We have a few servers, from different clients, running different OS versions (Windows Server 2016 Standard and Windows Server 2019 Standard) with Teamviewer Host installed. This servers have Remote Desktop Services role installed. Teamviewer host is only used by system administrators. Users cannot install or uninstall applications. Sometimes we notice the Teamviewer host stops working and its uninstalled. The logs only state
2020/02/26 16:30:12.036 10304 7912 S0! KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectEndedHandler(): KeepAliveConnection[34] with router2.teamviewer.com ended
2020/02/26 16:30:12.192 10304 7148 S0 SHMR: Destroying shared memory
2020/02/26 16:30:12.192 10304 4592 S0 AcceptServer::HandleAccept: socket closed
2020/02/26 16:30:12.192 10304 7148 S0 RemoteSessionManager::ClearAllRemoteSessions(): RemoteSession Count: 0
2020/02/26 16:30:12.192 10304 9488 S0 NetworkControl shutdown done
2020/02/26 16:30:12.192 10304 9488 S0 Service ended
I can upload the full logs if need, but only pasted here the last 6 log lines.
We have no ideia what can be causing this, it has happened in some SQL servers as well running the same OS versions. We always try to keep Teamviewer updated to the lastest version.
Thanks for your help!