Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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    no one?

    @lookslikelemona wrote:


    I received an email last night telling me that TeamViewer believe me!

    (literally, thats what they said!)

    So I'm back to a working personal use license again.

    Bit of a blip.

    How long did it take between your contacting them and their reply?

    I saw a reference earlier in this thread about "up to 30 days" to resolve these issues.  It really feels like Teamviewer is more or less arbitrarily cutting off many of their long-time free users. 

    The way they are doing this, with no warning, might be giving some insight into Teamviewer's business strategy as well as their business ethics, if that's not an oxymoron.  At least when **Third Party Product** did this a few years ago they had the balls to simply announce they were shutting down their free option. Maybe that's where we're headed here, but judging by the activity in this thread, the way they're doing it seems likely to be generating significant ill will toward the company.  That can't be good.

    Of course, it could be a glitch in their commercial-use-detection algorithm, but I wouldn't bet on it...



    i have been useing teamviewer for many years Privat, and since last week i get msg that i use it for business but iam not i only use it for privat(my home pc, my laptop, my wifes laptop, my brothers pc and fathers pc)!!!!! and now iam limited 1 min connectionand 10min me pls

    There is obviously a problem with the detection system, can you fix it or disable it for now?
    I have a home network and use teamviewer to connect to a Laptop to control things like iTunes and some other things. I once connected via my android phone so I could buy a UK lottery ticket from Spain.

    Over a week ago I had the "detected business use" popup, and by the way the "5 minutes" you say you can use is actually 1 minute,  I have contacted supoort via the form and now when I look at the form it says "Be aware that due to a large number of requests from our private users, answering your request may take up to 30 days. Please bear with us."

    If a large number of people are having this problem doesn't it suggest that your detection system is returning far too many false positives?  I use 13.1.3629 and have done a full reinstall removing the settings.

    Please fix this soon.

    Hello everyone!
    I am grateful for the long time of cooperation! I was approached by a free license. It's time to part. I'll buy a similar product for six years at the price of one year of TV. Best wishes and rest in peace.

    This is good news. Looks like they are reviewing usage manually.

    I'm still waiting for my reply but even when/if I do get it, it will be too little too late.

    Couldn't be without remote access so I have moved over [edited by Moderator]


    . Would've happily paid TeamViewer money but they don't seem to want it. Maybe they've got enough, which would be a strange buisness model!

    Teamviewer have lost out, i won't be using or recomending them again.


    I received an email last night telling me that TeamViewer believe me!

    (literally, thats what they said!)

    So I'm back to a working personal use license again.

    Bit of a blip.

    I do not use Teamviewer for commercial purposes but only to troubleshoot my friends or family members.
    I am stuck after a few seconds.
    Could you restore my connection, please?
    Cordially thank you.
    [ID removed by moderator]

    ho lo stesso problema

    Houston! We have problems!!! I am not a company and I use your product solely for personal purposes (NOT COMMERCIAL) Why do they force me to pay (((? mujuice_grustnie_glaza.jpg

    [comment removed per Community Guidelines - #6 - Just the facts, please]

    Hi. Ever since about 1 month ago, I've had this problem with the license: whenever I try to connect with a computer (which is the only one I've ever used for remote control) a message appears telling me that I must buy a commercial license to continue using remote control, even though I only use it on two different computers at home for non-commercial purpose. Is there any way I can fix this?

    I already tried unistalling and reinstalling TeamWiever on both computers and updating it to the latest version, but it didn't work.


    Thanks in advance.


    i'm french and i have the same problem, i use teamviewer for my personnal use and help my friends or family can you help me support ?



    Me pasa exactamente lo mismo con la aplicacion de windows. Me dice que hay uso comercial y me interrumpe todas las conexiones. Sin embrago con la aplicacion de Android no tengo ese problema.

    Soy tambien un usuario particular, no obtengo benecicio economico y solo lo uso para conectarme al PC de Casa o al Portatil y a mi telefono movil y tablet para mis cosas personales.

    Buenos dias

    Seguramente hay algún post relacionado con lo que voy a  poner pero no sé ingles y me resulta muy complicado hacerme con toda la información que hay en community.

    El problema es que en su día descargué la licencia gratuita para uso no comercial, valorando que se podía por los requisitos.

    Desde hace algunos día me salta una ventana diciendo que han detectado que utilizo el programa para temas comerciales (que no es cierto) y que debo adquirir una licencia.

    El programa lo utilizo exclusivamente para conectarme al ordenador del trabajo desde casa  (trabajar con documentos, consultar correo electrónico...) o cuando estoy fuera (un viaje de trabajo) pero no saco ningún beneficio económico por ello.

    Espero poder resolver este tema o en su caso, la duda, por si interpreté mal las caracterisiticas.


    same Problem here

    I've now been waiting for one month and two days. I haven't heard anything from my request and my Teamviewer is still useless as it is.
    Dear Support Teamviewer,
    I use Teamview do support my friends
    I have mistake setup Teamviewer version 11 Company on my laptop Win 8. And now this version has expired.
    Please guide me change to version personal. I want use version Free.
    Screenshot 2018-07-05 10.31.49.png

    I never own a cent with teamviewer... I did use  it to access my computers. Now, their algorithms said I've cheated, as private use.

    I would like to purchase the license, but the price is non sense.

    Ok, no problem.


    [comment removed per Community Guidelines - #9 - Sales/solicitation policy] 

    Thank you guys.. you did a wonderful job.






    It is sad to say that after many years of happily using TeamViewer for personal use, for helping friends and family with occasional IT problems and for voluntary community work where every now and again we collaborate using TV, the software has now become unusable for me as well.

    I struggle with repeated popups stating suspected commercial use and time limited connections that last less than the time to connect and handshake.  No they do not last 5 minutes!

    [comment removed per Community Guidelines - #6 - Just the facts, please]

    At this time, I too can no longer recommend "TV".

    I have this problem.

    I really like Teamviewer and have been using it to support my daughter and parents as well as maintaining a couple of computers around my house - very useful as I broke my leg recently!

    I have previously reccomended TV to my employers. I shan't be doing that again.

    It appears to me that TV have been making a vast number of wrong calls in automatically and incorrectly detecting 'commercial' use on non-commercial accounts. So with that it mind I can no longer suggest that this is a reliable solution in a commercial context. This problem has affected me and my family but it would be worse if something similar affected a business.

    Just in case it helps, as I have seen little in this thread about what may trigger this issue, in my case this is what occurred immediately before the ban hammer came down:

    I used a hotspot on my mobile phone to connect through my usual Surface to my home media server. I forgot to close the hotspot on my phone and simply shut up the Surface.

    When I returned home a couple of hours later I noticed that my hotspot was still active, my Surface was still connected to it and TV was still open. I closed it all down and switched to my laptop to connect again to the media server in my property.

    I got the notice that commercial use was detected.

    Since then, despite being promised 5 minutes of connection time, I get about 1 minute before it closes and then I'm unable to connect for 10-15 minutes. This makes all but tiny tasks impossible and I have been unable to assist my daughter with her homework (she often needs help with Photoshop and Office).

    My guess it was the length of the connection, left idle through my hotspot that was flagged.

    I've submitted logs, twice. The form submission has been acknowledged on both occasions and I've twice explained the situation at length. I'm now waiting on whatever happens next - although I'm deeply concerned I'm falling into the black hole so many others have descibed. I'm not really seeing anyone say "hey, I filled in the appeal form and everything got fixed".

    As things stand, I've got to consider alternatives. There's pain in switching and I really don't want to. But as the window for a possible and uncertain resolution to this issue is so incredibly long I may well have to eat it up and somehow have my relatives install a different solution (I certainly couldn't do it for them inside the 60 second window I'm allowed and that's probably intentional).

    Should that happen, TV have lost a fan and a potential customer and turn them from an ambassador to a vocal critic.

    [comment removed per Community Guidelines - #6 - Just the facts, please]

    Same with me the companmy is trying to scam people int buying their massivly over pricers product for those that would like to use their apparently FREE personal use licience its a joke 

    if this was availible for like $10 a month i would buy it dfor personal use with less features 

    I have applied for a so called personal licience wit tthier form but i have heard nothing and doubt I will as it is just am excuse to try and get people to pay the full corporate licince 

    Will never recommend TV again to anyone as i am disusted with how the copmpany is acting

    @Jbib wrote:

    La direction de TeamViewer à décidé de se débarrasser des utilisateurs à titre privé et personnel qui utilisent leur produit à titre gratuit.
    Tu peux leur demander de te rétablir comme utilisateur personnel mais ça mettra un certain temps ... il paraitrait au moins 2 mois, et s'ils veulent bien ?


    Pas cool ca !!

    Cependant pour les alternative sous mac j'ai pas trouvé !

    J'utilise teamVievwer pour prendre le contrôle de mon ordinateur personnel car je suis hospitalisé.J'ai toujours utilisé TeamViewer à des fin personnel et non commercial cependant depuis hier j'ai ce message !!
    Capture d’écran 2018-07-02 à 13.07.18.png

    pourquoi ?

    Hello, my computer says I have a 5 minute test of the software but it drops my connection after 30 seconds not 5 minutes. How do i fix this? Thanks

    The support team should be back at work as germany totally **bleep** and are out of this world cup in soccer...

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