Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25


    I created a rather harsh message to post online, because when I tried to uninstall TeamViewer on one of my iMacs, I always do I search with find any file, and it found nearly 50 files hidden all over the computer in various locations within the regular library and system library, security folders.  When I deleted these and I restarted my computer I got a message that locked up my Computer referring to some authorization file connected with TeamViewer. when I tried to post my message, a whole lot of red print showed up saying errors and it did not get posted in my message in fact completely disappeared.

       It took me nearly 2 days to resolve the problem. I had to eventually erase the entire hard drive reinstall Catalina operating system, And then select a recent back up in iCloud of my computer.  It was impossible to illuminate all of the TeamViewer files placed on in the computer system operating system. And these are files in addition to that 30 or 40 files that get trashed when using app cleaner.   The thing is I had a clone boot drive which I always keep, but unfortunately I had also deleted that one teamviewer file in the Security folder in the library folder and that was dad also. So I created a start up flash drive, but guess what. Team viewer will not install on a drive that's not the operating system.  The thing is I had a clone boot drive which I always keep, but unfortunately I had also deleted that one team viewer file in the security folder in the library folder and that was dead also. The file is in the Security folder in the library folder, in the files name is "TeamViewerAuthPlugin.bundle"  "So I created a start up flash drive, but guess what. Teamviewer will not install on a drive that's not the current operating system.  I put one of the IMAX in target disk mode, but even though the target disk mode I can't showed on the computer my older 2011 iMac which can only run Sierra did not recognize any of the iMac hard drives of which there were are about five.   So, it was impossible to reinstall the file that was causing the problem which I names and listed above. So, it was impossible to reinstall the file that was causing the problem which I names and listed above.  I got suspicious of why TeamViewer needed all these different files, essentially everywhere and seemed to be quite unethical.  They can essentially control your computer whenever they want. It also means they know exactly what you're doing with your computer, so these so-called suspect commercial use messages  I believe is  just a prelude in my opinion to eliminating the free license altogether, just like pocket cloud did a few years ago.

      But we'll cross our fingers and hope for the best that they will continue allowing a personal free license, but I'll tell you I really do not like how they surreptitiously install files that seem to be unnecessary for the function of the program as a gestalt.  

       I'll let you and folks know what happens with my request and form I filled out as you did. But I have heard nothing and I still cannot access the one iMac 5K. Best, Seth 

      P.S. this message would not post, and even said they deleted things from my post and told me to review it and try to send it again. Then, repeated attempts said my device was not a trusted devise, and had sent me an email to add it; but, it would not work.  Tried again to post. Then got it added and put me through a plethora of click on all the hills, and then all hte stairs pictues, which kept changing. Below is what showed up in red print->

    "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied."

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

      Finally posted!  But, for how long... We shall see.  I know it is a free version; but, locking up my computer when I deleted all the TV files I could find that did not get deleted from an uninstall, I find rather unsettling.  However, we shall see what happens from here.  I suspect I will be placed on some black list and my account will be permanently flagged to not work.   Well, I thought folks should know about this experience; and, that so many files are placed everywhere in one's operating system folders of all types it was incredible.  I have never seen anything like it; and, I have successfully deleted some very nasty ones including MacCleaner, MacKeeper and the like..  Those actually were easy; but, may be ones folks know about.  TV SW required a complete erase and reformat of my boot SSD, and reinstall of macos and a recent backup of my system setup to get things working again.  Best, Seth

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    As you can see my post has subsequently drastically edited and many thing deleted.  They completely control what is said here.  How American.  And, one message has been completely unposted, as it was revealing of the many files that cannot be deleted once TV is installed; and, if they are deleted, your desktop will lock down and will not complete a startup.  Look elsewhere for what other folks have to say.  Folks have posted the exact file name and message received when they get their computer locked up by TV SW files that were deleted.  I suspect this message will not get posted either.  Best, Seth

  • I'v been using TV to assist a visually disabled Veteran and sent them the information they requested which resulted in a message that they were reinstating my free use.  However after about two weeks got the same message again.  They don't identify which ID is in question, so I provided both ID's in both responses.  Now I get the "timeout" disconnect plus the "commercial use" nag.  I believe they are obviously trying to push people to a paid status.  If their prices weren't tiered such as to punish individuals who might be wiliing to incur a small annual fee,  I would consider that.  I hope they get their obviously biased algorithms fixed soon.

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Yes, total control of what is said, and what cannot be said.   That is crazy.  How can people interact effectively if every other sentenced is sensored?   This is American, yes?  TV?  And we are in America, yes?   This is rather outrageous.  

  • Unfortunately TV is a German company.  They just need to fix their "detection" algorithms so they don't flag obvious personal use.  They may be overloaded because so many ID's are being flagged by bad agorithms.  Hang in there!

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Ok.   Thank you for the response. You are connected with teamviewer team?  Yes, I suspected a change was made in their flagging routines, and somebody got overzealous, and now they are inundated. 
      Best, Seth 

  • Just tested a replacement service, found through a simple internet search.  Had an initial problem (turned out to be on my system) and contacted new provider's support.  A support person there gave an individual and helpful response!  Problem solved now.  Saying goodbye to TV.

  • Just out of curiosity, do you also get less than a minute duration of the connection under commercial use suspected, despite the warning that you will have 5 minutes before the connection is terminated?

  • Actually it is quite difficult to find any viable alternative. Most other solutions assume only windows support. What one really needs is a multiplatform solution (ideally including mobile devices). If you are talking about **Third Party Product**, while they work on windows and linux, their performance is just significantly slower when it comes to video performance and their support of osx is just abysmal.

  • I have said goodbye to TV 2 years ago. I just shake my head to those who are still clinging to TV. Greed is TV's slow death. TV will be in the museum soon that Blackberry is in.

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    I created a rather harsh message to post online, because when I tried to uninstall TeamViewer on one of my iMacs, I always do I search with find any file, and it found nearly 50 files hidden all over the computer in various locations within the regular library and system library, security folders.  When I deleted these and I restarted my computer I got a message that locked up my Computer referring to some authorization file connected with TeamViewer. when I tried to post my message, a whole lot of red print showed up saying errors and it did not get posted in my message in fact completely disappeared.
       It took me nearly 2 days to resolve the problem. I had to eventually erase the entire hard drive reinstall Catalina operating system, And then select a recent back up in iCloud of my computer.  It was impossible to illuminate all of the TeamViewer files placed on in the computer system operating system. And these are files in addition to that 30 or 40 files that get trashed when using app cleaner.   The thing is I had a clone boot drive which I always keep, but unfortunately I had also deleted that one teamviewer file in the Security folder in the library folder and that was dad also. So I created a start up flash drive, but guess what. Team viewer will not install on a drive that's not the operating system.  The thing is I had a clone boot drive which I always keep, but unfortunately I had also deleted that one team viewer file in the security folder in the library folder and that was dead also. The file is in the Security folder in the library folder, in the files name is TeamViewerAuthPlugin.bundle. So I created a start up flash drive, but guess what. Teamviewer will not install on a drive that's not the current operating system.  I put one of the iMac in target disk mode, but even though the target disk mode I can't showed on the computer my older 2011 iMac which can only run Sierra did not recognize any of the iMac hard drives of which there were are about five.   So, it was impossible to reinstall the file that was causing the problem which I names and listed above. So, it was impossible to reinstall the file that was causing the problem which I names and listed above.  I got suspicious of why TeamViewer needed all these different files, essentially everywhere and seemed to be quite unethical.  They can essentially control your computer whenever they want. It also means they know exactly what you're doing with your computer, so these so-called suspect commercial use messages  I believe is  just a prelude in my opinion to eliminating the free license altogether, just like pocket cloud did a few years ago.

      But we'll cross our fingers and hope for the best that they will continue allowing a personal free license, but I'll tell you I really do not like how they surreptitiously install files that seem to be unnecessary for the function of the program as a gestalt.  
       I'll let you and folks know what happens with my request and form I filled out as you did. But I have heard nothing and I still cannot access the one iMac 5K. Best, Seth 
      P.S. this message will not post, and even said they deleted things from my post and told me to review it and try to send it again.  Below is what showed up in red print->
    "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied."

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Can you code somehow what SW you got up and running with good customer support? I have called, tried to use their chat session they display on the bottom right, and sent in the forms they say to fill out to prove private use, with absolutely no results at all from anything. Calling that was a joke, as it said if you are using a free licensE.  [The sentence has been removed as per the community guidelines.]

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Yes, I had initially a very short connection and then was abruptly disconnected before I could really do anything.  and subsequent attempts to connect were blocked completely.  Folks are talking about alternative and have said goodbye to TV up to two years ago, and I'm trying to find out what SW it is. Can you code it if you happen to know? Awesome Blossom The day I can erase my hard drive my boot dryers and do a fresh operating system installed and then install a recent back up so I know there are no residual TV files left behind. There must be at least 80 files they hide in every conceivable place you wouldn't even think of. And if you do find them and you delete them On start up your computer it will lock up displaying a message that clearly let you know that they know you have deleted TV files they don't want delete it but evidently some invisible files remain that are responsible for the lock up.  and start up your computer will lock up displaying a message that clearly let you know that they know you have deleted TV files they don't want deleted but evidently some invisible files remain that are responsible for the lock up

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Awesome Blossom. I'm so glad to hear that there is SW out there as an alternative. Could you please code somehow so I can do a search? But I would like to say here how wonderful T team viewer is and that all people are to use TeamViewer, and then I woke up

  • rfell
    rfell Posts: 3

    Teamviewer continues to bully privative users and makes false statements!

    Today, I received a message that Teamviewer cannot connect to my partner PC because the partner PC has a higher version. This is clearly a wrong statement because the partner PC has the same version 14. 

    I made the update to version 15. Big mistake! Now the connection to my partner PC is blocked. In version 15, Teamviewer implemented a connection block of 10 minutes, which means that one cannot access the partner PC and has to wait. Is there any better way to upset users? It is the opposite of improvement. It is user bullying. 

    Why is a good company turning a good product into bad? 


  • rfell
    rfell Posts: 3

    My friends, be careful! 

    Teamviewer continues to bully private users and makes false statements!

    Today, I received a message that Teamviewer cannot connect to my partner PC because the partner PC has a higher version. This is clearly a wrong statement because the partner PC has the same version 14. 

    I made the update to version 15. Big mistake! Now the connection to my partner PC is blocked. In version 15, Teamviewer implemented a connection block of 10 minutes, which means that one cannot access the partner PC and has to wait. Is there any better way to upset users? It is the opposite of improvement. It is user bullying. 

    Why is a good company turning a good product into bad? 


  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Concur.  It's almost impossible to completely uninstall TV, and if you try by using various techniques that are more technical, it will lock up their computer at start up making it she use the most frustrating affair. You'll end up having to erase your boot drive reinstalling operating system and starting over to restore your working environment. The most tedious task. TeamViewerAuthPlugin.bundle.  Located in library and security folder if you delete this file your computer will be locked down at start up in a message go pier that's clearly from TV. Do a search on the Internet using the name of this file and you will see others have experienced the same thing.  There must be nearly 100 files they disseminate over your entire operating system and they are not completely eliminated by doing an uninstall. They have become greedy and out of control with a paranoid unethical methods for control over everything, and one feels like they're dealing with very restrictive countries with merchants censorship. 

  • Don't know why everyone is still bothering with TV? The quicker you ditch TV, the quicker they will get the message. There is so many other solutions out there and I have been using this specific one for the past 2 years without any hastles.

  • [Removed Per Community Guidelines]but as i have posted previously, all tv competition lacks terribly in performance, especially in non-windows environment, osx is an example. Plus, their solutions tend to be silly when it comes to ease of use. At the moment, there is NO alternative that would give one such a wide variety of devices to control at such an amazing performance (i can watch video over tv somewhere over the atlantic). I can get to my grandmothers tablet to set things up for her with tv. I strongly dislike tv and the whole incompetent buch of their math deprived developers but there is nothing better, period.

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Can you code me the name of the alternative you are enjoying?

  • @ClaudevdRyst wrote:

    Don't know why everyone is still bothering with TV? The quicker you ditch TV, the quicker they will get the message. There is so many other solutions out there and I have been using this specific one for the past 2 years without any hastles.

    I don't mean to sound supportive of tv, i am not, but there is simply no alternative performance wise and one which would support linux, windows, osx, android and ios. Have you tried e.g. **Third Party Product** in osx? Unusable. They have other annoyances to mess with  you such as a missing list of remote computers.

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Thank you for your quick response. Good luck to you.

  • I beg to differ though, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have this alternative on my Linux machine and access Windows and Apple devices from it. I have the app on my Android smartphone as well and works perfectly for me. I can do everything I used to do when using TV.

  • @ClaudevdRyst wrote:

    I beg to differ though, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have this alternative on my Linux machine and access Windows and Apple devices from it. I have the app on my Android smartphone as well and works perfectly for me. I can do everything I used to do when using TV.

    Again maybe there is a different solution that i know of. i just web searched alternatives to their product and tried a few, most of them were totally unusable, only one that was close was ... Can you quickly post the name before they delete it?

  • @ClaudevdRyst wrote:

    I beg to differ though, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have this alternative on my Linux machine and access Windows and Apple devices from it. I have the app on my Android smartphone as well and works perfectly for me. I can do everything I used to do when using TV.

    Can you send it as private message?

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Please, pray tell what it is that you use, in a sentence using capital letters usually works and gets through. 

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Yes, I made it in a sentence with capital letters before it disappears.  private message will get emailed and say at that location before it goes elsewhere here

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Ja ja ja 

    I understand your messages perfectly. They take dictate as you please as I will understand. I received the private ones and mailings which cannot be altered or deleted. Let me know if you receive my replies, Privately and outside the forum

  • Sethλ
    Sethλ Posts: 25

    Yeah llama they quickly censored your message, but if you write a sentence with capital letters one can't put it together with these and takes longer to disappear. But I understand completely. Tia Villa is absolutely the best, and nothing compares this is of use white platform connectivity and ease-of-use.. And yes, not misunderstand that I have so much support TV, as there are other ways to go to the moon and back, yes?  Ja ja ja Toot Toot!