Commercial use - Connection time out



  • translate in english via google translator

    Good morning I can not connect to the program writes that the license has expired what to do.

    ДОброе Утро не могу подключится к программе пишит что кончилась лицензия что делать.

  • masa
    masa Posts: 1
    I registered mistakenly for commercial use. How can I change my registration information?
  • I just received this message that my Trial has expired and I cannot log into my computer back home! I need to access my files on my computer and home while I'm outside. I have filled up the form and submitted it. Please reply as soon as possible as I need my files!

     Ticket ID: 3582514
     Subject: Request from Commercial Use Suspected form

  • Hi.

    When i install the program i choose PERSONAL USE NOT ENTERPRISE and after one month why when i run the program it shows me the trial period is end?

    I believe the personal use of the program is FREE?

    It isn't?

  • My previous ID was reset but now my main Desktop is showing the trial message! What is happening?! Teamviewer team, please look into my new ticket for my desktop ID!

    Ticket ID: 3587301
    Subject: Request from Commercial Use Suspected form

  • I would also like to solve the problem....

    Please HELP !

  • MrJoe
    MrJoe Posts: 3

    I'm not sure they are interested in helping. It's been over two weeks now since I opened my ticket on it. I sent the logs and did everything they asked, but have heard zero response since then.

  • Hello. TeamViewer.

    I downloaded the program which is commercial version.

    But I wanted to use this program for privite version.

    Becuase I'm using this program in non-commercial use, just for studying in graduate school.

    Could I chage the virsion?

    Thank you for support.

  • Hi,

    I have the free version so I can remote into my friend computer when he needs help. He can do most thing himself, but, he is blind and relise on a screen reader to talk to him. On some sites the screen reader does not talk to him correctly, that is when he calls me.

    My problem is it keeps comming up with the massage "Trial version *expired* (Simon Nixon - SIMNIX Software)". I downloaded and installed version 13 beta, and all seemed OK at first untill it told me my trial had ended. I don't want or need a license. I uninstalled version 13 beta and reinstalled the latest version 12.0.88438, it is still telling me my trial version has ended.

    I do not use TeamViewer for any business use, it is use purely for personal use to help my blind friend.

    Simon Nixon

  • Hello, good afternoon,

    I use Teamviewer as a tool to connect to several of my computers (I have many at home) and help out a lot of friends.
    For example, today I was connected for a few hours to a computer at home, while I was playing. My TeamViewer ID is [ID removed by moderator]
    I didn't find a way to upload the log file, so I uploaded it to Dropbox: [personal information removed by moderator]

    Could you please change the status of my account?

    Thank you very much.

  • Hey, 
    I accidentally selected commercial use instead of personal/non-comercial, and i need the program. how can i fix it so I can use the application without trial?

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 242 [Former Staff]

    Hi @OfekBorochov,

    Thanks for your post!

    Please refer to the following link to get help with your inquiry.

    All the best,


  • MrJoe
    MrJoe Posts: 3

    After several weeks, I finally got a resolution to the support ticket I submitted. They were able to determine I am not using it for commercial use, and fixed my license.

  • Clint
    Clint Posts: 1

    As described in below, my ID [ID removed by moderator] has been blocked although I am using TeamViewer for personal purpose

    I usually connect my laptop remotely when I working at office little frequently.

    Anyhow, I am not person using TeamViewer for commercial purpose so, hopefully unlock my ID as soon as possible.



  • Up to team viewer 12 we had a free licence as a charity for non commercial use, by myself the sole employee of the charity (church minister)  - just to connect to my home desktop when out with my laptop). I cant see that option for team viewer 13,  - is it available, or is this where they **bleep** in all those who have become dependent on it, to pay for the service from now on (or try to re-adjust to life without it?)

  • HI there, I've not had any of those messages, above or any indication that I'm suspected of using it for commercial purposes.

    That's not what the question was about.

    Put much more simply,
    "are the licence conditions for TV 13 the same as for 12 or have they changed?"
    non-commercial charity use is not mentioned in the early stages as it used to be, so it's not clear.

    I could ask the sales team, but I follwed what seemed to be the logical path, to ask other users and let the sales team get on with what they are doing, as it's not technically a sales question.

    But if you prefer I will ask them instead.

    BTW how did my question end up in this thread, when It was posted as a new thread about the licenecing of Team viewer 13????


  • Who put a bleep in the middle of a perfectly polite message??? and why?

    I did not write bleep nor anything worthy of bleep - bizarre!

    to put it more simply -

    "are the licence conditions of TV 13 the same as previous versions" - I ask because it's no longer immediatly clear as it used to be.

  • I need a solution, please

  • Finally found it at the bottom of the page of the NEW advert for Team viewer 13 - but you have to pass three of four "buy a licence" boxes before you get to that bit.

    Was it there before and I didn't see it, or have they just made it clearer?

  • Jenna
    Jenna Posts: 1

    I created an account and accidentally selected the Company/ Commercial trial membership.  I am a private user and need to correct this. I have closed my account and uninstalled the program from my computer and erased all references to teamviewer in the registry edit suite as well as app data.  However, when I download the new version, even though I select Private user, it still generates the same account information with a limited trial version. What can I do?

  • Hi, 

    I keyed in wrong settings in TeamViewer, it was for personal use but i keyed in business instead. How do i undo the settings as they kept prompting me that the license is expiring. 



  • Hi! 

    My name is Anastasia Tzoumaka and I am a student at Brown University. I have a free account with team viewer on my desktop which allows me to use it without paying (free account  email: *Removed by moderator*). However, when I installed the team viewer on my laptop, I chose accidentally a business account. I haven't noticed that since I saw a message saying that my trial period has been expired. As a result, I have no access on my desktop anymore through team viewer. Could you help me to solve this issue? I need to keep my free account and connect with the same free account on my pc.

    Best Regards,

    Anastasia Tzoumaka

  • Vic
    Vic Posts: 11

    Hi Esther...

    Great post! It is too bad many people either do not read it fully or do not understand what it means.

    I have used the free version of Teamviewer for years. It does everything I need and more. Teamviewer makes remote connection so easy that I even use it for other computers in the same room, or on the same desk!

    I clean a gun range after hours because it is really dangerous to do while someone is shooting. Ha Ha! Sometimes my wife drops me off and heads to the Hard Rock Casino.

    I also use Teamviewer at my work location. When I have finished my job at the range I log in to my personal account on my computer and wait for my wife to pick me up. It is a Mac and I installed Virtualbox on it so that I can run Porteus Linux. It is fun to control my home computers from 18 miles away. Teamviewer works great on Porteus.

    At one point I started getting the dreaded "commercial use suspected" warning. After Googling and searching the Teamviewer website I simply followed your instructions and submitted a ticket.

    Within a few days Ryan contacted me for the details of my problem. After a couple more days Ryan informed me that my account would have the red flag removed and to continue having fun using Teamviewer. Since then everything has been awesome. Thanks Ryan and Teamviewer.

    I hope everyone will relax and realise that Teamviewer is provided "free of charge" and stop negatively criticizing a great effort. Be patient and allow the Teamviewer Team to address everyone's problems with due diligence.

    My thanks to you Esther and the rest of the Teamviewer Team,  


  • Hi

    I have used Teamviewer for about 6 years. When trying to connect the program says that the license period has expired?

    I have choosen private/non-commersial use?

    I have upgrade for version 13th!

    Best Fredrik

  • Hi,

    I'm having issues with my account now, where I get commercial use detected and get kicked out every 5 minutes. I had an old TW account with license from my old work place, but as I found no way of removing the license completely, i logged all my computers out of that account and added it to my new account for personal use only. No idea why I now get this message, have been using it perfectly fine for 2 months or so.

    Any way to get this resolved?



  • Hi Esther,

    I live in Canada and I help my dad who lives in India with his day to day issues.

    Ever since I updated to the 13 version, I get the "Commercial use detected" message and my session only lasts 5 minutes.

    What do I need to do?

    Can you please help?




  • I've used Teamviewer for a few years now on family member's computers but recently just started getting the Free Trail Version Expired warning. Funny thing is, this is a new laptop and I get the warning as soon as I open the app. I have another laptop that I can open the app and sign in and it works. I don't think it's something with my account.

    In any case, I've submitted a ticket using the recommended link. How long have other users waited to have their ticket resolved?



  • I only use teamviewer  to help people (friends) and get to my pc's who stand with a friend

    now I get that I should use it commercial what isn't can you solve it for me

  • I read somewhere that if a computer is joined to a domain TV automatically assumes it's commercial use. Is this true?

    I have it installed on my company laptop (joined to a domain), but I access PCs that are family member's computers. When I open the app on my company laptop, I get the Expired warning before I even sign in to TV.

    A little help here would be useful. Thanks.

  • Hello! Why pop up a window with commercial usage information, if it's not true? I do not even use it every day, but if I use it, it is from 5 to 15 minutes. time ... And throws in 1 min. after connecting to another computer! Yuravk My ID XXX XXX XXX(Modified by Admin)