Commercial use - Connection time out



  • CS001
    CS001 Posts: 1

    I too have the same issue!

  • beggar_amazing
    beggar_amazing Posts: 4
    edited December 2020

    Whats the deal here? I've been using teamviewer for years and now all of a sudden I'm being logged out in under a minute.

    I posted about this yesterday, and someone (I assume a Mod) removed my post entirely. No record of it in my "discussions". Where's the customer support in that? At least tell me ** bleep ** is causing it to log out.

  • I'm having the same problem. There doesn't seem to be any support.

  • Same here. Can't find any documentation as to what the issue is.

  • mine seems to have a 5 minute time limit! Please help explain.

  • I asked the same question a week ago and they cleaned out my question too. After the years of referrals and a paid subscription I am just going to be ignored?

  • same problem here, looks like TV has a widespread problem they don't want to advertise, particularly if they are hiding the complaining posts. My problem has been going on now for over a week and the timeout occurs in about 90 seconds.

  • Weird thing is, it's only happening when I use my free personal account from my work computer.

    We have a commercial account for work, so when I remote into my work machine from home, I sign into our commercial account to access my work machine.

    In the reverse scenario though, if I want to access my personal home computer from the office, I instead sign into my personal account (while at the office) to access my personal computer. It makes sense that I would not want my home personal computer accessible to my office peers. In this scenario is where I hit the brick wall and get logged off quickly.

    However, if I use my personal account on my laptop (from my office network, though not my office "account"), I am able to access my personal computer and am NOT logged off.

    I suspect it has something to do with switching between a paid commercial account and a free personal account, both using the same exact computer (but not at the same time).

  • Greetings! I'm a first time user. I'm trying to gain access to my friends computer and immediately after I put your ID in and hit connect I get a popup message stating "Connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate rechecks are blocked. Please try later or upgrade your license. Connections to this partner will be blocked until..."

    This message displays every time. How should I proceed? Thank you, Lauren

  • KeoweeJohn
    KeoweeJohn Posts: 4
    edited December 2020

    Isn't it interesting that Teamviewer apparently completely ignores this Teamviewer community board even though this is where they send "free users". No one from Teamviewer ever responds to provide explanation or assistance. I received my first "Commercial Use Suspected" notice back in early November. The timing was especially troublesome because I was then scheduled for knee replacement surgery on November 6, and several of MY computers that I need to access are located in my basement office and I could not navigate the stairs. I submitted a personal use statement using the website as required by Teamviewer. I received a response email on November 11, indicating my account had been reset. Unfortunately I continued to receive the same commercial use messages, blocking my use. While Teamviewer says that the problem can be due to either of the two units being flagged, when I was finally able to test from the remote end to one of my other PC's I did not experience the blockage. All of my computers are on the same LAN. For now I am opting to use **Information removed as per Community Guidelines** even though it is certainly not an optimum solution, especially when I am away from my LAN. I was in IT for 30+ years including serving as CTO/CIO at two regional banks. I have never seen such blatant disregard for a base of customers, even it unpaid. If Teamviewer is not going to provide support for their free users, they should just pull the free product.

  • OOPS, I was wrong. Apparently some unhelpful soul is monitoring this Forum and deletes suggestions for alternative products.

  • Been using the free version for a few years. Use it about once a month. Suddenly both the PC and Laptop are telling me I have to get a license. I have tried uninstalling it and install a new copy on the PC, but still getting the same message.

  • I spent 2 weeks trying to cleared up the fact that I was not using Teamviwer commercially. Finally got that cleared, now it times me out a minute or two when I sign in.

  • Hello,

    I am using Teamviewer at my job and recommend it to customers but I do not have a professional account on my own computer.

    I have created a personal free account on behalf of my mother (87) who is a in a retirement home in France, so that I can occasionally operate her Android tablet remotely from Canada. I don't use it for anything else..

    Unfortunately, less than a minute after connecting to the tablet, I receive a "Timeout" message, followed by another saying "connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner; immediate reconnects are blocked. please try later or upgrade your license".

    Do real "free" account exist ? As being blocked for one or two connections a month after less than a minute is not an option.

    Am I doing something wrong ?

    Thank you.

  • Jenni
    Jenni Posts: 5


    I am hoping someone can help me. I use TeamViewer for personal use but was flagged as commercial. I've submitted my request to reset my account twice since Nov 22 and when I go in to try to resubmit now, It says request pending but my last submission was 12/3. Any suggestions? I use TeamViewer to access my media center computer that is in a closet and to help my family with their computers and it's getting frustrating that I can't use it for more than 5 minutes!! ANY advice/suggestions would be VERY much appreciated.

  • SmTs
    SmTs Posts: 1

    Same problem. >_<

    My computer is running Win10 Pro (not joined to a domain or anything). That's the only "commercial" thing about me. Any idea if that's what they're detecting?

    If I still can't use Teamviewer to support my septuagenarian family members after another month, I'm going to look for alternatives. >_>

  • I left the free version connected overnight by accident, and now it kicks me out after 30 seconds of connection with the message, "Connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked. Please try later or upgrade your license. Connections to this partner will be blocked until xx:xx."

    Can tech support please help reset (?) my account so I can use it for personal use again? Trying again later just has the same quick disconnect issue.

  • Same problem here. I even tried changing my mac address and removing/reinstalling TeamViewer with the same problem. Can tech support please help reset my account too, so I can help Grandma get her new printer setup in time for xmas? Thanks!

  • Idk if you guys are experiencing this as well, but every time I post a new thread on this topic, they keep removing my post and pushing my comments over to this 196 page log document about commercial use. They have not responded to any of my inquiries at all (even to say "hey this might be your problem"). They also have not reached out to me in any capacity to tell me that they think I'm using it commercially.

    Does anyone know WHO to talk to in order to clear this up? Anyone have success out there?

  • Hello, I am using teamViewer for personal use only helping family an friends. Each time I trying to help a friend on their IOS device I am getting the message "In lest than 1 minutes, will be terminating the session".

    Is there something I can do to ne abke to have 5 to 10 minutes session.

    With regards!


  • Hi,

    I am using for personal usage only and i keep getting flagged for commercial usagae and I cannot access my machiones for more than aminut and i get disconnected. How do I get coded as personal and not commercial user?

  • will not allow connection of a computer saying that connection access has exceeded the limit and connection is blocked.

  • arw01
    arw01 Posts: 1

    Having the same issue, there used to be a form you filled out and got ignored on. did that a couple of years ago and still have the same issue.

  • Yeah, where is the form? There is no way to contact support.

  • how to fix error that says: license limits the max session duration to a partner and immediate reconnects are blocked

  • LeTroll
    LeTroll Posts: 0
    edited December 2020


    My TeamViewer ID has been suspected for a commercial use but I don't use it for that.

    Could you please make this message disappears?

    My ID is **Please Do Not Post TeamViewer IDs**.

    Thank you

  • I am retired IT and use TV to keep my family and friends running. I just completed a two day job on my Aunts computer and now I am being flagged as a commercial user. I am not. What did I do to cause the flag and how can I fix this going forward? I have used TV for years without a problem.

  • Hello,

    I am a free home user and I use TeamViewer for my computers. If i try to connect to any computer from my iPhone via the TeamViewer client, everything works perfectly but after one minute, it disconnects my session saying there's a timeout. I notice that each session is limited to only 1 minute of use. What is going on here and how do I fix this? This does not occur when I use the client from my Mac.

  • I am attempting to reset my TeamViewer usage due to incorrect flagging of commercial use. I have reset one of the three IDs that are connected to my account but this obviously has not fixed the problem. I would like to reset another one and I have followed the instructions to go to this site ( but I cannot submit another request for a second ID reset. The message at that site says that my request is already submitted and pending review. But it has been reviewed and I received an email today that it was reset. Now I need to submit for a second ID. How can I accomplish this when the site to submit a second ID won't let me download the PDF and submit it?

  • I assume that this near immediate "timing out" of my connections is because of suspected commercial use, I just started seeing it the other day. I try to do the reset procedure on the page that makes me log in and then "generate a PDF" but the form never generates a PDF, pushing the button does nothing, no matter what browser or operating system I am on. I actually had to hook up a monitor to the Mac Mini that I usually run headless and connect to with teamviewer to confirm that the form is just plain broken, no matter what. I'm a web design dinosaur from the 90s and early 2000s, so I will gladly fix your form if you promise to stop limiting my entirely personal use account.