Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Why cant i add more id to my account for personal use . I did add 1 id and now it wont let me add others . Can someone send me a link where a can add more id's pls

  • I had a commercial use detected. I explained it was personal use only and completed the reset form.

    I'd forgotten to put my connected devices ID in aswell so I was told I had to complete the form again.

    This time around the form did not work. It just basically pointed me to download the PDF of my original reset. I've tried on both machines and still doesn't work.

    Please can a TeamViewer person or user help and advise on this?

    I have seem the same question raised a few times but doesn't look like there are any solutions

  • JamesLightfoot
    JamesLightfoot Posts: 3
    edited October 2023

    Hi all,

    I need to fill in the form at

    becuase commercial use was falsely detected on my accout, however when I go to the page whilst logged in, there is no form to fill in, only a pdf download of a request previously filed. I need to file a new request. How can I do that?

  • Same problem here, hoping for a solution. Thanks!

  • I just want to make few things on my home PC from my phone, when i'm not at home. Why is the app thinking i use it on Bussiness purpose? Then it tells me, that i have only 5 minutes to connect, but disconnets after few SECONDS. How can this be? I don't use TeamViewer often, so i really want to avoid to buy one of the premium options. I don't use it on business purpose.

  • Hi,

    I have used the free reset option at and specified 1 ID not realising I needed to specify All IDs.

    To add the additional IDS I have gone back to the reset option again (and again) but it no longer gives the form. It just resubmits the original form. I have tried to do this both on the original PC and and another PC and both have the same result so the form is not stored locally.

    Can some-one help please?

  • Hello everyone, I have the same issue... private use but i reset only one device.... this thing was not specified in the form...

    How to solve it??


  • I used to use Team Viewer to assist less computer literate members of my family with computer problems.

    Recently it stopped working for this, allowing me only a five minute connection which is nowhere near long enough for the average problem as I'm sure you would all agree.

    However, I cannot justify the fair but significant cost of purchasing a subscription for the few times I need to use it.

    I have been trying to use a competitors product but this is proving glitchy and less than user friendly.

    Thanks for any help you can offer.


  • dvdrttr14
    dvdrttr14 Posts: 1
    edited September 2023

    Ever since the newer version of Teamviewer required me to create an account, I've been 'flagged' as using Teamviewer for commercial use.

    I use it to help family and friends, and may use it 5-6 times a month. I don't use it to access my home computer or any of the other reasons Teamviewer says constitutes commercial use. I don't get paid for the sessions. I just fine Teamviewer easier to use than **Third Party Product**, and I've been using Teamviewer as long as I can remember. The problem, as noted, only started happening when I was forced to create the account.

    Can this be fixed, or do I need to use **Third Party Product**? :-( Thanks.

  • Hello

    I get always commercial warning if I use my cellphone in University to connect my homecomputer....

    Why so difficult for teamviewer to accept outdoor use?

  • I support my 85 yr old mother who still uses a PC but is 3hr from me and when attempting to remotely connect to her PC using the free version which i have used for yrs to assist her, I get dropped after 30seconds once connected. Message tells me I'm using for commercial use and violate the standards which I clearly am not. I also support my wife's PC and can be on hers using the free teamviewer for an hour or more to apply when she has issues. The issue only occurs when connecting to my mother's PC 3 hrs away. Anyone know who to resolve this issue while still using the free session?

  • Hi, I have the same problem. I am NOT a commercial user and have submitted the same request twice over 10 days but with no response. Where should I go from here?

  • Yes, exact same problem here. see also similar post at

    PLEASE TeamViewer, will someone help us? We are all legitimate personal and private users.

  • xps940
    xps940 Posts: 2
    edited September 2023

    TeamViewer really treats people who use their "free" license poorly. I was flagged for suspected commercial use, sent in the reset form, received an email saying I had been released from Team Viewer jail...BUT...I connect to either of TWO computers who belong to elderly relatives to help them and BAM, the session times out after a minute or less.

    It' so wrong to offer a free product and not to offer any support for free license users. Community posts are a year plus old...and there are no responses that seem to be of any use to resolve the issue. Do you see how that is perceived by every person seeking help? It says **bleep** to be polite...You will reap what you sew...

    Will be researching a different product to use. BECAUSE I AM FORCED TOO by your non response.

    Shame on you TV!!! I notice a majority of folks use the free license to help elderly or others not tech savvy. You leave all of these people hanging...NO SUPPORT. What a sad way to conduct your company.

  • LS247
    LS247 Posts: 2
    edited September 2023

    Hi All,

    Same as many other posts, I'm currently out in Thailand (I know, cry me a river) setting up my elderly father's PC before I have to leave and head back to the UK. I'll be **bleep** if I can't support him back there. No idea why it's being seen as suspected commercial use. I only have five computers on my account. My home PC, 2 x personal laptops, my brother's Mac and now my Dad's laptop. Please help if you can... I really do need this resolved before I leave!

    Thanks all

  • I tryed with another form with the others IDs.

    Still waiting...

    For the poor support, what to say... it's a policy but it's clear that "personal use" is to help relatives and activity without earning money. I suppose with no limits of connections.


  • markgregory
    markgregory Posts: 1
    edited September 2023

    Hi, my free account has been blocked. Teamviewer states that I'm using Teamviewer for work. this is incorrect. How do I ask for the account to be unblocked? As I'm using Teamviewer for personal use, I would be happy to pay [removed per Community Guidelines]a year, like anti-virus, Teamviewer is great to fix problems on my families computers, but I cannot pay [removed per Community Guidelines] per month.

  • I recently got this message when logging in to my PC. I am a gamer and have been testing Linux distros on my gaming PC so I have installed TeamViewer on multiple operating systems in a short time span. I use TeamViewer to make sure I can remotely access my PC to stream games via steam link and or AMD link. Some times I need to adjust my display or make changes to IP information. I cannot open a support ticket because you have to have a comercial license to do that. Please let me know if I have some how broke the personal use license agreement.

    Thank you


  • try too connect my second Mac, but I got a licenses error, but I use a free version?

  • eipp
    eipp Posts: 3

    I want to add my voice to the "commercial reset" form is broken. How are we supposed to reset the obviously flawed AI detection of commercial use when the form feeding us the reset PDF is broken and we can't put in a support ticket because we are free users?

    I only keep using TV because they are reliable and keep the versions updated. If there was another option as fully featured I'd jump ship in a heartbeat.


  • Hi all... still the same problem: done a reset for 1 PC, then another for family computers.

    Still don't have any answers from TW but honestly I don't know the procedure. I use it to help relatives... few PC...


  • My TV personal use account has recently begun to tell me that commercial use is suspected. This was OK for a few weeks, as I could continue to use it. In the past few days, it has gone to a state of allowing a 5 minute connect window that times out in around 2-3 minutes, followed by failure to connect as I've timed out.

    I've completed the form to reset personal usage.

    How long does it typically take for a response to this form from the folks in TV?



  • I don't know... in my case 5 days the first time

  • I sent on September 18, 2023, a form to reset my account which is only used privately.

    Anyone know how long it takes before you hear anything from their support, or your account is reset

  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,154 Senior Moderator
    edited October 2023

    Hi @JackA and @KimDyas,

    Thank you both for posting in our Community!

    The first question I would like to ask you is: have you received any confirmation email about the successful reset of your ID(s)?

    • If not, we kindly ask you to be a bit more patient. Indeed, all requests are processed in the order they are received, and some may take a little longer.
    • If yes, you should normally be able to fill out the form again.

    @JackA Feel free to come back to us if you received the email but are still not able to submit a new form.

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience in that matter.



    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator

  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,154 Senior Moderator

    Hi @JamesLightfoot,

    Thank you for your post in our Community! 🌍

    Could you please tell us if you have already received the confirmation email about the reset of your ID(s)?

    If you have received it, you should be able to fill out the form again.

    If this is still not the case, then I would suggest clearing your cache and cookies, and then trying to access the form again.

    Let us know how it goes!



    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator

  • Ilyasso
    Ilyasso Posts: 2
    edited September 2023

    Hello TeamViewer team

    I'm using TeamViewer for long time ago with a free license with personal use

    But in last days always the session get closed after a while like I'm using illegal license

    I hope you give the opportunity to solve this problem

  • Given the hundreds of really frustrated people here, with no solutions and little help from TV, I thought I'd share what I think I've figured out, and hope it helps some of you.

    • So far I've had my laptop restricted three times
    • And I've filled out the unrestrict request form three times
    • I never get any confirmation that my form was received. (The website says it was sent, but there's no email, no updates)
    • I never get any notice that my request has been processed and my account unrestricted.
    • They say it can take up to 7 days, but I've waited much longer than that. I don't think it has ever taken less than 10 days.
    • But you just have to keep trying to connect, to find out if the restriction has been lifted. There won't be any notification.

    Meanwhile, like everyone else here, I'm not using TV for commercial, so why do I keep getting restricted?

    I did some testing, and I'm 90% sure I know why: Comcast Business.

    When I use my laptop at any number of other places, it's fine. But as soon as I use it in a location that is on Comcast Business, BAM, I get restricted instantly.


    That includes if you connect to many of the thousands of Xfinity Wifi nodes all over the country. Many of those are on a Comcast customer's home modem (so, no problem), but many of them are on a Comcast Business modem, and that makes TV think you're a Comcast Business customer, and BAM, you get restricted.

    I've written to Teamviewer about this (strong) suspicion, and asked if they will confirm my theory, but they haven't given any authoritative answer.

    BTW, here's a link to the form:

  • Hi Jen,

    Thanks for helping.

    Yes I have received a confirmation email that the original reset was successful.

    But when trying to repeat the process for other Ids the form is NOT presented again.

    The sequence of events is -

    Go to reset management

    Please log in with your TeamViewer credentials to start the reactivation process. Click Here to Start

    Login to Your Account

    [Instead of getting the fillable form the following is displayed -]

    Thank you, your request was submitted successfully. Please download the generated PDF for your records. Download PDF.

    [And if the downloaded for is from the original request]

    Hoping you can help.


  • 111zj
    111zj Posts: 1
    edited September 2023