Commercial use - Connection time out



  • My computer was incorrectly flagged for commercial use. I believe I need to reset my account using however trying to reach this site from chrome, edge, Internet explorer, three different devices, and both Wi-Fi and mobile connections all get me to a page with a 502 or 504 gateway error.


    I called support and they said no one else reported this issue and I should submit the ticket. They also suggested I should try but this website produced the same error.

  • I am definitely having the exact same issue. I got flagged (incorrectly) for using TV for commercial use so I wen to the site to do the reset, as they suggest, and the site doesnt work. Errors out every time.

  • bormo
    bormo Posts: 1

    I also have been problems access the reset page ( today 11/13/2020. Not sure if its me or TV. I tried calling TV, but since I use the Free version I was directed to the page. Since I don't pruduce revenue for TV I understand that TV can't invest a lot if resources to my issue. Anything they can do to help is appreciated. When I was able to use the application it was great; not sure why I was flagged as a commercial user. Would greatly appreciate any help TV can provide.

  • I'm getting the same error on Nov 13, 2020.

    Can we get someone to at least respond that TeamViewer is looking into the issue?

  • This is the same problem I'm having, very frustrating

  • I have done this several times and you have done nothing. I am constantly getting this and I can not use the program. I AM NOT USING IT COMMERCIALLY!!!! I am done with this **bleep**. I am not recommending this program to anyone ever again and for all the machines and friends that do use it I am going to tell them to stop using it. Customer support has been **bleep** and I am tired of having to deal with this. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU CONVINCE PEOPLE TO PAY FOR YOUR PRODUCT.

  • I am with you. I used TV for a long time and I keep getting this problem. I have tried to reset it they even investigated once and determined I am not using it commercially but their system keeps detecting it as such. I am done with TV.

  • So I started using TeamViewer at home around 4 years ago, but started using it much more starting 2 years ago. I use it every other day at least once for a few computers in this house, a few PCs and like 5 Macs. I do this due to the fact that I don't want to have to go up and down the stairs every time I want to make a change to preferences or an application or something, so I mostly use TeamViewer to fix that issue.

    Until this happened.

    I was doing whatever it is that I do, like relax and watch videos. I want to connect to my Gaming PC in my bedroom and control it (like a TV) with my MacBook (2010, like a remote for the TV) so I can watch YouTube on the big screen. I did this once before, but then once it stopped me right in the middle of browsing, telling me "Dude, get a license, we've totally detected commercial use on this computer and we're forcing you to **bleep** of the connection, here's when you can reconnect: 10:10", but when I try to reconnect after that time, it just pops up the same window again stating I have to wait. It doesn't even give me the 5 minutes at all, the connection doesn't even initalize all the way.

    I earn no money from doing any of this and I am a 17 year old that does not own a business nor work, so I would really like to know how any of this is a pattern suspicous of commerial use, and how to fix this.


    Thank you.


  • Me too. I had a mental breakdown over it, I wanted to just relax and watch a YouTube video on the big screen dangit. I've been dealing with this for the past month since that day.

  • Hey, it won't let me reset it. I tried to and it just errors.

  • And for everyone in the future who's FUMING from this problem, go break a chair or something like I did, wait a few days, and come back and message. It's easier to try fixing impossible stuff now.

  • @jbarnett455 I think I'm having that same issue here. I can connect to many a computer in this house using many a computer to do so. To and from. The only computer that has this issue is actually this MacBook from 2010 that I put money into upgrading to 16GB of RAM and a larger HDD but then the fire nation attacked, AKA TeamViewer being sucky.

    I only have the issue on the one laptop that is the most useful.

  • Couldn’t have said it better myself. They only offer technical support to paid customers. Otherwise, you’re referred to the community. The lack of customer support/service is NOT appealing at all. Not gonna gain customers like that!

  • trying to access the link and it does not work. The reset link gave a 404.

  • I have no idea how to submit a support ticket because the link just has you going in circles; frustrating to say the least. So I am posting here instead. I have a free account so that my daughter can connect to my computer. She just tried to connect, and it says there is an issue with "partner" license and kicks her out after 5 seconds. What is the issue and how do we fix this?

    EDIT: This message board is frustrating too!! Was missing the "Label" to post so I added it, tried to post again, only to get a message that I have to wait another 1m30sec. Jesus H Christ this is very frustrating, for the first time I am seeking help!!

    EDIT 2: Attempt three at trying to post this!!!!! Labels are **bleep** stupid. TeamViewer is not winning any points with me so far.


  • Yes, "Bad Gateway" when you try and reset.  "Suspected Commercial use" ... going from my home to my in-laws home. No Public IP's except for the ISP. Gee, how is this commercial use? My mother in law has cancer and with the threat of Covid I'm not going to go over there and risk killing her and now I can't even help her with her computer issues because of this **bleep**.

  • I got the dreaded "commercial use detected" message for a remote computer that I have attached to my personal weather station.  I attempted to fill out the PDF form, hit the print the form command, and got the error "502 Bad Gateway".  Dead End.  What else can I do?

  • For about a month now, my TeamViewer has been timing out every minute of having to wait for about 10 minutes of blocked connection time.  Please help for until now, I have been an extremely happy customer for about 3 or 4 years.

  • I recently started getting a popup saying I am using TV commercially and only have 5 mins when connecting. I am not using this commercially, I sometimes help friends and family with computer issues. Reccently I've been helping setup a friend's PC.

    NONE of the pages regarding a ID reset actually work on the Teamviewer website, I'm getting a little fed up with it. NEVER had an issue with this program and I've been using it for years. If this doesn't get resolved soon, I'll be finding a new program that works.


  • nck1d
    nck1d Posts: 1


    I use TeamViewer, Free version to support friends and family.  Mainly my 80 year old mother who is over 5 hours away.  Today (11/15/20) I started getting the message below..  TeamViewerMessage.PNG  

    It would seem that TeamViewer thinks I am using their product for commercial use.  This is not the case.  How can I get this reset.  All computers can be removed except for VernaLaptop, JudyLaptop, and KantorLaptop.  All others are not important.  


  • I am having the same issue. Please advise how to resolve this!

  • Hi, I need to fix this problem too.

    Please, help.

  • I was able to submit PDF to

    Message was "Your PDF has been submitted successfully. We will get back to you within 2 business days. After few seconds, you will be logged out and redirected."

    Let's hope so.

  • md312
    md312 Posts: 1

    Today I received this message when trying to connect between two local machines in m own home.


    Commerical Use - It seems there might be a licensing problem with your connection partner.

    Connecting to this device requires a valid TeamViewer license for you or your connection partner."


    This has never been an issue for me before, has something changed? 
    Is anybody able to offer supprot to resolve this ? 


  • I've been trying this for more  than an hour -- multiple PCs, multiple browsers but Generate PDF does nothing.  No error messages

    Can someon please fix this??

  • Hello,

    I am a graduate student at Iowa State University. Due to the looming pandemic situation, I am forced to work from home. I need to access my computer in the lab. I have previously been able to connect to TeamViewer from my home but very recently, TeamViewer asks for a commercial license. I am using this for my personal work. Could you please look into this.


  • I recently was suspected for commerical usage on my Teamviewer and had the issue resolved. However, I am now only able to connect for about 3 minutes to teamviewer after logging in. Once I am booted from the connection, I get a message that reads: "Connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immmediate recconects are blocked. Please try later or upgrade your licesne. Connections to this partner will be blocked until [some time a couple minutes after the current time]". I am using teamviewer for personal use and have a free account. The other posts related to this tell users to activate the accouts they paid for, which I did not do since I am not using teamviewer commeically. Has anyone else with a free license gotten around this issue? I thought that the commercial use ticket would solve all problems and return my teamviewer back to its normal function, but this problem is still occuring. 

  • Hi,

    I have been using the free version of TeamView for several years to troubleshoot my elderly parents' computers.  Unfortunately, a week or two ago, I got locked out of teamviewer with the message commercial use detected.  I am using my license for personal use only simply troubleshooting my parents computers as mentioned.  I tried to reset this using your website: however, despite trying on 3 different browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge) on 4 different device types (Windows 10 machine, iMac, iPhone and iPad), I could never get this to work.  I get to the page to generate the pdf but hitting the Generate PDF button does nothing.  I did clear my cache and tried again but still no effect.  The button won't work for me and I can't seem to reset my id.  I'd appreciate help getting my account reset.  Thanks in advance!

  • It really is apparent that you guys do **bleep**. I submitted my form and was notified that all was good and when I went to connect nothing has changed and I am still locked out of my home system. I tried to resubmit and was sent  message that I had already submitted a request, duh....This has to be the worse client management &  customer service that that I have experienced in 30+ years of system support, Teamviewer just flat out lies to it's clients and has no concern that they are responsible for major inconvenieces to them. 


  • I too am having this problem... use Teamviewer once in a blue moon to help my mom or son at college, maybe 5 minutes of use if that.

    Last night trying to log into my mother's computer as she was having an issue with a program it kept closing my connection after maybe 1 minute saying commerical use detected and it locked me out for a certain amount of time.  Very frustrating.