Archive logs


Padłam ofiara oszustwa, do którego został użyty teamviewer gdzie i czy mogę znaleźć archiwalne logi miesiąc wstecz. Czy jest szansa na znalezienie ich w  komputerze, albo gdzie powinnam się zgłosić. Czy ktoś może pilnie podać jakieś informacje?

I fell victim to a scam for which teamviewer was used and where can I find archived logs a month back. Is there a chance to find them on the computer or where I should go. Can someone urgently provide any information?

I apologize for my poor English, but I can do it with Google :)



  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 898 Senior Moderator

    Hello @malgo53 

    Thank you for your post.

    We are sorry you were contacted in this way. We recommend you never grant access to your PC to anyone you do not know or trust.

    Please report this here:

    For how to find your log files, please see here.

    For more information on TeamViewer and scamming, please see this article.

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator
