Commercial use - Connection time out
My mother just moved to a private retirement residence and now my connection to her Mac timed out after only 10 minutes or so. That's not long enough to solve any of her tech issues. I assume it timed out because the IP address 'looks' like a commercial IP address, since a retirement business is run there.
Is there anyway to denote my mother's machine as a personal machine?
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When can we receive a response, TeamViewer?
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I am using this only to remote to my daughters laptop. But suddenly it thinks I am using it commercially. This is the second time this has happened and I am not unable to connect always when at critical times. This software is hailed as being the best. How is beyond me when there is so little ability to communicate with those controlling the system.
How do I stop this happening?
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Like others in this thread, I have a free personal version of TV. At least it has been free for many years and I haven't consciously changed it to the commercial version. As a matter of fact, the second message below seems to imply I have the free version. The first screen talks about a "Full Version," doesn't make any sense to me. That description does not match any of flavors of TeamViewer apps on offer .
I don't use TV much, just to help my elderly mother. Anyway, now it bumps me off every few minutes and gives me no clues as to what I have to do to fix it!
Like I said, I've used TeamViewer for many years. It has done a great job for my purposes. I'm retired now and my mom is 96, so I don't how much I'll use it going forward. I would like to be able recommend it to others, if you can fix this problem.
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Hi @BobT123, @tmvk & @stephenb,
Thank you for bringing the issue with the link to our attention!
We have forwarded this feedback and it is currently being investigated.
Please access the additional form here:
You can send it as a reply to the initial email you received. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator
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Thanks @JenW . The reason I (and I assume “we”) even got the email with the wrong link is because we already filled out the online form, which returned a “this can’t be automatically confirmed, please fill out this paper form” which came with a bad link.
Could you please share the proper link to the manual attestation form? Otherwise I’ll just go around in circles again…
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Hi @BobT123,
Thank you for your feedback.
I have updated my initial reply above and shared the current link to the form.
You can now fill it out and attach it when replying to the email you received.
Apologies again for the inconvenience.
Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator
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I got an e-mail from Teamviewer saying that they couldn't find any evidence that I was using remote control to help my elderly parents who are in their 80s living in South Carolina with their PC and laptop and I in Maryland. I also help my friends: one in his late 70s up in Massachusetts and my best friend in Indiana who needs my help with interpreting texts into American Sign Language and occasionally help with filling out the necessary forms and setting up new applications.
They asked me to fill out the paperwork and sign it to be e-mailed to them. Yet, the link is not working at all. I am still waiting for them to reply. The PDF used to be popped out after we filled out the standard form and asked us to sign it and sent to them. This was back in December 2023. I am mystified why they asked me again after I got timed out on few times this month.
I am starting to think Teamviewer wants us to start paying them?
I would appreciate any help with this PDF or paperwork that needed to be sent in? Thank you for your help in advance.
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I use the free account to sometimes help seniors with their computer. I was trying to do that today when I was cut off and told I had to pay as they believe I'm a commercial user. I'm not a commercial user, I don't charge anything for helping my older friends. How do I confirm to them this fact?
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Hey guys, so I have been using teams free version for personal use where I sometimes use my phone to access my home pc. Suddenly today I have been denied to connect to my home pc saying commercial use detected.
As I know it's not commercial, how can I get around that error?
Anything I can do to fix this issue?
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Im having problems, because teamviewer thinks im commercial.
I am not but how can I solve this?
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I have filled in a correction form as it is indicated on this link:
After 3 days: Still not working = bad support - I'm disappointed
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you need to remove the spaces from the IDs
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I already posted a message earlier but now see all these messages about the same problem.
I believe that TeamViewer made a MESS of it.
Many many volunteers helping others for free with a PC problem now have a big problem, those needing help even more.
This is NOT free software for personal usage anylonger.
Not even a normal answer is possible from support, only message that personal usage is not proven by me.
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I can't get the verification page to work:
This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in
If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
I have an issue where my elderly mom (30 miles away) has a laptop SCREAMING at her and she can't get it quiet. I've been waiting 2 weeks to get this issue resolved, but since TeamViewer provides ZERO support to the "Free for personal use" users, I can't help her.
I've submitted 2 more requests for the repeal of the "Commercial Use suspected" junk. I help my mom and sometimes remote into my computer at home to do some browsing. There is no commercial use.
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Done with Teamviewer. First, they screw up the interface with a horrible revision, and now they are saying I am commercial use. I ONLY use it to connect to my home PC from my beachhouse.
Goodbye forever Teamviewer. I am removing it from my 2 PC's and phone and will find something more like what Teamviewer USED to be.
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Hello, the program has been detecting a fake commercial license for days, inhibiting the use. I have the free version used to connect with the pc at home, can you check? Thank you
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Hallo, same issues here. I've sent a request for reset my account for free license use but received only the answer, that I should fulfill and sign off a declaration, which can not be downloaded. Anyone does succeeded to find the asking declaration?
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after having Reclaimd my Free Version of teamviewer, hov long time pass before i get an answer
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TV kicks me out after about 1-2 mins then displays the message in the subject.
It just started doing this last night, didn't do this about 3 weeks ago when I used it
I don't use it for commercial use in any way, in fact only support by 3 brothers, nothing else
The SW says it's the free version
I submitted a ticket to TV to reset my account from Commercial to personal or am I missing something else?
Thanks, Rick
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I only use team viewer to log on to my imac, my wifes pc and my parents computer.
It recently said that it detected commercial usage and blocked me,
so i followed the reset procedure with all of my id's
But its still kicking me after 4 mins and 1min cool down on my wifes laptop.
And my account still says its free.
Is it time to scrap teamviewer and move over to **Third Party Product**?
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I have the same question. I think you guys really screwed the pooch on this.
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It's obvious this problem has been ongoing for YEARS (since 2020 at least, but maybe beyond), will it ever get corrected? I've completed and submitted "the form" more than a few times the past few days and the only message I've seen is a thank you for submitting. Nothing further, zilch, nada.
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hello trying to connect phone to pc all i get is time out over and over i just cant conect anymore before the last updates it was wokring for years no issue even on another pc to pc alll i get is time out pls advise why?
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I have reset my commercial usage 5 times in the past couple of weeks.
Every time I connect from my android phone... It's commercial usage.
Any ideas? It's very frustrating.
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While I was able to have my free personal-use Teamviewer (TVW) license restored, the family users that I connect to simply don't have the capability to jump through the hoop of keeping their licenses free. They are not computer-savvy and thus the entire reason for my use of Teamviewer in the first place.
As a long-term user of TVW, I didn't appreciate the accusation of my using the software for business. Never have. Not in 15 years. User data would have supported that, had it been looked at. Instead, I'm accused, curtailed, and denied access, in return for 15 years of honest use and a LOT of word-of-mouth recommendations.
The approach Teamviewer took on license enforcement has allowed me to fall through the crack as a customer. I can't get my users free-licensed and I can't afford a professional license for family matters. Today, I've shifted to **Third Party Product**.
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I constantly get "Suspected commercial usage" notification on my account, i've reset it 5 maybe 6 times and it pops up pretty much instantly. It says "Free version on the software" any assistance would be brillant as it cuts me off during support with family.
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Probably never. At least I am waiting now for almost a week for an answer.
Maybe they are now aware of the issie and try to have it fixed, or TeamViewer forgets all the loyal private users giving good reviews and make other commercial persons buy a TeamViewer License
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After several years of using TeamViewer when I travel to visit my son, grandchildren, on vacation, etc., suddenly they decided I was using it for commercial use. I have been retired for years. I tried to tell them I wasn't using for commercial use. They send an email with a link to form to fill out. Unfortunately, the link was a bad link that is not reachable.
I have tried several times from the website, by email, by phone etc. to reach someone to get this resolved. I GET NO RESPONSE.
I would consider paying for it if the price was reasonable. But to use a few times I year when I travel to access my home computer to get at my emails, pay some bills, etc.?
Any way to get in touch with TeamViewer?