Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced
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Read my Blog article to find more information about Commercial usage and the link to request the reset of your TeamViewer usage:
πClick here for reading the blog articleπ
Further articles:
Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected'
π Please be aware that this is NOT an issue that can be resolved in the community. Posting messages about commercial usage will not help to get the reset. For getting a reset you need to fill out the form.
π Please be informed that the Community team is merging all posts about this topic underneath this post. We are doing this to make sure that users finding the right information quickly when using the search function.
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I have been using TeamViewer for a year or so now. I had an issue about 6-12 months back complaining that I was using TeamViewer for commercial use... After looking at my connection history, the support team made me sign and send a form saying something along the lines that I assure I am not using TeamViewer commercially. I filled out the form, and after a week I was good to go to connect to my other PC again. The time has come yet again where I am getting the We Believe Team Viewer Is Being User Commercially prompt, and closes my connection after about 2 minutes.
How do I use TeamViewer:
I use it to connect to 1 PC on that's on my home network when I am at home, or sometimes I will connect to the PC remotly using the TeamViewer app.
What I don't use TeamViewer for:
I don't have an association with TeamViewer connecting to any buisness, or doing an I.T. related issue for other people.
I don't use TeamViewer to earn a profit.
I don't use TeamViewer as an addon to anything I sell... nor do I sell anything.
If a moderator wants to contact me, I will be more than happy to send all the needed files and discuss further how I use TeamViewer. I will also sign another one of those Personal Usage Forms if needed. These 2 minute connections, then 15 minutes in between is killing me.
Wow $50/mnth for one connection what a rip off! I used to use it a lot up till today, 5 family members requiring assistance occasinally plus I use it to control my other home computers instead of flipping the monitor and keyboard back and forth. Good program but not interested in filling out forms or paying **Please do not discuss price**. I would've sprung for **Please do not discuss price** just to get rid of the nag and not have to reinstall another remote control everywhere. **Third Party Product** will be fine thanks though for forcing me to waste a bunch of time. Sorry I ever switched to TV and told people how good it is.
...Not to mention how concerning it is, from a privacy point of view, to know TV is collecting and processing data to make such a judgement.
Hello everyone,
It's been more than 1 1/2 months trying to get my ID unblocked. After explaining that i'm using TeamViewer only for connecting to my home PC form a public open space and not used for any commericial use, i received two email letting me know that my ID was unblocked after reviewing my request. But i still keep getting the Commercial message , can someone help? Should i do any action after i got those emails cause i guess it was a whitelisting from TeamViewer and no action is needed form my side
Thanks in advance
I'm an old user of TV. I'm helping my parents and couple friends remotely from time to time. I'm really sad to see TV management don't care about free users anymore. It is so sad to see this happening. Suspecting me in commercial usage.
I mean yes I have multiple devices Desktop, laptop, iPhone, iPad and yes, ocasionaly traveling, who doesn't?
It is not fair to put a sign it is FREE for personal use. Cause it eminds me a jail or concentration camp - step right, step left - shoot! Scary!
I'm finally arrived to my parents house which was like 6000 miles away. Updated OS, updated TV to TV14. And?
I'm probably done here. Will look for External IP option for my parents probably and will use built-in options of Remote acess. And also will not recommend this product anymore to anyone. Really dissapointed. "Thank you" new Teamviewer team!
freepersonaluse, free, freedom, fakestatement
I have read all threads about session timeout so here is to clarify:
- the timeout doesn't happen after 5mins, but much, much less. More like 30 seconds
- I need to wait 10 minutes before I can log in again
- I do NOT get a message about commercial use! It says (translated from German): "Connection is locked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration. New connections will be blocked. Please try again later or upgrade your license. Connections to this partner are blocked until [t+10min]"
- I get this on any of my PCs. All PCs are Win10 latest update and latest Teamviewer version (
- I do use TV on different platforms, but I haven't tried if the Linux version behaves the same or not, hence I've only added the Windows label to this.
This makes the free Teamviewer version totally useless. They could as well abandon the free version (30 seconds!! Come on!) Please let me know if this is a temporary glitch, or if I have to move on to a different software. Thanks.
@toremf : even bots are sleeping during the night! Your message still standed intact when I arrived and read it this morning!
Here's an interesting twist. I had been getting a gentle warning every time i connected to my downstairs TV (television) PC. They suspected commercial use. I did a number of tests to determine that it was that PC that was flagged and not any other of my other PCs.
Today, the gentle warning was upgraded to a full threat. See the attached two screenshots from two separate connection sessions below. Both informed me that my session would time out in five or an unspecified number of minutes. Yet the sessions were not terminated. And I waited at least fifteen minutes. Two years ago when I was hit by this problem, they told me five minutes but actually only gave me thirty seconds. Notice too the second image now says they know I'm using TV commercially instead of it just seeming so (but still threatening to cut off the session).
I also had been getting requests to upgrade the TV PC TV to the latest version. So I decided to do so now and after I did, I stopped getting messages about commercial use whenever I connected. I tested thta three or four times and no message.
Interesting. So does the commercial use detection algorithm include a check for old versions? How does that make it commercial?
I just did a google search for two of the alternatives mentionedin @toremf 's post that didn't get censored yet. In both cases, Teamviewer came up as the #1 result because they paid for an advertisement. The alternatives that I was actually searching for came up as the second result because they didn't pay for an ad. I guess this helps to explain why Teamviewer is trying squeeze professional license fees from personal users, to pay for the ads.
Same here, im getting commercial use suspected, and it keeps dropping connection opening there website for me to pay. i have a few machines in the house, Probably use like a couple times in the month. but this is getting annoying. i have been in touch with teamviewer over the last few months, but no help, just keep putting me through to the business side.
Is there any free software similiar to this, that dont try to force you to stupid business rates for software that is being used for personel home use.
Hi, I installed Teamview 14 for Win 10 a few months ago, tried it to see if it worked, it did, v well. I use it for one use only: to connect from my laptop to a desktop in another part of the house on the same LAN. I have mobility issues and prefer not to travel between machines if there's another way. Which apparently there is. Hurrah!
Over the last few days I've been using it again and discover there seems to be a 3-minute limit whereupon the session appears to lock up. I can disconnect, apparently cleanly, and connect again and all is well. For another three minutes or so. I do not get any messages about apparently breaching the commercial use rule.
Other posts on this have suggested checking the version - the app at each end reports it is up-to-date - and asking TV to review the case. If I really have to pursue that, how do I go about it?
Sure am hoping there's another way. Please advise, thank you.
Dear Teamviewer,
your commercial use protection system must be a complete **bleep** up. Despite having been approved for free use twice, the second time just fricken last week I just again had the popup window regarding commercial use detected pop up again stating I have 5 minutes of connection time left and then disconnects me after 1 minute, locking me out for 10 minutes.
I understand you wanna make sure the terms and conditions are respected. But please then respect them yourself. It takes you weeks to do the approval. You lock out people earlier than you say. What do you expect your users to think about your company?
Please help me to be able to manage my private-use servers in a reasonable timeframe and stop locking me out of my system. Stick to what you say and don't have the system change it's mind all the time. PLEASE!
this is really not funny in any way
And I too
@myo007 wrote:Hello, I was being using Team iewer for my personal usage have been long and never happened 5 mins issue with commercial detect asked to buy before , whenever each install Teamviewer IDs seem to changed however my ID has linked with my email address ( my login email didn't change) so this issue has linked with my email now I believe. I used to only connected to home to home network only for personal usage but when once connect to a computer of family member this month who was at work to help something online then started to happen, may be due to that receiver computer at work has detected problem by your software before but yet it is still shouldn't effect into my account which just incoming connection to that machine and I do not use for commercial purpose at all. Please may kindly help, thanks.
I recently got a popup saying that teamviewer thinks I am using the software commercially, is this a joke? I am unemployed and I help my friends out on their PERSONAL COMPUTERS when they are stuck on things, I was about to reccomend teamviewer to my sister who IS in business but not very computer literate as its a good solution with all the extra functions like remote training and so on which I have used ONCE to show her, I don't know what triggered your system but I wont be reccomending teamviewer any further as there's obviously something wrong there and I'm curious what makes you think I'm using it commercially *bleep*, just for clarification, I don't work, I'm mega geeky, nobody will give me a job because I am autistic however all my friends ask me to help with their PERSONAL!!! PC's when they are stuck and I make NOTHING!! other than the satisfaction of being some use at least to someone, thanks for shafting that for me, really appreciate it >:(
This is effecting me too.
I'd start by filling out their form here :
Hopefully they just changed something stupid and fix it quickly, but their FAQ says to fill out that form to get you working again.