Commercial use - Connection time out



  • I was classified as a business user by mistake. ? ?


  • Greetings,

    I'm new to TV and was running a remote session of TV Free with my elderly mother on the other end.  Both of our TVs were up to date, but the session kept timing out on us roughly every 10 minutes.  Can someone confirm if there is indeed a time limit?  My mother has a very slow connection, so perhaps that may be a cause as well.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Novice1994 ,

    Welcome to TeamViewer ?

    No, there is not such a time limit.

    I guess it is indeed more related to the internet connection as you mentioned.

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • DanLopz
    DanLopz Posts: 1

    Today you just decide that my account is commercial but I only use it to control my notebook from my desktop PC.
    Thank you, guys. I already discovered new tools with great features thanks to that.

  • GonzoB
    GonzoB Posts: 1

    Looks like I'm in the same boat as a bunch of people here. I don't know why it's deteted "Commercial" use and how they judge it and no I didn't select personal & commercial use, I only selected personal. I'm not even employed right now, there's absolutley no way I can use it for commercial use. I don't even use it in to connect from an outside IP - I just like it better than windows RDP.

    Has anybody made this go away successfully? It sounds like any attempts to contact customer support doesn't go very well.

  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112

    @GonzoB I faced this problem two years ago. I filled out the form and waited 33 days. They never told me they changed my status but suddenly it worked and has worked since then.

  • Ady
    Ady Posts: 4


    I had to change the motherboad of my home PC due to hardware failure. But now I get a message saying commercial use suspected, and sessions are limited to 5 mins. Connections fail, and say 'reconnections are prohibiteed'.

    I get a message saying I'm not allowed to reconect, and time when connections will be allowed. e.g. Connections to this partner will be blocked until 06:30, then at 06:30 the message says 06:31, etc. So I am permanently blocked from connecting to my PC.

    Pls help.

    Edit : an now your forums are doing the same **bleep** thing:

    • Post flooding detected (user tried to post more than 1 messages within 30 seconds)"
  • I have been using TeamViewer for years and only just come across this issue. My sessions are getting closed and saying I need to get a Commercial Licence.

    I do not use TeamViewer at all for anything commercial I use purely for personal use. It comes in hand been able to access my family and my own devices when I am away. One which includes my Ubuntu Server.

    TeamViewer have no proof at all I am using this for commercial since nothing is commectial about it.I have 6 devices connected to my account. 3 are mine and 3 are family.

    I then use the random codes for my friends that might need some support remotley (Joys of been the techy one).

    I would like o know on what grounds I have all of a suddon stopped been able to use it. Nothing has changed and I have been using it for years.

  • I am NOT a "Commercial User" - TV falsely identified me as such & cut off my communications to a User who is medically considered to be a "vulnerable person" I have made sevberal attempts to convey my angst to TV but am thwarted by the "generate .pdf" stage - the system hangs....

  • JaneT14
    JaneT14 Posts: 3

    I am having the exact same problem; it won't generate the pdf to send to let them know I'm not a commercial user. My mother, whom I am trying to help is also a vulnerable 83 year old who relies on me to help her remotely.  I tried calling their number, eventually got through to a person, who basically said to go to the webpage, I explained that it was hanging at pdf stage, they said go to the Community Page. Can anyone help?!

  • Called Teamviewer but told to go and complete the PDF online.

    Completed the form as requested, but then can not submit the form as it will not accept the Teamviewer ID. Frustrating as **bleep**!

    Again i'm another user who has been wrongly flagged for commercial use. very disappointing.

    @Bebbspoke wrote:

    I am NOT a "Commercial User" - TV falsely identified me as such & cut off my communications to a User who is medically considered to be a "vulnerable person" I have made sevberal attempts to convey my angst to TV but am thwarted by the "generate .pdf" stage - the system hangs....


  • Hello,

    I recently recieved a warning that I may be using TeamViewer commercially, even though I only connect to one other computer and *very rarely* to a third. Now I'm being deined access to the same computer and receiving an "Unable to Connect" message stating that "Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner... Connection to this partner will be until  *one minute after the attempt*.

    I can share my log file to prove that I am not using TeamViewer for commercial use. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  • SandoHP
    SandoHP Posts: 11

    It seems to me, @JJxVortechx that TeamViewer doesn't need to prove anything. It's up to YOU to prove that your use is private.

    Secondly and most importantly, read the sticky post on

    What it clearly says is that the forum is NOT the right place for this issue:

    Hint: Please be aware that this is NOT an issue that can be resolved in the community. Posting messages about commercial usage will not help to get the reset. For getting a reset you need to fill out the form.

  • JaneT14
    JaneT14 Posts: 3

    I had the same problem with the system hanging at create pdf, discovered it was the "space" in the post code ie: "XX11 7PP" needs to be "XX117PP" - no space. It created the pdf, then you save it to your device and upload it.

  • Hi Jane - many thanks for your suggestion - will give it a try - if such works then it is a horrendous oversight by the TV programers!!!

  • Sando  of course it is up to the USER to prove non-commercial usage...
    But surely it is up to Teamviewer to provide all users with adequate and fully functional message methodology! - not a system flawed by hanging at what to all intents and purposes is the STANDARD (Post Office preferred) SPACE between the alphanumeric pairs of UK post codes. - rather poor software writing has  been incorporated.

  • JaneT14
    JaneT14 Posts: 3

    Hope it helped, I've just had my TeamViewer ID reset to personal use. Hopefully you have too.

  • DDT2005
    DDT2005 Posts: 1

    Cannot Download PDF on Reset Management page on Website.  Can I speak to someone who actually works in Teamviewer support?  If not I will be uninstalling this software forever.

  • Dear ladies and gentlemen.

    I have always used teamviewer access for private purposes, I do not receive money, as the computers I access are from my home and my parents' home.
    Now when I'm logged in for about 20 seconds and the connection goes down and a message appears saying that I have to subscribe.
    Why did this happen?

  • I'm getting messages that comercial use is detected when I only use for helping family members out, 3 people in total brother/sister and daughter how can I fix this.

  • TotalPC
    TotalPC Posts: 87 ⭐Star⭐

    Hello Panarchy,

    The below article provides information about falsely identified commercial use. In it there is a link to request a reset.

    TeamViewer user since version 6 (2010). We used other remote software programs (TVNC UVNC PCAny) for many years before.
  • Ady
    Ady Posts: 4

    I found the solution to this problem. Use another remote software like **Third Party Product**. Teamviewer doesn't want you if you don't pay, and their support is non existsant unless you pay also.

  • Ady
    Ady Posts: 4

    Using the form:

    The 'Generate PDF' button, does not generate a PDF, instead it makes an HTTP post to

    If Teamviewer are using the forced termination of accounts  due to 'suspected commercial use' to generate fake and artificial facebook likes, this is absolutly disgusting behaviour.

  • mr-b
    mr-b Posts: 6

    Button doesn't work at all for me - tried multiple browsers.


    I wish TV staff would consider how they'd feel if their 80 YO mother was sufferinng from anxiety and needed support, but could no longer get it , and without any warning whatsoever!

  • I am getting the same

  • The same has happened to me yesterday and today. I remote into an old phone to help me with some personal stuff and my girlfriend needed help today and I couldn't connect as it said it had detected I am using TeamViewer for commercial use.

  • AEH
    AEH Posts: 5


    Stop with this problem and switch to the free  **Third Party Product**

    Works the same.



  • I got what looks like a automatic reply saying that they can't determine if my ID was being used for commercial use or not but no offer to reset it to free just a link to buy it.

    I have Never in all the years of using Teamviewer used it for commercial use.

    My activity with it revolves around my Daughter and her Kids PC, and now and then my sister and brother require me to help them out too. It also comes in handy when im trying out other setups on my own second PC. This Commercial use pushing for sales is a joke I'll be using something else in the future if they don't sort this I certainly won't be paying for TV for the little use I do with it.

  • To help my parents once in a while, even 10 euros a month is a lot.
    For now I am using other software which seems to me a good solution. If TV freezes again, I abandon it and use this new software (I don't mention names here)
  • **Third Party Product** is better