Commercial use - Connection time out



  • LK_
    LK_ Posts: 3

    Nono, not alone at all! I'm hoping we get a response as I love the product and have used it for a few years now (never commercially). I've added their email domain to my whitelist also to see if it helps. If you get any updates, can you DM me please? Would love to know if there's any traction :)

  • Kbada
    Kbada Posts: 2

    has anybody else had problems reclaiming their free version. I have used TeamViewer free version for a very long time to support one friend, and now, all of a sudden I’m told I am using it in a commercial environment. I have tried the ‘reclaim free version’ on 3 occasions without even getting any sign of an acknowledgment, which I find unacceptable. If they don’t want people to use a free version then they shouldn’t offer it.

  • kevinl453
    kevinl453 Posts: 2
    edited October 24

    I hear you, same thing happened to me, except I wasn't even helping a friend, I was just using my laptop to access my desktop when I am on the road. And, of course, since we're free members, trying to get reinstated is like dealing with the CIA - there is no way to get in touch with anyone, and no one from the company will respond to any posts so one can plead their case and be able to use the software again. I agree with you, though, if you're going to make it so difficult to use a free version of the software, why even have it out there? I have pretty much stopped using it, since I can't use it any longer than about a minute before it gets cut off. Now I just use it to quick log on to my desktop for things like verifying that something somebody may have sent me actually arrived at my desktop. And it is really too bad, as it was such a helpful tool, for me anyway, to be able to check things on my desktop at home when I am on the road. I'm still looking, though, for a way to somehow get in touch with someone in corporate to plead my case, but I'm not real optimistic.

  • Hi. If anyone from Teamviewer sees this, I would like to talk to someone about reinstating my free version of Teamviewer. I use it to check what's happening on my desktop whenever I am on the road, so I don't get behind on anything. I don't know how that qualifies as commercial use, but if someone could explain that to me, I would certainly be interested in hearing it. To repeat, I access my desktop with my laptop or my mobile phone when I am on the road travelling, to monitor my desktop and make sure things are alright. Not sure how that can be considered commercial, but I would like to hear it and hear about how to correct it. Thank you in advance.

  • Kbada
    Kbada Posts: 2

    well it’s good to know when you’re not the only one. I very much doubt anyone will receive a response . Having tried many times I have become very disillusioned with this company, which is a shame as the product is very good. Please let me know if anyone does get any joy