Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Completely Agree with you - Really dissapointed in them. I do Have multiple machines at home and after setting up a simple Rasberry pi this morning started getting this error. Reading through their explanations it say that Home Office Access is commecial. I dont access my work machine using Teamviewer but I do have a machine named Home Office (because its in my office at home!) -is this what triggered it ?

    It also says that accessing a server of any type is commcial use - I have a synology NAS server at home for personal use, and then the pi is being used as a Homebridge server for my IoT hobby 

    Come on Team Viewer im not even getting outside my Home Network !!

    I loved Teamviewer - Dont wreck it


  • rguer
    rguer Posts: 1

    Does anyone know how to reset this or how to contact for help? I have the same problem, two computers, two different operating systems, just the fact that both have tried to use one in the living from from the bedroom is commercial use?

    I feel so cheated. I even was in the process of convincing my work to get this product and got it budgeted for next year. Forget that now! 

  • When I attempt to start a session with another it displays something like you are allotted 5 min cannot connect (it shows a time)....

    It might have displayed something about commercial use....not sure; my installed Version displays FREE LICENSE-NON-COOMERIAL USE ONLY..and so does the other persons installed Copy.  I went ahead and uninstalled my version...and re-installed TV14...checked PERSONAL USE did the other person....

    Todays date 8/31/19...does anyone know if this is a TeamViewer Server Issue?  I don't know what esle to try; thought New Installs might resolve, but it did not....



  • 3 days since being "fixed" i'm getting commercial use flag Teamviewer stinks.

  • That's good customer focus.

    Run don't walk toward the exits!


  • Yes. Most experienced users are recommending to use your feet and walk. Then use Google to great afffect. Reddit may have some dialog. 

  • I've given up on TV and use **Third Party Product** now. I was just curious to see how long .my free usage would last after being fixed. 3 whole days lol

  • It was very useful info to share. I am grateful for your post. It helps us know that we made the right decision. Take care and good luck!

  • I got the same message for my laptop and my phone. Can somebody help me?
  • You have to waste your time filling out this >>

    only for the flag to come back a few days later.

  • Thank you very much!
  • It seemed that way for me for a while and then within a couple weeks all the notices finally stopped. They never tell you when they fix just find out. I made sure to provide them a list of ALL my machines names and IDs (not just the ones I saw the notices on). They can't seem to tell a business user from a hole in the ground. I only use TV on my home machines and occasionally those of my family to remote in and fix issues with them. All personal use. Never commercial use.
  • Hmm that may be my issue. I gave them one ID thinking both PCs have the same ID. Will look again.
  • Yeah, I figured give them info on all the machines, because sometimes it's hard to figure which machine is generating the complaint. It could be all of them, or just some of them. I noticed also if you ever run TeamViewer on a VM it will automatically give you that error and you have to beg them to exclude that also. When they do add the exception for the VM, you need to track the MAC address of that VMs network adapter to make sure it never changes (so you can change back to the original if needed). Changing a MAC address changes the TeamViewer ID (or rather, will require changing the ID) and you start that problem over again. I ran into that once.
  • What is so frustrating is it is inconsistent. I ran team viewer on the virtual machine for a long time because it made it simpler for me I ran a VM inside of my disk drive because I wanted to be able to access my files and I didn’t have any problem with that. But the minute I ran it on Ubuntu because I was curious how that worked well that immediately triggered a problem that never went away. I’ve given them all of the different IDs of all of my machine and it didn’t seem to matter. The bottom line is they don’t really support private use.

    And I would respect that if they would be open about that but this cloak and dagger maybe it works maybe it doesn’t and you will only find out when you need it and it doesn’t work, that has forced me to switch to other choices like the remote option built into *** Third Party Product*** etc. They’re not as good but they work and you won’t get caught needing it and not having it.

  • My theory is that TV uses mainly the MAC address to identify the machine that's being connected to. It can also identify the OS separately and that's why you will get the notice if running a server OS. If either the MAC address or the OS (or both) changes, then basically you have to get a new TeamViewer ID. I'm pretty sure I got an exemption on a VM once when I submitted the information for it to them. Thing is that each VM you create will give a different MAC address. If you're in Virtualbox and switch to or create a different VM, you get a different MAC address and that means you get a different TeamViewer ID. Once the TV ID on a VM is set as 'personal use' in their database and you don't use it to connect to a commercial-use machine or vice versa, you should be good to go permanently as long neither the MAC address nor the OS change. A word about MAC addresses generated by Virtualbox...since the first three octets of the MAC address (called the OUI) identify the manufacturer of the network adapter, I believe that will always trigger the notice from TeamViewer and that's why you have to get each of those VMs exempted. Anyone who knows better than this is welcome to correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that's close to the truth. The 'manufacturer' (08:00:27) that Virtualbox uses for its MAC addresses according to the OUI database is CADMUS COMPUTER SYSTEMS which is long out of business and may have been purchased by DEC. It seems TeamViewer flags all of those it sees.
  • I need to correct you. Server does not imply domain server. You can have a server that's not part of a domain. People do it all the time if it's something they have on their home network. You are blocking personal use on all servers, domain or not.
  • Nope, I flip the mac address on my notebook several times a night if this was the case I could log on without this issue.

  • You have to fill out their form with your name, machine's name and TeamViewer ID and wait at least a week and they should remove the restriction on your machine. Total pain, I know.
  • Fill out the form to get ALL of your machines exempted from their false positive. You have to do ALL of your machines at once or you will be playing whack-a-mole. If ANY machine appears as commercial use, you violate even by connecting to it from a machine that was previously deemed to be personal use, then that previously personal use machine can technically get stuck with the commercial use restriction also.

  • @attorney wrote:
    What is so frustrating is it is inconsistent. I ran team viewer on the virtual machine for a long time because it made it simpler for me I ran a VM inside of my disk drive because I wanted to be able to access my files and I didn’t have any problem with that. But the minute I ran it on Ubuntu because I was curious how that worked well that immediately triggered a problem that never went away. I’ve given them all of the different IDs of all of my machine and it didn’t seem to matter. The bottom line is they don’t really support private use.

    And I would respect that if they would be open about that but this cloak and dagger maybe it works maybe it doesn’t and you will only find out when you need it and it doesn’t work, that has forced me to switch to other choices like the remote option built into ***Third Party Product*** etc. They’re not as good but they work and you won’t get caught needing it and not having it.

    I find ***Third Party Product*** a good alternative. Just can't copy from desktop to remote desktop without paying a yearly fee for **Third Party Product**.

  • Yep, you can't make any change to it or else TeamViewer sees it as a completely new machine with another red-flagged MAC address. If you want to use another one you'll have to go through that hoop all over again. I assume you're using Virtualbox for the VM or are you using VMWare? I think they both have the same problem but thing about Virtualbox is that it never registered the MAC address range that it uses, at least that anyone knows of.
  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi All,

    Thank you for your post.
    If you feel your use is not considered commercial, please fill out the following form: 

    Our support team assesses all requests individually, and in the order they are received, to determine if a reset is possible.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    Hope this information will be helpful.

    All the best, Yuri

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • I got an email said it had been reset to free. Guess what.... first time I use it got the same **bleep** ...commercial use. I replied to the email and have yet to get a response.

  • OK, I tried to do this, and got hung up with this


    Where the **bleep** is the recaptcha???


    Later edit: ah, what they don't tell you is that you need to be using Chrome. Firefox won't show that recaptcha. Real **bleep**er.


  • Same experience and question here...

  • OK, having figured out that you needed to use Chrome to fill out the form in

    I registered my complaint and got a message saying they would look into it. We shall see. In the meantime, [removed per Community Guidelines] Nothing really making me want to stay with TeamViewer, given this "Commercial use Suspected" trash.

  • Teamviewer is getting lamer by the day
  • The censoring is useless if your subscribed to the topic. We get alerts of new messages and it shows what's said before the censor
  • Since when has a community of users become outlaw's. What a croc of **BLEEP**...