Commercial use - Connection time out



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,070 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Otakar,

    In order to better understand your issue, could you please send some relevant error messages/screenshots when you connect the other way?

    Community Manager

  • Hello,

    Whenever I connect my PC with my mobile app, I always get an error that I am using this for commercial purposes and not for personal use. I purely use this for my personal need. How can I resolve this error?

  • IoanGr
    IoanGr Posts: 2

    An information window about commercial use appears, but this is incorrect. The program is used only for personal purposes. How to fix it?

  • IoanGr
    IoanGr Posts: 2

    This page does not have a Russian language, for me it is problematic

  • g4ugm
    g4ugm Posts: 10

    I know this is only the community, but unless teamvier sort out the mess they created I have found a use for the unlimited minutes I have on my phone

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    @LagunaJim - It took 2 weeks for me to get the confirmation email. However in less than 48 (business) hours they had my account reset. But that was a couple months ago or longer. Hundreds of people have posted in this thread since then. So they might be way behind.

  • 2anpapa
    2anpapa Posts: 2

    Hi all,

    I recently ran into a problem with My Macbook Air and Andriod

    Teamview session disconnected automatically with a popup message "COMMERCIAL USE DETECTED"

    I don't know why it's sensing like this and disconnecting the session over and over again.

    I can reconnect after a few minutes later, but you can disconnect again.

    Thank you

  • 2anpapa
    2anpapa Posts: 2

    I am using a free license and shows it on top of the TeamViewer window, "Free license (Non-commercial use only)

  • Bally
    Bally Posts: 1

    How to correct being mistaken for a business after correcting the problem?

  • hi,

    i am using TeamViewer since years on my private laptops, lately i been asked to upgrade the license to commercial use, i never used this account for any business use, so why do i have to change the license now.

    can someone from TeamViewer help me with my account.


  • cnnie
    cnnie Posts: 1

    It looks like TeamViewer change my accound to be commercial.

    Don't know why this happend. I'm using a commercail licenz from my company - due to home office behind the same internet access point

    never heard about that?

    I want to help someone of my private friend with setting her pc - not possible now grate!

    Also this is now the secound time you did that . grate.

    We need a real freeware solution instead boring Teamviewer

  • pallemans
    pallemans Posts: 1

    Hi, I recently have been classified as a commercial user, but I only use teamviewer on my personal computer and phone or tablet.

    Can you take my commercial user status off again please?

    Kind regards


  • So I went through the reset form no less than 3x in the last 2 weeks every time I am told the account has been reset try to log in and get the same error again when I try.

    I've just submitted again this time with spaces ie xxx xxx xxx instead of xxxxxxxxx anyone had this issue before and if so how did you get around it.

    My usage is literly playing a browser based game remotely from phone tablet etc. The reason for this vs using phone browser is simply it times out when on the phone version when I am in meetings etc however on laptop it keeps playing even if the TV connection drops and I can re connect after meetings so great for this type of gaming...

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  • José_António54
    José_António54 Posts: 10
    edited June 2021

    Good afternoon


    When I enter a remote session, the session disconnects shortly afterwards and one appears to me that has timed out, as shown in the annex.


    Thank you very much awaiting solution to the problem.


    OBS: My User: [Removed as per the community guidelines.]

  • Karas
    Karas Posts: 1

    I am a single user, the program stopped working, it supposed to be free,! 

    how can I resume the service?

  • I need help. Thank you.

  • Edoco
    Edoco Posts: 2

    Hello i use a mobile android access to team viewer desktop,

    my device was flag inproplly to commercial, then i asked several time to reset but

    also if there was the reset successful on teamviewer database, it wasn't reset on my application android

    which didn't change the status, any other ways?

    is it possible to change my ID device?

    thanks again

  • JoseTJ
    JoseTJ Posts: 1


    I have used TeamViewer for years, and my account has been changed to commercial for using it many times, yes, I connect to my home PC locally and to friends PC to help with problems they have, as they are always the same group of people. I need it reset to personal use, as I was using it fairly.

    , Thanks.

  • wuwinso
    wuwinso Posts: 1
    edited June 2021

    I have the same issue, it's not even possible to submit a ticket anymore. I had to submit 6 times so far because it keeps false detecting me as commercial usage but I can't get any support page to load, just dumps me on this community **bleep**.

    fill this out:

    it's a rubbish system and i had to digitally sign a pdf too, I'm waiting for official reply

  • papi2000
    papi2000 Posts: 1

    Because of covid, I would like to access a computer to enter golf scores for a couple of weeks. Restrictions soon to be lifted and won't require this ability ever again. No need for file transfer or messaging etc...just access to a program for golf scores. Is there any give in your commercial usage for this kind of short term remote access?

    UVERLORD Posts: 0

    They wrote to me that TeamViewer is used for commercial purposes.

    Although I use it to connect to my second computer, which is authorized in my account.

    Please solve this issue.

  • nighty2k7
    nighty2k7 Posts: 1

    Have also been declared commercial for:

    Connecting from my work pc to my personal pc at home or to my kids pcs in homeschooling. As I just now learned THAT is seen as commercial use because you connect from your work place.

    Information management seems catastrophic regarding the wave of account-commcerial declarations that pop up here. I needed two weeks to figure out what is going on and am now so frustrated because a) my use case is comemrcial... and b) they left me in the dark about what is going on.

  • After a connection to any remote computer is established (one channel only), this connection times out after about 30 sec. The normal logout message appeares "This has been a free session, did you like it, buy licens, OK".

    I only use TeamViewer in private. If I log into my account it shows "Free License".

    There is not any message like "Commercial Use Suspected" as I could read in other comments in the Forum.


  • DjP77
    DjP77 Posts: 1

    I've been having exactly the same problem. Just tried using TeamViewer after a few months of not having used it with no problems, but now it keeps kicking me off after 30 seconds with the message "This was a free session sponsored by TeamView sessions are free of charge for personal use. We thank you for playing fair!" The reads as though it's implying I'm not using this for personal use, even though I am. Would really love to know how to resolve this.

  • I DjP77,

    the message youse is exactly the same as you get if you terminate a session manually. So for mee this seems not have anything to do with private or commercial version.

    I suppose it's simply a bug or a wrong configuration on TeamViewers Site.

  • inetbogey
    inetbogey Posts: 1

    Hi guys,

    i have the free version of Teamviewer. i help my aunt (who is 90), my sister, my daughter (who most times brings her laptop over), my laptop to access my home desktop (which i think i only used it once in years). but now it is saying i am using it commercially. i think i have used teamviewer once in the last year. (when COVID was going "great guns") i did not want to take the chance to get my aunt sick. she is "boohooing she screwed up her e-mail and she can't send any either. i have been waiting a week to be reset, but nothing yet.

    any thoughts?



  • jeugregg
    jeugregg Posts: 1

    Same here... It is only these last days ?

  • 08plaza
    08plaza Posts: 1

    Unfortunately I have been experiencing the same issues from Teamviewer since June 10th. Have been using this platform as a private citizen to help my 87 yr old friend get around his email and Windows issues that occasionally come up and are too hard for him to handle. He was shocked and very disappointed when I advised him how my 'free license' appeared to have been revoked for no apparent reasons. Despite voicing my dissatisfaction on a notification advice from Teamviewer then, I'm still waiting for a reply to explain why I get timed out after being connected for a few seconds when I know haven't broken any rules.

    I would like to know whether anybody has ever received any justifications from Teamviewer. Also, what would I need to do to have my free license re-instated.


  • Wardy
    Wardy Posts: 1

    Exactly the same here. I have it on computers in my home to help the kids with problems when i'm at home or out somewhere, never used it for business because I'm field service and don't use a PC at work. Pathetic blocking and now I'm looking into other ways of connecting and ditching teamviewer.

  • holyhecc
    holyhecc Posts: 0

    I reset the license on both of my ID's and it still says I'm using it commercially. Of course I never was actually using it commercially so I got help with the reset for both my computers and yet it still limits my time and acts like it did before.