I am not satisfied and would like to return. How to cancel my license. I am still on my 7 day money back guarentee period
Hello @stefanoc
Thank you for your message.
Unfortunately, you cannot cancel your subscription on the Community.
The only way to cancel is to submit a ticket via this link: Open a ticket now!
I thank you in advance for your understanding.
Hi @下田潔司,
Thank you for your post. We are unable to affect or provide direct support in cancellation or licensing issues here in the community, for security purposes. Cancellation requests must be received in written form, which is easiest via the ticket system:
Hi there,
thanks for your posts. It´s sad to read you want to cancel.
However, we have a Knowledge Base article that gives you info all around a teamViewer subscription here:
This article also explains how to cancel:
For your security, all cancellations must be submitted in written form, by submitting a ticket. Written requests must be received by TeamViewer at least 28 days before the end of the initial subscription term or any subscription renewal term.
I hope this helps you.
Best, Esther
I take it back!!! once I've logged in here I found the Service tab at the top and you raise your ticket in there!
If I had have read this before signing up I would never have signed up.
Disgusting behaviour by Team Viewer. This is something I think someone would expect from a **bleep** site not an IT company.
Yes, it is impossible to cancel the subscription. I have created a tick to cancel my Business subscription but no response for a week.
From what I can tell so far, here is how it goes:
There is only one way I can see to interpret this: they do not want us to remember the charge until the day of renewal because that would give us the opportunity to cancel it or maybe even compare it to some other service.
I, for one, avoid auto-payments almost entirely, so I will definitely be canceling my TeamViewer account well before it rolls around next year. Then I will probably switch to another service that is more up front regarding the billing process.
When you placed your order, you should have received an email with an attachment. Open that and in the upper right hand corner are both an email address and a phone number to reach out to TeamViewer to talk to them. If you can not find that document, PM me and I will share them from mine.
In my case, Teamviewer informed me only on the date before they renewed the contract and left me with no time to remove the auto renew. Even I sent an email to them and request the cancellation before the renew date, they replied to me after 3 days and said they could not help. I believe their business model intentionally put customers in trouble with the auto renewal.
I need to cancel my subscription too it's within the 7 days. When i click on create a ticket it loops me back to the community. How can I cancel!?
Why can't we view billing history online?Are we really supposed to call during specific times to a call center just go to get this kind of information?I am the one with the administrative account for our corporate plan, we have things like accounts payable that wants this sort of information, it should be viewable online like every other internet based company in 2018. Are there any plans to fix this and make it available online so we do not have to use a telephone during specific times to speak to a person?
I paid with PayPal, so I went to PayPal and cancelled my standing order from there.
Here is how to cancel an automatic payment with a merchant:
Hello @mtsted
Thank you for your post.
Please PM me the number you are calling where you hear an ad for a cruise. I have verified our lines are operational at this moment.
Regarding your cancellation, please also PM your invoice and contact info so we may have a representative reach out to you.
Thanks in advance!
I tried to open a ticket to disable autorenew, but this was what I got as answer:
"Unfortunately, I cannot disable the auto-renewal in advance, but do not worry. We will remind you 6 weeks before auto-renewal to make sure that you are informed about it. If at that time you still wish to terminate the contract, contact us again."
This does not seem like an answer from a reputable company?! Surely I must be able to cancel the autorenew at any time, especially when there was no way to buy the product without autorenew!?
I have made an attempt to challenge the original answer I got. Let's see how it goes...
me neither, usually when a bill of over $2,000 is going to renew you get a reminder about it before kicking in,
there is nowhere to cancel the account, calling is a no.
I had to cancel my paypal and credit card so they dont auto renew.
This is intentional. They want you to struggle to cancle. This is a very untrustworth company.
How did you create a ticket? I tried to and it loops me back to community.
I am now in the process of canceling my subscription. I made a point of adding a calendar item to remind myself to do this well before the renewal date. Then I realized that if I died today, my children would be unaware of this upcoming $600 charge, and it could continue charging my account for something they would never use for years as they work their way through closing out my estate.
I fully understand how and why companies want to do everything by pre-paid subscription; it provides a predictable income stream. But when one weighs that against customer experience, TeamViewer has absolutely lost my confidence.
Add to that the fact that TeamViewer staff periodically post responses here on the forum indicating that cancelation cannot be handled through the forum, and it becomes clear that they are missing the point: nobody is trying to process cancelation by posting here; we are trying to communicate that they are losing customers due to a legal but very unsavory business practice.
I dared not wait until any closer to the end than two months, lest I be caught by some last-minute internet outage or technicality. What I cannot tell yet is if my subscription will be canceled now, two months before it expires, or if it will properly be set to expire at the end of the period for which I have already paid.
I do not care too much either way now because 1) I am in the process of switching to another provider, 2) my credit card expired anyway, and I have not entered the new number, and 3) I already have TeamViewer's response acknowledging my cancelation request well ahead of 28 days. Of course, now I half expect to be told that the request has to be done at exactly 28 days instead of a minimum of 28 days.
This is not to say that TeamViewer is doing anything remotely close to illegal, just that I also run a business and woud never dream of putting my customer relationship so far behind my cash flow requirements as TeamViewer does.
Maybe someone can pay attention here and understand that this makes an otherwise-acceptable and viable service odious enough to many of us that we are going elsewhere. I wish this factor had not been important enough to make me leave. But it is, after all, still a free market (last I heard, anyway...)
Goodbye, TeamViewer, and good luck!
We have had the same issue as you, payment taken without any notice and TV are refusing to issue a refund - we've cancelled the payment with our card provider.
It's quite clear that they are contradicting the EU statutes on reasonable notice periods but their representative (Lamar) denies it - tell your card provider not to honour the charge!
We're quite looking forward to the court case on this one as it's clear TeamViewer aren't following any reasonable procedures for their customers.
Hi there I'm havng the same experience, i only received the invoice on saturday, and got debited Monday. I mailed the sales team to cacel the subscription but have since received no repsonse. I call the SA accountS department this morning and was told that i need to cancel 24 day before, how is this possible when i'm only invoiced on such short notice. I will take this futher. Let see waht the other subscibers think. This is'nt ethical at all.
#5263069]: Sales Inquiry: Cancellation query
@Badr000014 wrote:Hi,I would like to cancel my teamviewer business license and refund the full amount which I paid today (13 July 2019).I send it to sales team and support team as well ( Ticket ID: 5259148 and Ticket ID: 5259142 ) what to do to ensure the process during 7 days?
Why is it impossible to submit a ticket to cancel?
No where in TeamViewer will it allow you to create a ticket.
I finally opened a ticket and got them to confirm that they will simply allow my account to expire. Then they tried to convince me that there really is a way for them to configure non-automatic charges.
But because that was clearly something hidden from the user interface and intended only to try to pacify those customers persistent enough to get to this point in the system, I told them not to even try to convince me to stay, and my account is now set to expire at the end of this term.
I have already started using another remote assistance provider. This treatment of us as customers is unacceptable. I suppose the numbers are in their favor, though; enough people will forget to cancel 28 days beforehand that the small guarantee of extended revenue stream may simply be more important to TeamViewer than the risk of lost customer retention due to the fact that they do not allow easy configuration of manual renewal.
Besides that, they can then continue to collect from the bank account of a deceased person until the estate figures out that the account needs to be canceled.
This is absolutely unethical. I’ve tried canceling for a long time. You cannot cancel online. You try to submit a ticket, then go to sales questions where they have a drop down for cancel my subscription but it takes you to the community page and not to a place to submit a cancelation ticket! So frustrating.
I have had this issue also. There was no reminder or notification that our supscription was renewing - I purchased for 12 month only to get us through until we got a new computer. I haven't used the software in what would now be the new billing cycle. I tried to find an email or a phone number to talk to someone and there was no way for me to get in touch with someone regarding my account. Our credit card expired and I didn't update it, now I am getting what looks like suspecious correspondance with horrible english from germany demanding the money and have applied all of these extra charges for I dont know what. When I tried to call and verify the message service was in german (which I dont speak) so I have no idea what is going on. This is an absolute joke. DO NOT BUY TEAM VIEWER!
I did that too.
I have tried so many times to get in touch with a manager from TeamViewer. I have the business subscription from a previous job and as I no longer work there I did not realize it would auto renew to my account. I was a PA and don't know why they would come after me for this. If they want me to take rent money to pay for this subscription that has not been in use since earlier this year, it shows how corrupt this company really is. As the production has ended I have no way of reaching out to them, yet the people I have talked to are not listening. I did not receive any warning. They did not remind me 6 weeks prior as it has said in several threads regarding this. Has anyone found a way to resolve this?
I have tried so many times to get in touch with a manager from TeamViewer. I have the business subscription from a previous job and as I no longer work there I did not realize it would auto renew to my account. I was a PA and don't know why they would come after me for this. If they want me to take rent money to pay for this subscription that has not been in use since earlier this year, it shows how corrupt this company really is. As the production has ended I have no way of reaching out to them, yet the people I have talked to at TeamViewer are not listening. I did not receive any warning. They did not remind me 6 weeks prior as it has said in several threads regarding this. Has anyone found a way to resolve this?
This does not work!
Hello @Acecool
We understand that denied termination and cancellation requests generate frustration. However, I can guarantee you that TeamViewer does not use any kind of methods in order to deny termination/cancellation requests.
The rules are simple:
Our decisions are all based on our EULA, which is approved and accepted by any customer that purchases a license. We handle every case in the same way, in order to stay fair among all our customers.
You will find all the information you need in the following articles/documentation :
Note: Additionally, termination/cancellation requests count from the date the customer sends in the ticket, regardless of how fast the request is processed.
I hope this could help.
Your link does not go to a place where I can submit a ticket.
I also think it it rediculous it is so hard to cancel a subscription. Also it is not correct to have a notice of 28 days for a 1000 euro subscription and it should be as easy to stop a subscription as it is to start the subscription.
Where do I find a direct link to submit a ticket? I have been searching for 15 minutes.
This does not feel right at all!!!
Yep. I got done on this. TeamViewer hid their practice of automatically renewing the license and taking money from people's bank account unless they give 28 days notice in the fine print at the bottom of the invoice. They neither told me this in the original e-mail or did they send me a renewal notice.
I found later that in their documentation that they say that they will send a renewal notice unless local laws do not allow it. This was untrue - actually they will not send a renewal notice unless forced to by local new laws.
In my case I paid for the license at Australian rate and in Australian dollars, and all my dealings with TeamViewer have been with the Australian office. Under Australian laws the renewal must be sent. But as I was going to be spending a lot of time in China, I put down an address in China.
Teamviewer then used the lack of Chinese laws not to send the renewal letter claiming I was a Chinese user even though they had happily forced me to pay Australian rates. When I raised these issues and the fact that I no longer use the product (which they can verify from their records) their only response is that they "cannot cancel the subscription".
TeamViewer has no interest in acting with integrity or dealing with customers fairly. Deal with this company at your own risk.
I never get reminder when my subscription nearly end, but suddenly my credit card is charged for automatic renewal. I don't know where to ask thus I open a ticket to technical support as well as to marketing, but never get answered. What I am asking for is how can I cancel automatic subscription.
Really dissapoint for this bad service.
@Esther wrote: Hi @CopyInnThank you for your post.The renewal is taking the same billing details you had for the first order. On your invoice it is stated which payment method is chosen (PayPal or credit card) in the text underneath the table.You are right, there are no billing information available in your TeamViewer login. Please feel free to call your local sales department whenever you are having a question in regards to your license or billing. I hope, this information is helpful.Thank you, Esther
Hi @CopyInn
The renewal is taking the same billing details you had for the first order. On your invoice it is stated which payment method is chosen (PayPal or credit card) in the text underneath the table.
You are right, there are no billing information available in your TeamViewer login. Please feel free to call your local sales department whenever you are having a question in regards to your license or billing.
I hope, this information is helpful.
Thank you, Esther