exist.

  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112

    @jamiem The main advantage of Teamviewer over several other alternatives is the ability to find and connect to PCs at remote locations, even behind firewalls. That's because all the PCs running TV are logged into their server somewhere and the server can make the connection between remote PCs. I'm not sure if all the traffic goes through the server or if they have a way to make the connection then hand off to P2P.

    If your PCs are all within the same LAN I would never use TV for that. In that case you don't need the feature that can find the other PCs because they are already on your LAN. Well, not to say never, I do have all my personal PCs on my LAN registered to my TV account. This way I can access them when I travel (on vacation, not for work; I'm retired) or if something goes wrong with the other method(s).

  • gabet
    gabet Posts: 6

    I hear you... the entire reason I use TV in the first place is to help out friends and family. I used to use mstsc (windows remote desktop) pretty much exclusively. However, over the last few decades it's been far easier to just use TV. That said, if they really want to push us power users into using ultra!vnc/anyd!esk/log!mein/zoom/splash!top/parallels/supremo/chrome remote/connectwise/tinyvnc/bom!gar/lite manager/nomachine (you're welcome TV moderators, enjoy the annoyance that you cause us!), they're welcome to. It's no skin off of my but t (is that going to be moderated?) to use a competitor. I think the thing that really annoys me, is that they're pushing the people who will actually bring them business into this circus. It feels like they don't realize that the people who suggest these solutions actually use them for private usage. Do I tell my company to not use slack and zoom because they suc k? Nope! Do I tell the companies I've previously told to use TV to abandon ship? Yup! This policy is pretty harmful for no real reason :(

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 153

    @bazbsg : yes, and that's probably because each device connects to their servers, so as it's an initial connection from inside to outside it's allowed, and subsequent outside from inside as well.

    But that of course has a cost in terms of bandwith and resources.