Stop TeamViewer from refreshing?

Hello. I am using TeamViewer 15 to virtually operate a PC and display that PC's contents on a television screen. I am using it primarily to display web content like YouTube. However, every minute or two the browser or feed seems to refresh, which makes any video playing start over from the beginning. Is there any way to stop this happening in TeamViewer? I haven't found an option for it so far. Thank you.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @MidoriW,

    Thank you for your message. ✌

    TeamViewer only captures the screen of the remote device and shows it on your local device.

    In other words, the refresh can't be triggered by TeamViewer. The issue might be somewhere else and not TeamViewer-relevant.



    Community Manager