Commercial use - Connection time out



  • SunnyLo
    SunnyLo Posts: 2

    At first. I appeal at around 30th of Match. Around 4th of April. I checked my mail box to see if there is any reply. But I cannot see anything, so I appealed again. But I still didn't receive a reply NOW. It's about 5 months aready. Anyone can help?

  • This happened to me as well I messaged them through facebook and emailed and they fixed it. Problem is I am now getting another commerical Use message so Im not sure how long the fix lasts.

  • So Im getting a message saying that Im using Teamviewer commercially after it crashed last night. I got this message before at the end of June. I filled in the forms and eventually the fixed the problem. Could this be the result of a Teamviewer version update? Has anyone else had this problem again? Im only using Teamviewer to access my media center.

  • reweiss
    reweiss Posts: 2
    UPDATE: I'm not sure if Teamviewer saw this post or from when I resubmitted the "Commercial Use" form, but they contacted me via email this morning and fixed the issue. Thank you to the support team for resolving this second issue so quickly.
  • Matt3
    Matt3 Posts: 1

    I have twice now gone through the process to request my account be set as free after getting the 5 minute warning issues.  Twice I have recieved an email from team viewer saying my account has been confirmed as free, however everytime I try to connect I still get the 5 minute warning and actually get disconnected in less than a minute.

    I have tried logging out, restarting the device etc but to no avail - is there anything I can do to make the free licence take effect?

    Should I just look for an alternative to TV (if so please recommend!)

  • That’s great ? I can only hope they will fix mine quickly. I just hope they fix this bug that incorrectly detects commercial usage for people using tv privately.

  • I am running into the same issue, where did you email them to get this resolved? I saw that opening support tickets is only for commercial licenses.

  • SJ1965
    SJ1965 Posts: 1

    I do have exactly the same issue. Never used it commercially. Only between 2 PC, Win 10 Pro. 


  • I was detected as "Commercial Use"  I do not know how to do it, I use it only at home, with a family PC, mine is not a commercial use because I do not use it for profit

  • My TV is showing "commercial use suspected" again. This is 3rd time. Same PCs, always same connections between my own devices.

    This time, it was not unblocked and I got e-mail stating "Your account is under a commercial domain". How can my home network, served by residential service provider (e.q. not a business one) can suddenly be viewed as commercial?

    I now switched to **Third Party Product** that allows 5 PCs to be connected under "private use" so i don't have to deal with that nonsense, but  I really want to know what makes algorithm think I am on commercial domain?


  • Bramnet
    Bramnet Posts: 1

    I got the email back that my ID was reset, but I'm still experiencing the issue when trying to connect to it.

  • MykeC
    MykeC Posts: 3

    Despite the above reply saying my account has been reset to "free", nothing has changed.

    I just tried to connect from my Linux PC to my Windows laptop and it still says, "Commercial Use Suspected".

    So I tried to connect from my Windows laptop to my Linux PC and was immediately blocked and told I would have to wait 10 minutes before trying again.

    Maybe if someone would contact me directly and ask me for my IDs on these two *personal*, non-commercial machines, I could get back to being a happy TeamViewer user.

    I've only been submitting and resubmitting my log files via their Commercial Use Form for the past 7-8 weeks with no response.

  • SDK665
    SDK665 Posts: 1

    I use this to log into my home computer from work and I keep getting booted out every few seconds too.

  • By their complete lack of reaction, I believe TeamViewer CEO is making their position clear.

    They do not want Private Users.using their software.

    As such, I've begun writing to every online source which recommends TeamViewer and I'm asking them to cease promoting the software "for private use".  Guess I'm doing TeamViewers job for them.

    The FREE Application (actually free, not some **bleep** scam designed to get private users to pay for a commercial license)  that I've switched to is called [deleted by moderator]. The app will come right up in a Google Search.  My flight sim group and I have now used it several times and actually LOVE IT!!!

  •   Mine never did crash that I can recall… But yes it was recent and I can’t tell you precisely when but within the last two months that I started being “detected as a commercial user“. The only thing I’ve done in  the last 15 years of wonderful, Teamviewer free support, is assist my disabled vet brother in Atlanta and I always, “played honestly“

    Now I’m seeing, through the voluminous responses to the same problem, on the community here...what must by now, be a policy, made by the CEO,et al, to provide the code to discourage us legit FREE users from TV use.  

      The only other possibility is a coding and/or database  frack-up, that they can’t or won’t fix.

     Tell the truth Teamviewer suits on high, is this a petty policy to garner more revenue at the cost to us honest users, or are you and your crew incompetent? 


    Which is it???


    I’ll be surprised if this sees the light on this board...I’ll be copying it for use on YouTube if I don’t get satisfaction out of my second try at the “ticket system”





  • I think my ID got flagged as commercial after the IP changed because I started a VPN session and then remoted a PC on my local network.  I filled out the form over a month ago.... just Submitted another one.  Under the current regime your software is worse than useless. How much configuring - troubleshooting - moving of files can you do in 5 minutes?  I'll start complaining on social media if this isnt fixed soon.


  • SunnyLo
    SunnyLo Posts: 2
  • I was "set free" a few weeks ago and now this "commercial use suspected" issue came back.. Very frustrating. There is something very wrong in the analytics and the way corrective measures are being managed. It is not nice to be a test dummy for TV.

  • Any other option aside of TV? I mean, they're doing nothing at all, ignoring our messages and our tickets about it. Any other program good enough to use my pc on my workplace? Thanks.

  • WallyJ
    WallyJ Posts: 2

    How does running TeamViewer in a VM change how it sees your license and its usage?

  • Glassdub
    Glassdub Posts: 79

    If there is they will be deleated in 5 minutes this thread is only monitored for third party apps not to give any answers.

  • Glassdub
    Glassdub Posts: 79

    "I think my ID got flagged as commercial after the IP changed because I started a VPN session and then remoted a PC on my local network.  I filled out the form over a month ago.... just Submitted another one.  Under the current regime your software is worse than useless. How much configuring - troubleshooting - moving of files can you do in 5 minutes?  I'll start complaining on social media if this isnt fixed soon.

    Simon "

    I don't think this is the case I have used this regularly at work for years, now one PC works there & one does not (both on the same work network & OS) + my notebook (not on that network, on VPN) works fine, it just seems random.

  • Same issue, I changed to [removed by moderator] or one of several other packages, solved all problems.

  • try [removed by moderator]  or other viable alternatives.

  • that's silly, just download one of many alternative products!
  • That will cost me $70 a year after the first year...  Unfortunately I have more than one PC to remote...

  • Hey,
    I have used Teamviewer to connect from my Tower Computer to my Laptop because my laptop isnt next to me and is working for keeping some services alive (free services) i used teamviewer to chance something without have to grab my laptop set it up and edit it, run it, bring it back to the old location ... thats a lot of work for sometimes really low editings.... 

    But when i updated to winows 10 and installed teamviewer again, i accendently clicked on Comercial use .... now i cant use Teamviewer again .... because the license run out of time ... 

    I cant contact the support because licence only ... so i try my luck here .... 
    is it even possible to chance this`?

    Thanks for Help :)

  • paowdan
    paowdan Posts: 1

    Per the instructions here, I submitted a ticket about 9 days ago:*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*

    That page says:

    Due to the large number of requests we receive, answering the requests can take some time, although we are now aiming to solve all requests within seven days. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Given that it's been over a week that I haven't been able to use TeamViewer for personal use, I went looking for more answers.

    Can't contact TeamViewer by phone (only for paid users), can't submit a "regular" ticket (only for paid users)... can only submit a ticket to here:

    which seems to go into a black hole (not even a confirmation e-mail that they received request).

    Looks like I'm uninstalling TM and switching to a different "third party software" (self-censored since the mods here aren't responding to anyone except to hide references to any specific "free remote access software")... sad day.


  • normhal
    normhal Posts: 2

    Hi, as a happy TeamViewer (for Personal Use) user, I too received a message "suspecting" me of using it for commercial purposes. I followed their instructions about a week ago and today received an email advising they've reset my license for "Free" personal use.

    Whilst I haven't tested to see if the "embargo" has been lifted, I must say I really respect TeamViewer's attitude. I'm certainly not suggesting that you don't adhere to their license terms, but I do know that a number of commercial institutions and/or individuals do indeed exploit their generous offer, and they spoil the service ofered to us personal users, and steal well earned revenue from software suppliers such as TeamViewer.

    I for one really love TeamViewer. I use it to access a number of my own personal computers around the house, as well as offering support to friends involved in my hobby of model railroading. In spite of the "warning" message, TeamViewer allows me to access Windows and Linux systems from either platform. If there is another "freeware" product which can match the features of TeamViewer, I'd like to hear about it. First test will be to see if I can also use my (Android) tablet to access any of my systems:-)

  • justyo
    justyo Posts: 2


    I agree with you that TV has every right to enforce their license when it's abused by commercial entities.  But there are many ways they can to this without alienating everyone.

    1) If someone complains that they are not using it commercially (via the link), then automatically allow them to continue while the request is being reviewed. 

    2) Work on their algorithm that determines commercial usage and fine tune it based on what they have found while doing #1

    3) Have TV create a log of contacts, ID contacted, time, mac address, etc. to track usage.  Then, if someone believes they were wrongly accused of being used for commercial uses, have them send in the log which should back up their statements.

    But to just **bleep** everyone off and not respond, that's a problem.  The sad part is that they could easily chime in on this thread and address the problem.  I am guessing that people are more upset because of the lack of communication/response than they are about the actual issue (other than the issue is not getting resolved.)

    Anyway, I have had to give up on TV and move on.  I am sad, but really have not choice.